Love's Night

By Asso

Rating: G

Genres: romance


This story has been read by 2221 people.
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Note: Millions of thanks :) justTrip'n

Love’s Night

There’s a night in the year, very special, unique
Where a magic atmosphere reigns of soft, sweet suspense
There’s on Earth a small town, lost among the mountains,
strewn with snow and asleep, in the spell of this night.
There’s a house in the town, not too large, very cute,
Wholly hemmed with firs, branches sagging under snow.
There’s a room in the house, all adorned for feasts,
Which appears the sole place where a soul is awake.
There’s a woman in the room, wearing a silky red robe.
Bronzy skin, fine figure, pretty and elegant posture.
There’s a door behind her, half-open, through which
A large bed can be seen, and a man, who sleeps quiet.
There's a cap on her head, slightly hiding her ears.
And her hair is as dark as the man’s appears fair.
There's a tree close to her, which is loaded with lights,
Which shine brightly in the calm, in the dark of the night.
There's a window on the wall, behind which she can see
Millons of large, soft snowflakes which fall slow from the sky.
There’s a fireplace on one side, where a perky, soft flame
Sizzles gaily and beams quietlya mild warmth all around.
There’s a package in the hands of the woman, a small box.
She’s intent and silent. Wholly engrossed, she eyes it.
There’s a dreamy expression on her beautiful face.
Staring intently at the box, she holds it carefully.
She displays so much care that she seems to stroke it.
It is wrapped with paper, made with silver and with gold.
There’s a card on the package and few words upon it.
“To my Mistress of Logic, to the love of my life.”
There’s a note at the bottom: “Handle this with kid gloves.
Careful. Don’t damage. It contains a loving heart.”
There’s a shimmering damp in the woman’s bright eyes,
Sparkling more than the lights, than the tree’s glitzy spangles.
There's no woman in the world, who, so loved and in love,
Could manage to repress the sweet glow of her heart.
There's no woman in the cosmos who, so loved and in love
Could help but weep softly of warm love in this love’s night.



This a beautiful & wonderful poem Asso very moving.T'pol got a very special gift from Trip indeed.To the mistress of Logic and the love of my life was a nice romantic  line in your poem.:D


This is very good, Asso, so descriptive and quiet.  Also the rhythm is nice, lulling. 


To the Mistress of Logic...:) That one made me smile. You made a beautiful painting in words, a painting with a lot of red, warmth and love.


What a beautiful and vivid picture you have drawn of this night. I could see this mountain house settled in the snow, comforting fire, and the woman in red holding her gift while her love sleeps.

What woman is not moved by a special gift from the heart of the man she loves. Wonderful, as always.

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