It's a Boy!

By Silverbullet

Rating: PG

Genres: family

Keywords: birth marriage

This story has been read by 999 people.
This story has been read 1427 times.



Disclaimer: Just having fun. No infringement intended.

Thanks: To justTrip'n!


"Trip wake up, it is time."

Trip jumped out of bed and went to the comm.

"Tucker to Phlox"

"Phlox here"

"T’Pol says it’s time."

"How far apart are the contractions?"


"Dunno, just that she knows it is time."

"All right. I will call in my assistants. The baby could have a little consideration. It is five in the morning and they will be sleeping."

"Be right down."

Trip put on his sweat pants and top and some slippers.

Trip unfolded a wheel chair, walked to the bathroom, got T’Pol's robe, and walked back to the bed.

He pulled T’Pol to a standing position and helped her into the robe.

T’Pol sat down in the wheel chair. Trip got two boxes out of the closet and put them in the carrier at the back of the wheelchair seat.

Trip pushed the chair to the door, and wheeled it out of the door. He closed the door and started down the hallway.

"Gangway! Coming through!" He shouted at people in the hallway. He was running down the hallway, the wheelchair careening as it rolled along.

"Slow down. We may crash and hurt the baby," shouted T’Pol

Trip slowed to a trot. When they got to the lift, he pushed the button. When the lift arrived, he pushed his way in, wheeled the chair around, and shut the door on the face of people trying to get in.

"Take the next one. We’re in a hurry."

The lift stopped on the sickbay floor. Trip pushed the wheelchair out and toward the doors of the sickbay. He turned the chair around and pushed the doors open with his butt. He pulled the chair in. Once in, he wheeled the chair around in front of the maternity biobed with its stirrups.

"Ah, good morning, Commanders," said Phlox. “T’Pol we have to get you prepared. Would you like to give birth in your own nightgown or wear our hospital maternity gown? “

T’Pol stood, she opened the robe, and Trip took it off her.

"Put this on," said Phlox holding out a hospital gown which was much shorter than T’Pol's nightgown. She put it over her head and shrugged it down on to her body.

"Now take off your undergarment," said Phlox.

T’Pol took off her panties and Phlox put them in the recycle.

"Sit on the biobed please. Good, now lay back. Phlox took each of T’Pol's feet and put them in the stirrups. He covered T’Pol with a sheet.

Trip moved to the side of the bed. He looked down at T’Pol.

"All right?"

"I am fine," T’Pol answered stoically .

"Commander Tucker, please put on those hospital trousers, top, the hair covering, and mask."

"How come?" asked Trip.

"It is merely a precaution. I expect the baby will be born vaginally, but if we need to do emergency surgery to deliver this baby, presumably you will still want to be present."

Trip did as he was told.

Phlox pulled up a small stool right at the end of the biobed, and he sat down on it.

"What are you doing, Doctor?”

"I am examining T’Pol, first to check her dilation."

"Oh, don't get too personal, okay?"

”Commander Tucker I have seen your wife like this a few times while examining her during her pregnancy."

"You have? You didn't tell me that T’Pol.”

"I did not think it was important, and I believed that it might upset you."

"You were right about that," said Trip.

The two assistants walked in went to a room and changed into their surgical clothing. They came back out and began to arrange equipment, towels, bottles, and whatever Phlox would need during the delivery.

"Gloves, lubricant," Phlox said to a female assistant. She put a surgical glove on his hand and handed him a tube of lubricant.

Phlox liberally covered the glove with lubricant.

"What are you going to do now?" asked Trip.

"I am going to make sure the baby is in the right position, head down and to make sure the cord is not wrapped around his neck. If it is, we will have to do an emergency C-Section.  Is the C-Section equipment ready?"asked Phlox.

Yes, we have everything here, and we can have her ready for it in a minute or two," said a male assistant.

"Good," said Phlox.

He inched the stool in closer to the bio bed and reached his hand towards T’Pol's vagina.

"Whoa, Doc. What the Hell you doing now?"

“Commander Tucker, I need to focus. I want you to trust me and watch this delivery quietly," said Phlox.

"Sure, Doc, but it almost looked like you were going to put your hand inside her."

"I am. My hand will not be as large as the baby, and I will not have to penetrate that far. Just far enough to make sure every thing is all right."

Phlox pushed his hand into T’Pol for a few inches and felt gently around.

"Fine. Head and body are in proper position, and the cord is out of the way."

