T'Mir's Story

By Silverbullet

Rating: PG

Genres: challenge

Keywords: time travel

This story has been read by 1130 people.
This story has been read 2107 times.

Chapter 1


Challenge from Linda: Silverbullet, what about jumping ahead from Mestral's first year on earth, to his last year. He is dying and he manages tocontact T'Mir's descendant, T'Pol. He wants her to visit and tell him what happened to his old shipmates. Is either of them still alive? Did their time on earth affect their lives on Vulcan? As they lived their lives out on Vulcan, did they see anything in human culture which they favorably compared to things in Vulcan culture? How did Mestral manage if he did not marry again after Maggie died? Did Maggie's son's descendants help him? And Mestral wants T'Pol to help wind up his affairs so his presence on earth remains a secret. How does she accomplish that and why did he want his presence still kept a secret?

Author's note: My thanks to my beta, Dinah.

That night after leaving Carbon Creek and returning to their home, T'Pol lay in bed wondering what had happened to Mestral. After Maggie died, where had he been? What had he done?

"I would be pleased to know what happened to Mestral."

"You read what was on the crypt," said Trip.

"Yes, but all that said was that he married Maggie, they had a happy life, and no children."

"He left a message for us."

"But I wonder if he put down what he had learned of Humans? If he did, where did he put it? There is so much I would like to know. But he is in the past."

"Where is Daniels when you need him?" laughed Trip

"Where, indeed."

T'Pol thought about Daniels. She knew that he had often showed up to meet with Archer. She wondered if Archer had a way of contacting Daniels. If he did, could he do that and see if Daniels would be willing to talk with T'Pol? She had a request for him. She was not sure he would go along with it, but it was worth trying. She would call Archer in the morning.

The next morning she comm'd Archer.

"Jon, are you busy?"

"Never too busy for you."

"I have a request, but I have to be circumspect about it. I hope you will know what I am talking about."

"First, how are you doing? We miss you in Star Fleet."

"I am happy. I would not trade my life now. My husband and children are the most important things for me. I do not miss space or Starfleet as I first thought I would."

"Okay, but if you ever change your mind, your old rank and your position as Science Officer on Enterprise are waiting for you."

"There is something I want to ask you."

"Go ahead.

"Have you heard from our friend Daniels lately?"

"No, not in some time."

"I would like to speak with him. Do you have his comm code? Could you call him and ask if he could meet with me?"

"Yes, I can get in contact with him, but I hate to bother him."

"This is of some importance to me."

"What is it about?"

"It is something I would rather not talk about over the comm."

"Okay, it is a private matter?"


"Do you want me to have him come to you or would you rather meet in my office?"

"Here, if possible."

"Let me try to contact him. If I do, I will ask him to drop by your home. Is that all right?"

"Yes, thank you Jon. If you cannot contact him or if he cannot come here, let me know."

"Well, if he shows up, you will know I succeeded. If he doesn't, you will know that I could not get in contact with him or he is too busy to meet you."

"I would still like you to let me know, if you would."

"I will. Kiss the kids for me."

T'Pol waited for Archer to say something about Trip, but knew he wouldn't. He never forgave Trip for winning her.

"I will. Tell them it is from Uncle Jon."


"Goodbye, Jon."

T'Pol busied herself with her chores. The children were in school and Trip was at work. Suddenly Daniels appeared in front of her.

"Archer says you want to speak with me."

"You startled me. Yes, I would like to ask a favor of you."

"What favor?"

"I would like you to take me back in time to find Mestral so I can talk with him. I want to know what had happened to him. Did he remarry? Did he write down his findings about Humans? Things of that nature. I will understand if your superiors will not allow you to do it."

"The Temporal Patrol is indebted to you and your husband. We always will be. I asked my superiors before I came here if I could grant anything you asked, and they said yes, by all means. We can never repay the two of you."

T'Pol was puzzled by his statement but said nothing.

"Do you know where you want to meet Mestral?"

"I have no idea where he has been or where he was when he died. I will have to follow his tracks somehow."

"Wait, I will be back."

T'Pol blinked and then heated a cup of tea and waited.

Daniels reappeared. "He is in a Tibetan monastery. I will take you to him shortly before his death."

"That will be agreeable."

"You must not tell him anything of what has happened on Earth since his death or to humanity. He may do something to change time."

"Can I tell him about Vulcan and the Vulcans? Can I tell him I am married to a Human and have children who are half-Human, half-Vulcan?

