Unexpected Too

By Misplaced

Rating: PG-13

Genres: challenge humour romance

Keywords: male-pregnancy

This story has been read by 2805 people.
This story has been read 6991 times.

Chapter 1 - Blast from the Past

Disclaimer: Paramount owns Star Trek and the characters therein.  All other original material is the property of the owner, even though I don't make any money from this!

Archive: Yes, but please ask first. (misplacedagain at hotmail dot com)

Summary: Trip Tucker gets a surprise visit from an old "friend" and T'Pol isn't happy about it.

A/N:  This little fic takes place between "Bound" and "Demons" (think of it as a missing episode).  In my mind, the bond between Trip and T'Pol is a fairly new thing and not yet particularly strong at this point.

Special thanks to my stalwart betas:  honeybee & Dinah.

Distracted said:  "Here's my challenge. Remember the child that Ahlen implanted in Trip? I'd like to see a followup story where Ahlen brings the child aboard to visit Trip. Under what circumstances could this occur? I'd like to see a story exploring and expanding on what little we know of Ahlen's culture. What would motivate her to seek Trip out? How would the crew...in particular T'Pol...react to such a visit? How would Trip react to it? 

What about it, Misplaced? You interested?"

Rigel Kent added:  "And because Soval is "the sh#t," he should probably be in there somewhere too, right, Dis?"

Here is the fruit of my labor.  Enjoy.


Now this is the kind of "work" I'm talking about!

It had started with an invitation for a neuropressure session.  T'Pol had come down to Engineering and asked to speak with Trip in private.  His heart gave a little jolt; he wasn't sure if this was going to be one of those talks.  It usually wasn't a good sign when she came into his domain to speak with him about something other than the engines.

"Commander," she began, after he'd closed the door to his small office.  "Are you getting adequate rest?"

The question caught him off guard.  "I guess."  The truth was he was sleeping about as well as he usually did, which was hardly at all.

T'Pol studied his face so intensely that Trip wondered if maybe she was picking up something from this weird bond thing they had.  "Are you certain?" she queried again.

He narrowed his eyes.  "Why do you care?"

"Now that you are officially the Chief Engineer of Enterprise again," she replied in a tone that expressed her disapproval of his leaving in the first place, "as the First Officer, I am obligated to ensure the health of the crew."

Trip snorted.  That sounded like it was supposed to be logical enough, but he was pretty certain that was a load of convoluted baloney.  "And you think I'm not taking care of myself?"

"I suspect your habit of neglecting your health remains unchanged."

"Uh-huh."  He involuntarily pushed the inside of his cheek with his tongue.  If Trip didn't know any better, he'd think T'Pol was trying to find an excuse to spend some quality time with him."So what are you going to do about it, Commander?"

"Perhaps if you are still experiencing difficulty sleeping, you might consider resuming neuropressure treatments."


Trip sucked the insides of his cheeks to keep from grinning like an idiot.  Damn, but he liked this T'Pol.  If he'd have known she'd be pining after him like this, he'd have left Enterprise a long time ago.  Not that she was pining, exactly.  Whatever this was, Trip wasn't going to argue with it.

"Hm."  He pretended to think hard.  "It does sound like the logical thing to do."

She raised a brow.  "Indeed."

Had she always been so transparent?  Trip couldn't remember her being so obvious before.  Maybe it was this mysterious mating bond that was making it easier to read her.

"All right then.  I'll take you up on your offer."

T'Pol's eyes softened almost imperceptibly.  "Would 1800 in my quarters be agreeable?"

"That'd be just fine," he answered, finally letting out the smile he'd been holding back.

That was how he ended up in T'Pol's quarters, making out with his favorite Vulcan.  Trip couldn't remember who started the kissing and he really didn't care.  He also didn't know when they'd gone from the floor to her bed, but that was something else he wasn't inclined to figure out either.  All he knew was  this was heaven.  There was no better way to describe it.  It was a heaven that he'd been missing for far too long.

T'Pol's hands stroked his back and he felt the desire to do some serious "exploration" stir in his middle.  It took all of what little rational thought he had left to keep him from ripping off her Triaxian silk pajamas.  Trip didn't want to overstep his boundaries and drive her away again.  But damn, he wanted her so badly-body and soul.  And when her fingers began wandering beneath the waistband of his sweatpants...

Heaven!  I'm floating.  Oh god, I'm floating!