Phlox pulled out his hand and turned to another assistant, holding out his gloved hand. The asssistant rolled the glove off the doctor’s hands hand.

"Gloves," said Phlox.

The assistant put a new glove on each of the doctors hands.

Plox again turned to the bottom of the bio bed.

T’Pol gave a small groan, then called out to her husband, “Trip!”

"Give her something," said Trip.

"She should know the joy of a natural childbirth," said Phlox.

"Give her something," insisted Trip.

"Natural childbirth," said Phlox.

"Something!" said Trip.

"Natural," said Phlox.

An assistant stepped up and gently pushed Trip back. She indicated that T’Pol should roll on her side, which T’Pol did. The nurse pushed a hypospray onto T’Pol's back and emptied the entire contents into her.

"Something," said the assistant.

"What did you do?" asked Phlox looking at the assistant.

"It was on her request sheet.  In case of pain, she wanted epidural anesthesia."

"A natural birth would have been better for both the mother and baby," grumbled Phlox.

"When was the last time you had one, Doctor?" asked Trip. "How do your wives feel about it?"

Phlox mumbled something under his breath but said nothing out loud.

"T’Pol, push like I showed you during our sessions on delivery. Not too hard, remember your Vulcan strength. You don't want to hurt your child," said Phlox

"I will," said T’Pol.

"Start to push then," said Phlox.

T’Pol started a gentle push. Not too strong but enough to help her son along the birth canal.

"Good, good," said Phlox.

T’Pol kept the push going, hard but not too hard, trying not to stop.

"I see the top of his head," said Phlox.

Phlox put his hands on either side of T’Pol's vulva waiting for the Head to emerge followed by the baby's shoulders. When they appeared, he hooked a finger under each arm and pulled slowly inching the baby out of the birth canal. Finally the baby’s body emerged, and the child was soon completely out of his mother’s body.

Trip had been given some shears by one of the assistants.

"Cut here," said Phlox indicating a place on the umbilical cord, "quickly."

Trip did as indicated, nervously.

Phlox handed the baby to his assistants who proceeded to clean him. Meanwhile Phlox had taken the shears and cut the umbical cord as close to T’Pol's body as possible. The cord pulled back into her body. Phlox held up his end of the cord while an assistant put a bottle under it. Phlox put one end of the cord in to the mouth of the bottle and raised the cord pouring the blood in to the bottle.

"Cord blood. Best thing for a transfusion if the baby has any problems," Phlox said.

"Problem? What problem?" asked Trip.

"None that I expect, but it is always best to be ready for anything.  I’ve got a lot of mother’s blood stored in here in case of an emergency where she might need transfusions. T’Pol  has been coming in once a month to donate a half liter of her blood for me to store. We have a fair amount now," said Phlox.

Trip looked down at T’Pol. She looked tired but happy.

"How are you doing, Mama?" joked Trip.

"Fine, Father," replied T’Pol.

"You mean ‘Daddy,’ don't you?" smiled Trip.

"We don't use ‘Daddy’ on Vulcan, just ‘ Father,’" said T’Pol.

An assistant nudged Trip. He turned and was handed a small bundle wrapped in a blanket. A face peeped out of the blanket. Trip gazed at his son. He could see wisps of blonde hair. The boy’s eyes were closed so Trip gently raised one eyelid with his finger. The eyes were blue, same color as his father’s eyes,  ears were pointed, and the complexion was T’Pol's. Trip couldn't decide who the boy looked like, T’Pol or himself, maybe both.

"Blonde Hair, blue eyes, pointed ears," said Trip.

He handed the baby to T’Pol who eagerly took it, cradling the baby in the crook of her arm, holding it close to her body. She moved the blanket a bit to get a better look at her new son.

"He is handsome like his father," she said.

"Good looking like his mother," corrected Trip with a grin.

"Probably looks a bit like both of you," said Phlox.

"What are we going to name him?" asked Trip.

"Charles Armstrong Tucker the Fourth," said T’Pol firmly.

"You sure? Don't want to have a Vulcan name in there somewhere?" said Trip.

"NO! Charles Armstrong Tucker the Fourth," T’Pol said with more firmness in her voice.

"Charles the Fourth it is, then," agreed Trip.

"I will put that on the official birth record, then," said Phlox walking in to his office.

"What nickname shall we give him?" wondered Trip.

"Nickname? Why should he have a nickname," asked T’Pol.

"All good Southern boys have a nickname," said Trip.

