Deal Breaker

By Misplaced

Rating: PG

Genres: humour


This story has been read by 927 people.
This story has been read 1335 times.

Disclaimer:  Paramount owns Star Trek and the characters therein.  All original material is the property of the author, though no profit is made from it.  (Other than your enjoyment!)

Summary:  Trip and T'Pol have a discussion over what an appropriate pet would be for their little boy.

"You call that a house pet?"

Trip Tucker stared, slack-jawed, at a monster.  There was no other way to describe it.  It was roughly the size of a small bear with long, sharp tusks protruding from a vicious looking mouth.  Trip instinctively held little Charlie tighter.  The baby was happily gurgling at the beast, completely unaware of the potential danger.

"Yes.  It is a domesticated sehlat.  I raised one as a child," T'Pol answered.  "I believe we've already discussed this, Trip."

"Yeah, when you told me you thought it'd be good for Charlie's development to raise a pet, this wasn't exactly what I had in mind."  He took a step back when the animal started to make a rumbling noise.  "I was kinda thinkin' that it would be something smaller, like a house cat."

T'Pol canted a brow.  "Domesticated sehlats are smaller than their counterparts in the wild."

"Really?"  Trip's voice cracked a little.  Note to self, stay the hell out of the Forge.  "And this thing is actually tame?"

"Perfectly."  She glanced at him with reassurance in her eyes.  "As long as its basic needs are met, it is quite an agreeable pet."

"Wait, what?"  Trip's trepidation went up another notch.  "What do you mean, 'as long as its basic needs are met?'  What happens if they're not?"

"There is no cause for concern.  Charlie would not fail to care for his pet."

He narrowed his eyes.  "T'Pol, what happens if a house broken sehlat isn't cared for properly?"

She pursed her lips ever so slightly.  "It becomes... less tame."

"No.  Nuh-uh," Trip said as he took another step back.  Little Charlie struggled to reach out to the sehlat.  "Not happening, T'Pol.  There is no way I'm bringin' home a beast that could swallow my son whole if it gets looked at cross-eyed."

"Sehlats are common pets for children, Trip.  There is no danger."

"No danger?  It looks like it stepped out of one of my old horror vids."  He shook his head.  "I'm not having that thing in our home."

T'Pol gave him her if-I-weren't-Vulcan-I'd-be-openly-exasperated expression.  "You are not the only one in this family who can make this decision.  I have far more experience with these animals.  You are forming an inaccurate opinion on appearances only."

Trip strained to keep Charlie from slipping out of his arms.  The baby was warbling a tuneless song at the animal now.  "Hon, normally I'd agree with you about bein' open minded and all, but look at that thing!  I'm not gonna let my baby boy anywhere near somethin' like that."

"He is my baby too, husband.  And obviously he is drawn to the animal."

Trip snorted.  "Be serious.  Charlie'd crawl into a sand fire storm an' try to catch the lightenin'.  He's not exactly the best judge of what's safe or not."

"And you are?"

"When it comes to my baby?  Damn straight, darlin'."

"We should discuss this further-"

"No.  Sorry, babe, but it's a deal breaker for me."

"Deal breaker?"  There was another raised brow.

"Yep.  You want to have a pet sehlat monster thingy?  Fine.  Me and Charlie are on the next transport back to Jupiter station.  Feel free to come and visit any time you'd like.  Just make sure to leave your new friend at home."  Trip turned around and started walking back to their vehicle.  Charlie protested loudly with each step.

"Trip, wait."  T'Pol touched his shoulder.  "Perhaps we can wait until Charlie is older to decide on an appropriate pet."

Trip gave her a triumphant grin.  "It's never gonna be a sehlat, though."

She replied with an unreadable expression and he knew she wasn't going to give up the fight just yet.  Well, neither was he.  Charlie squawked, drawing their attention.  The little boy reached for his mother with cooing sounds.  Trip released the baby into her arms, now that he was sure T'Pol wasn't going to demand they bring the sehlat home today.   He gave them both a wistful smile.  Trip would never get tired of seeing this picture of his little family-as long as that picture didn't contain a fanged bear that could have them all for lunch.

"I've been thinkin'" he said as he opened the door to the vehicle, "that maybe we should consider a dog as a pet."

T'Pol wrinkled her nose.  "Unacceptable."

"Oh come on, sweetheart.  Dogs are great pets!"

She turned to him with a deadly serious face.  "That would be a 'deal breaker' for me."

Trip erupted into a fit of laughter.  They were never going to agree on a furry companion for Charlie.

So, what else was new?





This was a great little tale, very enjoyable; However it brought a quandary to my mind. If T'Pol is so offended by the smell of dogs, do sehlet's not have an odor?

Never before has it occurred to me that Vulcan pets might smell.  We just take it for fact that Vulcans have these animals in their home but I'm sorry sometimes any animal will smell bad.

Maybe they have a perfume gland, like a reverse skunk! I must ponder this.