Trip reluctantly pulled back from their passionate lip lock, hoping to see in her face that she wanted the same thing he did.  Her dark eyes fluttered open and returned his gaze, silently giving him the permission that he so desperately craved.  His entire body was suddenly ablaze with the overpowering hunger he'd been attempting to keep at bay.  He began fumbling with the buttons of her top as he leaned down to kiss her again.

Floating!  I'm floating!

The damn buttons wouldn't budge.  Just as he was about to tear her top to shreds, he felt her warm, slender hands cover his.  Momentarily confused, he broke off his kiss.  It took only a second for him to realize that she was helping him rather than changing her mind.  The wry grin budding on his lips stopped abruptly when something in his peripheral vision caught his attention.

Oh shit!  We are floating!

There, several feet below his beautiful Vulcan, was her bed.  He turned his head and saw that the ceiling was mere inches away.  T'Pol stopped unbuttoning her top when she realized that Trip was distracted.  Her eyes widened as she came to the same realization that he did.  Before either of them could speak, Trip felt his stomach suddenly drop and he knew that the gravity was coming back online.  He shoved against the nearest wall, hoping it would be enough to keep him from falling on top of her.

Trip heard the muffled whump of her soft landing on the mattress just as he hit the deck, hard on his shoulder.  "Sonuvabitch!"   He scrambled to his feet and turned to face T'Pol.  "Are you all right?"

She sat up and straightened her pajamas.  "I am fine.  Are you injured?"

His arm hurt like hell, but he didn't want her to pester him to go to sickbay.  "I'm okay."  He walked toward the comm, feeling frustrated at the interruption of what was shaping up to be one of his favorite neuropressure sessions.  "I don't know what the hell that was, but I swear if Kelby-"  The comm chirped to life, interrupting Trip.  

"Senior officers report to the bridge immediately."


Captain Archer pretended not to notice that Trip and T'Pol had arrived together, both looking a little disheveled.  While T'Pol was in uniform, Trip was wearing a t-shirt, sweatpants and sandals.  Jon had his suspicions about the two of them, especially since Trip returned to Enterprise, but he wasn't sure how he wanted to handle it if those suspicions proved correct.  For now, he'd decided that the best policy was "Don't Ask."


"I'm sorry to interrupt your... uh... rest, Trip," Jon said, catching the Chief Engineer's furtive glance at T'Pol, "but we seem to be having some unusual system malfunctions."

Trip grimaced and rubbed his right shoulder.  "Yeah, I noticed."

"It's not just the grav plating, Trip.  Some decks are reporting temperature drops.  Hoshi says the ship-to-ship sensors are down..." Jon trailed off.  T'Pol turned and stepped into her station, looking very much like she had an idea.  "Fortunately the ambassador's deck seems to be all right... so far."

They were transporting Soval back to Earth, having finished the negotiations for the new treaty between Andor and Vulcan after their latest skirmish.  Jon gave silent thanks to the universe that he didn't have a cranky ambassador breathing down his neck over this inconvenience.

"I'd better get down to engineering.  We're almost done with the repairs, but maybe we missed something," Trip said as he started toward the turbolift.

"I believe I've found the problem, Captain."  T'Pol stood and walked to the command center in the back of the bridge.  Jon followed her, nodding to Trip and Malcolm to do the same.  As they stood around the console, T'Pol brought up a schematic of the Enterprise at warp. "There is a distortion in our wake pattern."  She pointed to the obvious void where there shouldn't be one.

"Son of a bitch!" Jon looked up to see Trip turn several shades of red.

"Xyrillians," Malcolm said.  "I thought this all felt a little too familiar.  Do you think it's the same ship?"

Jon sighed.  "I guess we're about to find out."  He stepped back to stand by his command chair.  "Hoshi, open a channel," he started to say as the turbolift doors hissed open.  The Captain turned to see a slightly disgruntled looking Vulcan ambassador step onto the bridge.  "Belay that, Hoshi," he managed to get out before Soval opened his mouth.

"Captain Archer, I apologize for the interruption but I would appreciate an explanation as to why my quarters are barely above freezing.  Is this some human prank?  If so, I do not find it particularly amusing."

Jon groaned inwardly.  "Ambassador, I can promise you that it was unintentional.  If you'd like, you're more than welcome to stick around while we find out the cause."

The older Vulcan gave a slight nod and said nothing.  Certain that the Soval had been appeased for the moment, Jon turned to Hoshi again.