'He is not only the son of a Southern male, but he is half Vulcan too and Vulcans don't have nicknames."

"Well, lets compromise. The Human half will have a nickname and the Vulcan half won't," laughed Trip.

"That is illogical. If the Human half has a Nickname, the whole boy will be called that."

"Guess so. Can't be helped. Let's see, what would be a good nickname?"

"You are a stubborn Human, Commander Tucker," snapped T’Pol.

"Yeah, but one you love and have had a baby with," grinned Trip.

"I am beginning to wonder if I did the right thing then," T’Pol replied, but there was amusement in her eyes.

"Come on T’Pol.  What harm is there in a nickname?  You want him to fit in with other Human males? They will have nicknames. ‘Charles’ will get him hooted at."

"Charles is a dignified name. He should be proud of it."

"Only time I was called Charles at home was when my Mom was mad at me. Otherwise it was ‘Trip’ since I can remember."

"All right. It is not worth arguing over, even if you do love to argue."

"Great! What about ‘Chip’?" Asked Trip

"Chip," T’Pol said with a raised eyebrow.

Yup, first two letters of my name Charles and last two letters of my nickname Trip."

"Chip?" said T’Pol rolling the name off her tongue and lips. "Has a nice sound to it. Agreed."

Trip leaned over his son and said, "Hi, there, Chip Tucker."

Chip didn't react. Just slept.

"Didn't seem to move him one way or the other," said Trip

"He is young, just a baby. Let him grow up a few weeks before asking him to respond to this nickname." T’Pol smiled.

Phlox came out of the office with a padd, handed it to Trip who handed it to T’Pol.

"He is official" said Trip. "Says so right there on the birth certificate."

"T’Pol looked at ther infant son. You are now officialy our son named Charles Armstrong Tucker. Mother T’Pol and Father Charles Tucker."

Chip chose that time to wake and start to fuss.

"Maybe he wants different parents," Said Trip. "Too late, no exchanges once delivery is made."

Chip fussed some more and gave a small cry, then a louder and longer one.

"I believe he is hungry," said Phlox. "T’Pol, would you like to feed him? Commander Tucker, if you two would like some more privacy, you can wheel the biobed into that room. You will also find a bassinette in there so she can lay him in it to sleep after his meal."

"Okay Doctor, will do," said Trip.

He and Phlox maneuvered the biobed into the room. Trip walked back out and pushed the wheel chair in to the room also. He closed the door.

T’Pol had her gown open and had her breast to the baby's mouth. He was nursing lustily.

"He is hungry," said T’Pol. "It is a wonderful feeling to have him nurse. It seems to bring me close to him. Like our bond."

Trip watched his wife and son with love and awe in his face. He never in his wildest dreams thought he would have a Vulcan wife and a Half Vulcan/Half Human son, but he was grateful to whatever fate had given him these treasures.

Chip finally finished his meal. Trip took a cloth, laid it on his shoulder, took Chip from T’Pol, laid Chip on his shoulder, and proceeded to burp him.

"What are you doing?" asked T’Pol.

"He probably got a little air in his stomach while feeding, so I am trying to get it out. It may cause him to bring up some of the milk," said Trip

Trip gently patted and rubbed Chip’s back. He heard a satisfying burp and then two more. After a while, Trip thought that was all that would come. He laid Chip in the bassinette.

"Guess it is nap time," said Trip.

"That is good, I think I can use one," said T’Pol

Just then, they heard Phlox’s announcement on the ships comm:

"We have a new crewman aboard. Charles Tucker the Fourth came on board at 5:26 a.m. He weighs 3.8 kilos. He has blonde hair, blue eyes, pointed ears, and T’Pol's complexion. You may meet our newest addition in one half hour outside the Decon Chamber."

"Shit, why did he announce that without consulting us?" snarled Trip.

"I am dishevelled. I prefer the crew not see me like this, and I won't allow Chip to go out there without me," said T’Pol.

Triip took out the boxes he had put in the back of the wheel chair.

"Open them," he said handing the boxes to T’Pol.

T’Pol did and found a nightgown and negligee in them. Both items were a light green. In the other box was a hair brush, some eye makeup, lip gloss, and a toothbrush.

"Thank you, Trip. This was thoughtful of you," T’Pol said.

"Better get ready. You only have a little time."

"Help me with this gown," T’Pol asked.

Trip pulled the gown over T’Pol head. Leaving her with the panties Phlox had given her after the delivery and no bra.