"Yes, because there is nothing he could do to change that."

"How long will I be gone?"

"I will bring you back about five minutes after you leave on your time travel. We don't want to set up a paradox."

"So soon?

"I was just gone for a few minutes time here but it took me months to track him down in the past. We will not go to where I had been looking for him or at the time I was looking for him. Again, I don't want to set up a paradox."

"That will be fine. I will be back when the children come home from school."

"Are you ready?"

"Should I change into Vulcan robes?"

"No, the monks will meet you, and you should be in Human clothing."

"Then I am ready."

"Good, I will be with you but invisible. When you are finished, I will bring you back here."

T'Pol found herself standing in front of a Tibetan monastery. She walked towards it. There was a rope which she thought, if pulled, would bring someone to the door. She pulled it. She heard a gong ring. The door soon opened and a monk in saffron robes stood in the doorway.

"He spoke, but T'Pol did not understand the language.

"May I see Mestral?" she said in Standard English

"Mestral? Are you a friend or relative?"

"A relative," she lied. She was sure that a relative would be shown in but a friend might not.

"Come in. I will take you to him."

The monk led the way to a small cell. He knocked on the door and when it opened, he said, "A relative to see you, Mestral."

Mestral peered out of the door. He looked at T'Pol. She was standing behind the monk, so she gave him the traditional hand greeting of Vulcan.

"Thank you," he said to the monk. "Come in," he said to T'Pol.

Mestral closed the door to his cell and turned.

"Live long and prosper," said T'Pol in Vulcan

"You are Vulcan? Did a Vulcan ship land? Did they scan first and discover me?"


"Did a Vulcan ship crash? Did you discover me with a scan before you crashed?'


"How did you get here then?"

"You would not believe me."

"Why not?"

"I came from the future to speak with you."

"Time travel is impossible."

T'Pol was about to say something when Daniels appeared.

"She is telling you the truth. I am her guide from the future." Then he disappeared.

Mestral stared in disbelief at the place where Daniels had been.

"Do you believe me now?"

"I don't know what to believe. It must be true if I am not having a hallucination."

"You are awake and sane."

"Why are you here?"

"I came to ask you some questions."


"Yes. What have you been doing since Maggie died? Where did you travel? How did you keep from being discovered?"

"How do you know about Maggie?"

"I know many things."

"Do you know what happened to my shipmates, T-Mir and Ston?"


"If you will answer some questions for me, I will tell what you want to know."

"What questions?"

"What happened to T'Mir? Ston?"

"Then you will answer my questions?" T'Pol asked.

"Agreed. You know what happened to T'Mir?"

"Yes, T'Mir was my second foremother. She crashed at Carbon Creek with you."

To be continued






Very, very nice. I eagerly await the answers.


I like this a lot and look forward to seeing more. I am glad you wrote it.




Linda, Mestral LOOKED about in his mid 30's Physically when he crashed on Earth so that would mean in  Vulcan years he would be approximately 70-75 (remember T-Pol looks young and is young by Vulcan standards at 66 vulcan years) Mestral crashed in 1957. 1957-2057 = 100 Earth Years, 2057-2157 = 200 Earth years, 2157-2257 300 Earth Years. Doubt if Mestral would live that long.  He would probably  be at least 400 Vulcan years far too old.  So, I believe he lived to  perhaps 2157 which would still be another 200 Earth Years.  Add his apparent Earth age of 35 that would  make him very old. that is why Ihave him Dead so T-Pol has to time travel to meet him.


Silverbullet, this is a nice start!  I have been offline much of the time since my retirement as I no longer have access to my work computer and my laptop at home went belly up.  After finally getting anew machine, there were connection problems.  Your plot line is a creative way to get Mestral and T'Pol to meet since you do not believe as I do that Mestral lived well into the 22nd century.  I look forward to the next part of this story.   


An intriguing scenario. T'Pol curious about Mestral. I like that. It seems obvious by your comments that Archer and Trip are no longer friends and because of T'Pol.  Do you need this for some later episode in your plot line? I always found their friendship to be a cornerstone to everything Enterprise and this situation leaves me unsettled. I will hold judgement till further into your story.


Let alone the fact that I am very happy to know what happened to Mestral and that I find very intriguing the idea of a T'Pol eager of fulfilling her curiosity, I am always stunned by the rapidity you take ahead your plots.

You make me really curious of the following.:p


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