"Channel open, sir," she said, "audio only."

"This is Captain Jonathan Archer," he began, feeling an overwhelming sense of deja vu, "of the Starship Enterprise.  We would appreciate it if you would back off several kilometers as your presence is causing several malfunctions on our ship."

"We are complying," a feminine voice answered.

"Captain, they've moved off," Malcolm reported from behind Jon, "and they've turned off their stealth technology."

"I can establish a video feed now if you'd like, sir," Hoshi said.

"By all means."  Out of the corner of his eye, Jon saw his Chief Engineer try to sneak to the lift.  "Trip, it might not be a bad idea for you to stay put.  You have the most experience with them."

"Aye, Cap'n."  The Commander appeared for all the universe like he wanted to crawl under the deck plating as he walked toward Jon.

"Onscreen, Hoshi."

The star field winked out, replaced by the interior of the Xyrillian ship.  In the center was  a petite female.

"Captain, I apologize for the disruption of your systems.  While we were searching for you, we developed a problem with our teraphasic coils.  I know we should have asked permission first, but we were getting close to losing all systems."

"Have you considered designing a-" Jon began, when something she had said struck him.  "Wait, you were looking for us?"  

She didn't answer immediately, but seemed to take them all in with her large, pale green eyes before they settled on Trip.

"Commander Tucker," she said with amusement hinting in her voice.  "It's good to see you again."

"Hello, Ah'len."  Trip was fidgeting.  He looked like he was ready to bolt at any given second.  "Good to see you too."  He was smiling but it didn't quite reach his eyes.

"I'd like for you to meet someone."  Ah'len gestured off screen.  Within moments a smaller Xyrillian stepped forward, about the height of Ah'len's shoulder.  "This is our daughter."

Trip's smile morphed into a contorted grimace and the color drained from his face.  The rest of the crew  froze with gaping expressions.  Jon was pretty sure he looked just as shocked as they did.

"Fascinating."  Soval's voice interrupted the stunned silence.  The ambassador had been so quiet that Jon had forgotten he was on the bridge.

"Oh boy," the Captain muttered under his breath.


"For the last time I did not sleep with Ah'len!"

"Of course you didn't.  You merely stuck your fingers in telepathic granules and inexplicably became impregnated."  

Trip stared at T'Pol.  Was she joking?  She had to be joking.  "T'Pol, be reasonable.  You've known me for how many years now?  Do you really think I'd lie to you about this after all this time?  You know I'm a professional."

"Professional like you were with Kaitaama?"  T'Pol quirked a brow.

Trip rubbed a hand over his face in frustration.  What good was this mating bond if he couldn't figure out whether or not she was trying to give him a good ribbing?  "Really?  Really, you wanna dredge all this up right now?  You wanna talk about every girl I may or may not have slept with over the years?"

"Given your record, I can only surmise that the number is quite high." 

What the hell?  Could she really be this jealous?  "Dammit, T'Pol!  That's not fair and you know it-"

"As much as I enjoy watching you two banter like old times," the Captain interrupted, "I don't think we're getting anywhere with this discussion."

"Cavorting with other species during first contact is typically not the best policy," Soval interjected.  

Trip turned to the older Vulcan to find the Ambassador returning his gaze with a slightly amused expression.  Since when had the cranky old bastard developed a sense of humor?  Trip glanced back at T'Pol, hoping he would see the same amusement in her eyes.  No such luck.  Her face was completely unreadable.

"For the record, I wasn't cavortin'," Trip said, heaving an exasperated sigh, "and I'm glad you're all gettin' a good laugh from this."  How had this gone from being one of the best nights he'd had in years to one of the worst?   

The four of them were crammed into the Captain's small ready room, trying to figure out what to make of the bombshell that had been dropped.  Trip wasn't thrilled that Soval was now party to this mess, not after finally having gotten some hard-won approval from the Ambassador.  And T'Pol?  Well, there was  no telling just how this little hiccup was going to affect their budding relationship.  Damn bond was worthless if all it gave him was immunity from the green Orion gals and a little white space daydreaming.

Aw hell.

Trip turned to the Captain, his eyes pleading with him to say something to make this all better.  Jon looked like he was trying to stifle a laugh.  Great.  Just great.  "Cap'n, that's not my daughter.  Even Phlox said that all the genetic material came from Ah'len.  I mean, I only carried the embryo for a few days, for cryin' out loud!"