"I have to wash up, brush my teeth and hair. Chip needs to get ready too."

"Chip? What does he need?" asked Trip

Well, his hair should be brushed, and his gown has to be straight. You want your son to look his best the first time out."

"Yeah, first impressions are important," agreed Trip

T’Pol washed herself all over, giving herself a sponge bath.

"That feels so good. I was all sweaty," she said.

"At last T’Pol put on the nightgown and negligee. Trip helped her back on to the bio bed and pulled the sheet up over her.

"Give me the baby,” she said.

Trip picked up Chip from the bassinette and handed him to T’Pol.

"Give me the baby brush that came with the layette. It is over there. I saw it when we came in."

Trip opened the layette found the brush and handed it to T’Pol. She gently brushed the wisps of blonde hair and made a small curl on the top of Chip’s head.

"I saw that in the ship’s database on Human children. It looked so nice I hoped our baby would have enough hair to make a curl."

"It does look nice."

"It is almost time for us to go out. I hope they like Chip," said a proud T’Pol. "Oh, you are dressed in your sweats. You can't go out looking like that."

"They will be looking at you and Chip. They will never even notice me," grinned Trip.

Phlox came in. "Ready for him to meet his shipmates?"

"Yup, help me wheel the biobed into Decon."

Phlox and Trip got the biobed situated in in the Decon Chamber. T’Pol fussed with Chip’s blanket and gown. Making sure his face was exposed to the window.

"Are we ready?" asked Phlox as he slid open the screen over the window.

There was a crowd, outside all trying to get up to the window. Hoshi and Malcom were right at the window.

Trip stood behind the biobed with his chest puffed out and a very proud look on his face. Chip chose that time to yawn and open his eyes for an instant.

"Look, he does have blue eyes," said Hoshi. "Blonde hair too."

Looks like his mum," said Malcolm

"What do you know?" said Hoshi. "He is the image of his father."

Hoshi spoke through the comm: “Malcolm and I will baby sit any time you two need a break.'

Trip nodded yes.

Malcolm looked startled, and his balking earned him a stern look from Hoshi.  Malcolm then nodded his reluctant consent.

There were so many crowded around the window each trying to get a closer look at Chip. Then Archer showed up. "Excuse me, please," he said. "I want to get a look at our new crew member."

"What is his rank?" asked one.

"Let's see, Junior Apprentice Cadet," replied Archer.

"Cadet Tucker," said Trip. "Nice sound to that."

"Well, his duties for a while will be to sleep, eat, and mess his diapers," ordered Archer. "Of course the Science Officer and Chief Engineer will be responsible for his training, feeding and changing." Archer smiled.

"As ordered!" grinned Trip. "Sorry about no cigars, but No Smoking! aboard ship. So I will owe all of you who want one a big cigar and those who don't something else."

Phlox stepped up to the window.”Enough for now. I am sure you all will meet him in the coming days and months, but right now he needs some sleep and perhaps so do his parents," and with that Phlox pulled the screen back across the Decon window.

"You three can use that room you were just in. There is the bassinette there and another biobed for T’Pol. No need for one with stirrups. I’m not sure where we can put you, Commander Tucker."

"A blanket on the floor will do," said Trip, “long as I am with them."

"Well, it will be only for two days until I am sure that everything is all right with mother and child. Then all of you can go back to your quarters. By the way, Commander Tucker,  I suggest you change the baby for the first few days to give T’Pol a chance to rest and you some practice. Everything you will need is in that room."

"What about meals? Chip is fixed up, but T’Pol and I will need something sent down from the dining Hall."

"Taken care of. I’ve  already ordered meals for the both of you starting this evening," said Phlox.

Well then, guess we should go in to our room. You and Chip can get some needed sleep and I can get a few lessons in changing diapers from Phlox," said Trip.

Phlox and trip wheeled the biobed to the door of the room where T’Pol gingerly stood while Trip held the baby. She walked to the new bed and got into it gratefully. Trip walked around, gently laid his son in the bassinette and covered him with the blanket. Both Chip and T’Pol were asleep almost instantly. Trip walked out of the room, closed the door.

"Thanks a lot, Doc. We owe you a lot."

"Just doing my job." replied Phlox.





You really did capture the emotions surrouding a birth, Silverbullet. The right attitude of doctors during this event is very important and I am sorry to hear your experience was a negative one. For me, I have only positive experiences and I have been in labour three times - all times without any medication. It's the joy of birth and new life that counts and that sentiment you have written well.


