Missing Scenes from Season Two - Minefield

By Alelou

Rating: PG

Genres: missing scene

Keywords: Romulans

This story has been read by 983 people.
This story has been read 1676 times.

This story is number 3 in the series Missing Scenes from Season Two

Spoilers: Minefield -- and it won't make sense without it.


Disclaimer: All things Star Trek belong to CBS/Paramount, not me. (As a missing scene, this story also obviously owes a debt to the episode's writer, John Shiban.)

Trip sat irritably at Malcolm's board, watching for their enemy and keeping an eye on the repair reports his staff were sending in. He folded his arms and glared down at the panel in front of him. There was really no way around it.

The captain had just made a really dumb decision based on emotion, not logic.

He looked up at T'Pol, who was sitting in the command chair with most of her attention focused on Travis, as if she could somehow help him fly Enterprise out of the alien minefield through sheer force of will.

That wasn't exactly logical either, but he could understand it better than abandoning one's command to go out on the hull to deal with a mine and a man down when there was a dangerous enemy threatening to destroy them at any moment. Trip would have been the better choice out there … and so would any senior member of Malcolm's armory crew.

Jon's decision especially rankled since his excuse -- the need to have the Chief Engineer on board -- didn't exactly hold water when said Chief Engineer was stuck on the Bridge manning Tactical.

"T'Pol," he called softly, reluctant to leave his board even long enough to consult with her. Who knew when their enemy would reappear?

She looked over, and he beckoned with his head.

She came over, leaning against the handle in front of his station until their heads were close enough together for a private conversation. "Commander?"

He lowered his voice even further. He certainly didn't want her to think he was trying to be insubordinate. "How about we get one of Malcolm's guys here so I can go supervise repairs?"

"It is my understanding that Engineering and Tactical cross-train extensively."

Trip scowled. "I'm not saying I can't do it. I'm saying I'm needed more elsewhere."

T'Pol stared at him for a moment. "Commander, just as the captain values having his first officer available for consultation during sensitive encounters, so I also value the presence of a second."

That surprised him -- although now that he thought about it, he wasn't sure why. "You mean you'd actually take my advice?" he asked, so pleased that he couldn't help responding with a tease.

"Stranger things have happened," she said, with the lift of an eyebrow, and returned to the captain's chair.

Trip grinned and settled in with a little more patience for whatever the day would bring.


x x x


They left Hoshi in sickbay and walked back towards the bridge in an efficient silence, but Trip couldn't help sneaking glances at his companion.

She'd really stiffened up at learning that ship was Romulan. And she'd known how to pronounce the name better than Hoshi. What was up with that? "So the High Command hasn't had direct contact with them before, huh?"

"As I said."

"And you?"

T'Pol stopped dead. "I report to the High Command, Mr. Tucker. If I had any more information about our attackers that I thought would help, I surely would have informed the captain. Do you doubt that?"

"Of course not." Still, there was something a little odd about the way she'd put that. "How about information that you don't think would help?"

She flushed just the slightest green. "Are you questioning my loyalty, Commander Tucker?"

"No," he said, "Of course not. I--"

"If these Romulans are indeed as aggressive as they are rumored to be, we are fortunate to have received any reprieve from immediate destruction. I think it would benefit the mission if you could focus on our escape, rather than brooding over any questions you might have about me."

His mouth opened to reply, but no words came.

She took off down the corridor, so he followed.

What the hell had just happened?

Still, she was right. He couldn't afford to wonder what the hell was going on with her until Enterprise was safely away. And it wasn't that he didn't trust T'Pol. He did trust T'Pol.

Probably it was nothing. Just another one of those endless Human/Vulcan misunderstandings.

Yes, probably that was it.



I love thtat little moment, with their heads bent close, and T'Pol anchoring herself on the handle closest to Trip. I feel the second season was rife with body language cues that these two were getting closer and closer...physically and otherwise.  


Again, well done.


Loved that she has: a) recognised that his opinion is valuable, and b) has been able to ask him to stay. They're slowly getting closer!


I read this today between clients at work.


T'Pol stared at him for a moment. "Commander, just as the captain values having his first officer available for consultation during sensitive encounters, so I also value the presence of a second."

That surprised him -- although now that he thought about it, he wasn't sure why. "You mean you'd actually take my advice?" he asked, so pleased that he couldn't help responding with a tease.

"Stranger things have happened," she said, with the lift of an eyebrow, and returned to the captain's chair.


That was beyond gold.  More like...shippy platinum!  ;) 

I am addicted to these.


As has been said, there is no logic in the captain of a ship putting his life in danger at every turn. Trip should give him a copy of 'Being A Captain for Dummies' :p

I loved T'Pol's joke. "Stranger things have happened"


I can only repeat what Cogito said.


Thanks, all.

Mary is right -- Archer on the hull did make for a better script.  But his senior officers might still view it as a stupid decision (certainly I did).  I actually really enjoyed how T'Pol dealt with it in that episode -- "Captain, I assume there's no point in my questioning your plan."  Smart lady!


It defintely understandable why Trip was upset with Archer and the whole situation with the Romulans.It certainly understandable whyTrip wanted to be reapairing the damaged caused by the mines. Also intriguing to see T'Pol's reaction to the mention of the Romulans. A very touchy subject for her.I wonder how much she knows about the Romulans.


Archer's idiotic behaviour on the show bugged the hello out of me and it's hard to imagine why Starfleet would let him keep his command after so many obviously bad calls, so it's good to see his senior staff giving him mental eye rolls at this latest foolishness.

T'Pol is beautifully enigmatic but we can see a dry sense of humour peeking out. As a dyed-in-the-wool shipper, I loved the TnT sub-text too:

"No. I want you here. With me."


It was great how you added a little mystery. What does T'Pol know about the Romulans that she can't share? I felt for Trip - he didn't intend to offend her, but she is brushing him off. Not that she likes it, but she can't share her secrets. The first scene was also nice. You portrayed two officers that are friends, seeking each other out - without realizing it.


Archer really needs to learn how to delegate responsibility.  I'm not surprised that Trip was upset.  It was very nice, though, that T'Pol wanted Trip to stay on the bridge.  She really has learned to value his opinion. 

T'Pol's response to the Romulans was very interesting.  It's understandable that Trip would be a little confused.  He obviously hit a sore spot.  It's too bad the show didn't spend more time on the Romulans.  Like Trip, I'd like to know more about what is going on in T'Pol's head.  I hope you find a way to follow up on this some day. 

You have a real gift for exploring and developing the characters.  I love your "Missing Scenes!" 


Love the mystery of what T'Pol knows about the Romulans!


Archer really should not have gone out on the hull, he is too important. However, not much of a story without him there. Plus his adamant refusal to abandon Malcolm shows his devotion to his crew, again harder to pull off inside the ship. Interesting that Trip picks up the side step T'Pol does about the Romulans. he doesn't miss much, This was great


Enjoyed  Trip's attitude towards Archers "Hero  Complex"  Archer had  no business being out on the hull with Malcom. Trip or any of the Engineering or Armory staff were better qualified. 

Not sure what was going on between T-Pol and Trip. guess Trip wasn't too sure either.

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