"Even so, Trip," Jonathan sighed, "Ah'len made it pretty clear that it was important that you attend the ceremony."

"So I have to travel however many light years to their home world for this kid I don't even know?"

"Refusal could have a negative impact on Earth's future interactions with Xyrillia," the Ambassador commented casually.  "There are times when it is necessary to sacrifice one's pride in order to secure productive relations with another species."  

There was that tone again.  Trip just knew that Soval was having a good guffaw on the inside.  He was never, ever going to live this down.  "Please tell me that you're at least comin', Cap'n."

Jon shrugged.  "Sorry, Trip.  Admiral Gardner has us on a pretty tight schedule.  Xyrillia is a little too far out of the way."  The Captain stood.  "If it makes you feel any better, I'm sending T'Pol along with you."

"Undoubtedly, a chaperone would be beneficial," she replied, raising her brow again, "since you seem to easily attract the attention of alien females."  There.  That had to be a joke.  


"I believe I will come as well," Soval said before Trip could manage a retort.  "It might be in Vulcan's best interest to learn more of these Xyrillians."

Jon smiled.  "See, Trip, you won't be alone."

"Yeah, I feel better already."  Trip's stomach twisted.  

How could this get any worse? 



There is no way in hell they would ever get Trip within fifty miles of a lizard girl ever again. Last time, she laid a damn larve in him. What else could happen? If he had to go over there, he would wear a steel belted puncture proof armored EV suit.


I refreshed chapter1 when 2 went up and realized that I hadn't commented. So here it is. This episode certainly had its humour what with poor Trip getting pregnant. Even though they don't have him angry at this  consequence, the reality is that it was rape or at least moleststion as Ahlen new that this was the technique for procreation not just a game to read minds as she told Trip. He has every right to be hurt, angry  even traumatized.

Distracted, I'm intriqued with your info on the Komodo Dragons. Some amphibians are able to change their sex in a situation of single sex so anything is possible with a reptilian species. So no difficulty in believability in any of these situations..

I must be really computer challenged because I have tried to register on forum, but it has never gone through. I would love to offer beta services as many stories have awesome plots but suffer from poor grammar and worse spelling.Your and you're are not interchangable , neither are there, their and they're. I can't write but I can edit.


Welcome, Yashida!  (And any other curious lurker who might be hanging out there in cyberspace.) Our email notification system is linked to the forum and not to the story archive.  Althought there's no way to get notification of just one particular story, you can get notification when any story or new story chapter is posted by registering in the forum and posting a comment in the "New Fanfic Up" thread.  Thereafter, you'll get an email whenever anyone makes a post in the thread, and since our volunteer story posters generally announce new stories there...voila!  A story notification method par excellence!  :D

While you're in the forum you could also make a post in the newcomers thread and watch all the old timers fall all over themselves in excitement welcoming fresh meat... er, I mean, a new member. It's sure fun.  ;)


Perfectly lovely way to start a fic of this nature!

You've got me rather curious as to what will come next!

Please do continue!


On another note, I am new to this site and have been wondering whether there is any way to subscribe to a story or such in order to be alerted when a new chapter comes up. Could you help me out here?

My mail is hiromilong@gmail.com.


Judging from the way you write, I'm sure that you have more than your fair share of functional brain cells, Misplaced, but if you want to pm me to brainstorm a plausible biological back story for the Xyrillians I'll be happy to help. I don't know nothin' from warp engines, but I can do biology. And if you want to forget about biology and just write a good story you can always just do that, too.  It's not like believable biological technobabble has ever been a priority in ST.  I'm pretty sure they just make it up as they go along, just like everything else. :p

But if you want a really weird source of ideas related to parthenogenesis look up the biology of Komodo dragons.  Mind-blowing stuff. The males are the ones with two sex chromosomes, not the females like mammals have.  Because the female has one of each sex chromosome, she can self fertilize with her own polar body during meiosis (no sperm necessary, thank you very much) and create male offspring, which she can then breed with once they grow up (apparently Komodo dragons don't have a thing about incest).  What that means is that just one female marooned alone on a deserted island could repopulate the whole island eventually.  A handy trick for a lizard who lives in a country composed of 17,508 individual islands.  :D


Aw man...  Distracted, what are you doing to me??  I'm pretty sure you said to explore Xyrillian culture, not biology.  Dagnabit.  Now I've got to warm up my other braincell.  I ain't that book smart!  :p  Biology was not my best subject in school.  I suppose I ought to thank you for forcing me to stretch my creative muscle so much.  LOL

As always, thank you kindly for the comments everyone!


