
By Aquarius

Rating: PG-13

Genres: challenge

Keywords: bond pon farr

This story has been read by 1267 people.
This story has been read 1933 times.

DISCLAIMER:  CBS/Paramount owns Enterprise and its characters.  I'm just having fun with them, so cool it!

A/N:  This is my response to the July 2009 Word Prompt challenge, "Burn."

He hadn't seen this before, but he knew right away what it was. She had prepared him.

Her chest heaved with every labored breath. A shimmer of perspiration highlighted every muscle, every curve of her body, plastering her singlet and shorts to her flesh in just the right way, in all the right places.

There was very little left of "his" T'Pol behind dark eyes that raged with an all-consuming hunger. She was nothing but appetites and instincts now.

The moment she touched his body, she was going to burn him down to the ground.

And he was going to let her.




Phe-eew!  "Light blue touchpaper and stand well back!"  Frighteningly vivid imagery there!


What Panyasan said. But, honestly, I'm glad this piece is very short.


Normally I don't like to just say that I thought it was good but Panyasan summed it up perfectly.


I am not a fan of female Pon Farr, but this short piece is so poetic, says so much in just a few lines: I love it.


Entering the verification code (twice) took longer than reading this fic, LOL.  I like short fics and this one takes the prize for the absolute shortest, I think.  Great line: "she was going to burn him down to the ground".  Just what I think Vulcan passion is like once ignited! 

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