Just a minor comment ... my nephew was born in a water birth six weeks ago in another state.  And women are demonstrating locally because two hospitals are merging and they're afraid the new one won't provide for water birthing (and full midwifery).  So I'd say it's not dead yet.


Linda, I am  NOT mad, unhappy, with your coments.  I  perhaps misread the bit about squatting.  You said that Humans might do this and then went on to say  vulcans might do the same because they are strong. so, I missed something there. I am sorry for that error.

As I said, t-Pol and Trip were aboard ship not in a hospital so a wheel chair wold be  used to transport t-Pol to sickbay. Had she walked it wouldhave been, by necesity, slowly. Chip may very well might have decided to come befoer Trip and t-Pol  could get to the  sickbay.  A hospital could handle a birth in the hallway but not aboard ship so speed was needed.

I purposely made t-Pol a little sissified so Trip and Phlox could have a little spat for humor. That too is why the Nickname thing between Trip and t-Pol. Trip was fine with Charles the fourth though because he didn't really put  up much of a fuss about it.

I do appreciate  your comments.  they are always enlightening.  PLease accept  my apologies if I upset you. That too was not my intention.




I did not advocate that T'Pol squat and drop a child.  Please read carefully what I said.  I said that some human cultures do that.  And the way you say it makes it sound like they just drop a child with no one to catch it which is untrue!  I can tell you are angry with me by the way you responded here.  Okay.  This is your story, so I will not make any more comments.   Perhaps you can get an administrator to delete my comments, because I can see that they are upsetting you and that was not my intention. 


Peace yes, However, you advocated T-Pol delivering  baby by  squatting and dropping  child. this is extremely dangerous and not at all Hygenic. T-Pol and vulcan Logic would never let her do something that would possibly endanger her  child. I expect that it was done once  in Europe in the dawn of time until probably after Roman times. but with advances in Hygene delivery by the modern way took place. Even today a midwife doesn't use that method.  I know for a while there was a movement of  birthing underwater. that seems to have faded. Having  a Doctor in attendance receiving the child I believe is best and I think the vulcans would believe so too. Hell, I suppose there may have been a time when a woman gave birth, cleaned the  Baby with her tongue and ate the afterbirth so Predators would not find it and follow her scent to the child. I wonder what  T-Pol would do if she had to give  birth alone with no one to help her deliver chip.


Silverbullet, it is your story, but with all due respect, your wife is human and T'Pol is not.  It is just not in my image of Vulcan culture for them to have medication unless there is a strong medical reason.  You have explained your reason, which is perfectly valid.  But it has not convinced me that it would be the Vulcan way. Peace, okay?  


Linda, they were aboard ship that is why Trip had  wheel chair it's would faster to get T-Pol down to  sickbay using it. she could walk but slowly. Chip may have decided to arrive before she got to sickbay.

Pain?  MY wife had our  Daughter in a Germna Hospital. Germans think that anyone who wants Pain medication anethesia, Novacain, etc. are sissies a good tough  german doesn't need those things so she had a Natural  childbirth even though she kept asking for something. She damned sue would have welcomed a saddle block or any Anethesia. Instead she ws left alone in a room. Doctor only coming in when the birth was starting. So, I had  t-Pol be a sissy. Just because you can stand pain doesn't mean that you enjoy it and won't accept an anethesia if offered.

BTW, I didn't see my  Daughter for three days after her birth and didn't hold her until she was ten days old. In German Hospitals, then, Mother and Baby stayed in Hospital for ten days.


While most of the details seemed realistic for a humam birth, but going to the hospital in a wheelchair did not.  Once INSIDE the hospital you are forced to be in a wheelchair.  I think a Vulcan even more than a human would walk into the hospital.  And some humans even walk around until the child is ready to emerge, then simply squat for the birth.  This is how I imagened Vulcan births to be since they are tough people.  And as for pain meds, Vulcans are supposed to have some internal healing powers so I do not believe T'Pol would have wanted pain medication.  Other than that, nice story!


liked the story didnt like Phlox he had a terrible bedside manner and was very pushy.


Very adorable! 


I loved the dingdong battle between Trip and Phlox!
And - do you know? - the way you described T'Pol... indeed you made her a little more credible - true! - than the way we saw her on screen.:)


Nice to see Trip had to fight for "Chip" but won. 


What a nice way for young Master Tucker to enter the world.  It's the perfect story for a new year.

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