Unfortunately I was not paying attention when I started this. I went into it thinking it was a stand-alone story. Arriving at the end, I went 'What! It can't stop here!' I quickly scrolled back up and saw Chapter1.

This is a great beginning, however I do wish Trip had a little more desire to see the little girl.

Can't wait for more.


Wow.  You've just jumped into the idea with both feet, haven't you?  This is wonderful.  I have no problem with the way you're handling Trip's reaction to seeing Ahlen again. I never got the impression that he was angry with her or felt violated.  I think he understood that she had no idea that conception might happen and that the whole thing was an accident.

I'm looking forward to how you present the Xyrillian culture and I'm curious about how you'll solve the biology questions.  Parthenogenesis (conception without a male) does occur in some reptiles here on Earth, but generally can only result in female offspring.  So where do the Xyrillian males come from?  Are there different ways to conceive depending on whether a Xyrillian male is available or not?  Does Ahlen have a male mate or someone she's planning to marry who might be jealous of Trip?  Inquiring minds want to know.  Or at least I do.   : D


WarpGirl -- I promise that Dark Echoes is not forgotten.  ;)  And I personally think that anything is possible when it comes to aliens.  So I have no problem with any of Unexpected.  I am not going to be refuting any of the biological aspects that came from the episode.  Keep in mind that lightness is what is to be expected from this fic.  Just a little crazy fun. :D


OK I admit I skipped Unexpected even in my sci-fi loving mind I could not understand the concept of a human male being pregnant. An alien male sure, human not-so-much. Then the whole nonconsentual aspect is slightly creepy, but not as much as the biological aspects. However, this looks really fun so as long as I get my doses of "Reflections" and the egarly anticipated "Dark Echos" I will also enjoy this ride.



Zero-G sex for TnT? That's just brilliant! I liked Trip's shove to side to make sure T'Pol didn't get hurt when the gravity came back on: that part had some nice imagery and was especially well written.

Soval /is/ the shit here. :) And I could just hear "bakula's voice in my head when Archer said "Oh boy." :D

Looking forward to more!


Thank you for all the comments.  :) 

Cogito... I'm not sure that Trip even thinks he was violated (after reviewing the actual episode several times) at least to the level of rape.  I can definitely see your point though and if you'll keep reading, you might be surprised that I've actually taken thoughts like yours into account and I hope to resolve that at least a little bit.

I ain't gonna lie, though... Honeybee is right... there's gonna be some bumps in this road.  But never fear, it's not TnT who goes through the wringer... but poor Trip.  :p


Nice start to this story. Look forward to  the next capters. I sent you a PM re this story.



T'Pol can be enigmatic when she wants and this time it seems even her bondmate doesn't know what she's really thinking. I've never been entirely comfortable with Archer and the crew basically laughing off Trip's problem - they seem to be focussing on the humor of a male being pregnant at all, and ignoring the fact that it was non-consential. Wouldn't we be talking about rape if that happened to a female? So on Trip's behalf I particularly don't appreciate them laughing about it all over again, ( ...and those Vulcan's had better not turn out out to be laughing at me either...).


The reconciliation with T'Pol was very sweet and I was sorry that it got interrupted, but with Trip's background he really ought to know better than to even think that closing line! :)


:p I see this story will be a perfect prologue


I love it! I cannot wait to see what happens!


Ha! This is perfect. Thank you.


Everyone fasten your seatbelts, I think this is going to be a bumpy ride. Like, Alelou, I do love the floating joke and think this is going to be great fun.


This looks like it will be fun but hopefully it doesn't work out to  too much hassle for Trip where T'Pol is concerned.  Glad the Tag you're It challenges are still going.  


I'm glad you took on this challenge.  I always wondered if Trip ever encountered the Xyrillians again, and if so, whether anyone thought of Ah'len's child as his daughter.  I got a kick out of Archer saying "Oh boy."


Love it!  Funny stuff.  This IS going to be interesting.


Bwa ha ha ha.  I wonder if this is the first time Soval has ever gotten to use the word "cavorting"?  This promises to be great fun.  Great joke with the floating, too.


Two Vulcan escorts.  THIS is going to b very interesting, LOL. Nice start to a delicious new fic!

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