Anyway this was charming :D


I'm willing to believe that Sehlats make good pets, if they're commonplace on Vulcan. After all, "man's best friend" can be deadly under the wrong circumstances but they make great pets and protectors. I can sympathise with Trip's instinctive reaction, but I think he should trust T'Pol's judgement about whether it's safe.


Back on planet earth, I would never in a million years trust a large snake in a house with toddlers. They aren't common pets (snakes, that is) and with good reason. Personally don't see the appeal of being around them at all (still talking about snakes here) but each to their own, but if you trust them with your kids lives you need your head examining. Stand your ground.


Thanks for showing us a little snippet of our favorite duo trying to bridge the gap between such different cultures.


Cute story!  I actually like that you have Trip be firm about this.  I think it's too easy for us to write T'Pol as the "boss" of the family, so it's nice to see Trip take charge sometimes.  However, why do I have the feeling Charlie's going to end up with a pet sehlat one of these days anyway?


LOL Trip got all skittish.  I can imagine how big they'd be would be really intimidating though.  I've actually been thinking about getting a snake....


WarpGirl -- You just know they'll revisit it... but Trip and T'Pol are really good at putting their foot down and acting all sure of themselves only to change their minds later (even if it is grudgingly).  And Trip has always been a bit prone to exaggeration at times. ;)


SB -- Totally with ya.  And yes, that's happened more than once in the news (my youngest is just a year old).  I'm hoping that my husband is mostly trying to get a rise out of me.  He's very Trip-ish that way.  LOL

Linda -- ROFL!!!  I'm sure that Trip would be happy to let you have it!


OMG!!!!!!!!!!! NO SNAKES!!!!! Remember Indiana Jones... "I hate snakes" if a bad*** like Indy doesn't like snakes... But snakes can't be trained, Shelats can. I don't disagree with Trip, if baby Charlie can't walk or speak, it's too soon for a shelat. However, I agree they should revisit the issue when Charlie grows bigger, the kid is half Vulcan it's entirely possible he may want a shelat if they live on Vulcan. That said, I still think that ultimatum is a little unfair, (although you are TOTALLY RIGHT about the snake) But it is a brilliant story, and I did laugh.;):D


Stick to you rguns. NO large Snake. That is asking  for trouble. Don't know how old your youngest it but I remember reading about an idiot who had Python that got out, crawled in to the baby's crib, crushed it and tried to eat it.

NO way, Jose.


Aw, this is cute.  Um, if Trip doesn't want that sehlat, I'll take it!   The perfect thing to keep my granddaughter's boyfriend out of our house. ;)


Thanks for the reviews. 

This baby ficlet is inspired by a "discussion" that my husband and I have been having lately over whether or not a large (very large) snake is an appropriate pet for our family.  It's a deal breaker for me and I meant it when I told my husband that I'd pack up the kids and move back to our home state if he demanded we own one of those things.  Doesn't mean I don't love my husband or I don't want to be with him, but I'm not risking my kiddos for a pet.  Personally I think Trip might not be willing to let a small bear who gets testy when its dinner is late (remember what T'Pol told Archer in the Forge?) be a family pet.  ;)

Anyway, this is supposed to be funny... not serious!  :D


I agree with  Trip on this one. Charlie is far too  young to take care of a Shelat. He is just a baby. suppose he misses feeding time and  his parents are so busy they forget. Charlie is Lunch. NO, keep that Monster away from Charlie.

Don't think tha t Trip should tell T'Pol it is a deal breaker. that is a bit too harsh. but he should apeal to her logic by saying charlie is too young and they will probably move back to Earth by the time heis old enough to care for a Shelat and Earth wouldn't alllow a Shelat in. anyway and child protective would have a coronary.




:p Yep, contentious as ever.  This was cute.


Well, Sehlats are very large, aren't they? And I do hope the Tucker family eventually agrees on a pet. I'm going to suggest a dog, a cat and a sehlat!


Thanks for starting my day with a smile. To tell you the truth this story is ironic, my brother had to put down his Rottweiler last week. This huge beast was more vicious looking than any shelat, and the sweetest dog, but nobody wanted the kids around him. 

I gotta say as a human woman my reaction to this part... "Yep.  You want to have a pet sehlat monster thingy?  Fine.  Me and Charlie are on the next transport back to Jupiter station.  Feel free to come and visit any time you'd like.  Just make sure to leave your new friend at home."  Trip turned around and started walking back to their vehicle.  Charlie protested loudly with each step.

Is to grab my baby and let Trip walk home! Those kind of statements do not cut it with me, so I am so darn glad that T'Pol is Vulcan, and reasonable. Charlie seemed to agree with me though.;)

I love how you gave them a boy, most people like to go with a girl, so a little boy is a treat. All in all, a beautiful little snippet of a moment in the life of a beautiful family. You're brilliant!


What about a cat? Funny !  :)

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