Body and Katra

By Aquarius

Rating: NC-17

Genres: drama romance smut

Keywords: Baby Elizabeth Tucker bond marriage terra prime

This story has been read by 3717 people.
This story has been read 10348 times.



RATING: NC-17 for the "body" part of "Body and Katra"

SUMMARY: Trip and T'Pol define their relationship, at great risk to their careers--and their lives.

DISCLAIMER: Enterprise and the characters and situations this story is based on are the property of CBS/Paramount. I just borrowed them for a few minutes. What I've done with them, however, is mine and mine alone, so if no one sues me or steals from me, we're cool. This is strictly a labor of love; no money was made from writing it or showing it off-I don't think you could get anyone to pay to read it any way. ;)

WARNING:  This story acknowledges and explores Archer's attraction to T'Pol in Season Two.  If that kind of thng's gonna wreck your day, stop reading.

THANK YOU:  To Eian and Honeybee for beta services and encouragement.

A/N:  Yeah, this part is really short.  Think of it as the two-minute teaser of an episode, before the opening credits roll.

February 17, 2155


Charles "Trip" Tucker had known this day was coming, but only now was it really hitting him: We're in deep shit, he thought. His hands wouldn't stop sweating.

He turned to exchange worried glances at his friend and commanding officer, Captain Jonathan Archer, as T'Pol took the stand. Trip had good reason to be worried: whether or not he and T'Pol even had Starfleet careers any more depended on the outcome of this hearing. Even Jon was bound to catch hell for his part in this.

Trip caught T'Pol's eye and tried to smile reassuringly as the bailiff swore her in. She was elegant and composed as always, every short, dark hair in place and her face expressionless to all but those who knew her best. All any of them could do now was tell the truth, and hope that the board of inquiry saw fit to see things as the Enterprise officers did, and drop the charges of what they considered to be a blatant disregard of regulations.

After T'Pol affirmed she would tell nothing but the truth, the bailiff asked her to state her name.

"T'Pol of Vulcan; daughter of Suran and T'Les."

"Are you now or have you ever been known by another name?"

"Yes," T'Pol answered evenly.

Archer shifted uneasily in his seat. Trip reminded himself to keep breathing.

"Please state that name for the record."

T'Pol paused a moment and stared impassively at the members of the board. She projected clearly as she spoke, her large brown eyes never wavering.

"Mrs. Charles Anthony Tucker, the Third."







Jumped to conclusions. Sorry. :(


All I got to say is woot :D


I have to bow to the might of someone that can create a firestorm with about fifteen lines of dialog :D

I'll follow along for the ride.


I go to this site for TnT stuff, not for smut (a detail???) between Archer and T'Pol.:@ I love your work, but no thanks this time.


To all--I appreciate your interest and I thank you for reading.

In deciding whether or not to continue reading from this point, I can only say this:  if you're the type of reader who can consider things in the context in which they're presented and factor that into the story as a whole, you'll probably be fine.  If one detail is enough to ruin a whole story for you and make you hate me, well....:s

Chapter One is coming soon.


I'm not an Archer hater, but simply based on the hints being thrown around on the actual forums, I think I'll sit this one out ... which is really too bad because I so enjoy your writing style.  Good luck.  Hope you're wearing fireproof clothes.


Very dramatic opening for this story.I'm definite interested to see how T'Pol became Mrs. Charles Tucker 3.


OK, I'm interested!


As soon as I saw who the author was I knew I was going to enjoy this, but the summary confirmed it. You'd just better make sure that AnT stuff stays firmly under control, y'hear? :D


I know, I know, the warning threw me off. It suggested an one-sided obsession of Archer, but why the need of a warning? If your teaser only in a few words can cause this kind of response of me, :pI am dying to read the rest.


A fact is sure: you, Aquarius, have a great "sense of theatre" ( I don't know if my translation is able to well express what it means in Italian language, but I hope so).
A few lines, and you laid down the stones for your construction. Now the readers can't help but read, irrespective of the way this story will get developed and of the fact that they will enjoy it or not.
My compliments to you: you know how people have to be titillated.


Yep, that's a teaser all right!  More! More!


P.S. I don't mind a story in which Archer is attracted to T'Pol (it's in the show, if only in one episode when Archer was sleepdeprived and it can be an interesting subject), but your announment suggested a bit more.


I was so curious about this story, so I am happy you finally posted it. So you are going to have Archer and T'Pol involved in this story? O brother. I am allergic for T'Pol/Archer stuff. :) But the teaser is great.


Wow!  What a beginning -- but too short!  

Mrs. Charles Anthony Tucker III -- very nice.  I like it.  Please, ma'am, may I have some more? 


I can stomach the Archer storyline only because TnT are obviously married so it's only a part of the story.  Good start.  Looking forward to reading the completed story.  Thanks


Yes, more please.


So glad to see you finally posting this! It's a great teaser, and definitely makes you want to read more. And as someone who has previewed a little of what's coming, I can say that this is going to be a terrific ride.

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