The Tank

By panyasan

Rating: PG

Genres: family romance

Keywords: birth

This story has been read by 769 people.
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Disclaimer: Enterprise and its characters are propriety of CBS/Paramount. No copyright infringement is intended.

Rating: PG

Summary: Trip and T'Pol find an unique way to parenthood.

Author's note: Thanks to my betas Dinah and Crystalswolf.


Trip was swimming in a blue ocean, and his daughter swam next to him. She was floating through the water without any fear. The waters held her, cherished her. They swam back to the beach and he pulled her out of the water. The sun shone on their faces. The waves were at their feet.
He held her in his arms, hugging her slightly. She had his eyes. And her mother's ears.

Then he woke up. It was dark. Only the nearby moon spread some light. Another soft light was near T'Pol's side of the bed. He heard the soft breathing of T'Pol sleeping and the gentle buzz of the tank.

He walked toward the tank next to the bed. It had the shape of a big womb. It was a womb. An artificial place for a special person. She was connected with a flood tube, floating in special water. It was his daughter, growing until she was ready to be born.

Trip had always liked children, but never thought he could have a child of his own. When he and T'Pol had finally decided to try to have children, he had calculated that it would be a long and difficult road. The chances of disappointment were high.

His thought had been so painfully true. Phlox, the most qualified doctor to help them, had stood by them every step of the road. At one point, he never thought he would be a father and T'Pol a mother, but then a little miracle happened.

He was overwhelmed with joy. Until the moment Phlox told him there were complications. He had tasted that word on his tongue. Complications. It could only mean danger for his wife and child.

Phlox explained that T'Pol's body was reacting against his alien DNA. Only an artificial womb would save his little child. So they built the tank, so she could grow.

First, Trip had been disappointed. Somehow he had pictured T'Pol with a lovely big belly, carrying his child.

T'Pol also had concerns; she feared she wouldn't be able to bond with the child. She wanted to feel the baby. So she stayed always close to the child floating in the tank.

One of the first days, when T'Pol was asleep, he started to whisper to his daughter. He told her about his life. His love for her mother. His love for her.

It became a habit and never a day would pass when he wouldn't stand at the tank, checking to see how much she'd grown or whispering stories and sweet talk or singing to her.

At night he sometimes woke up and noticed T'Pol was gone. She was meditating next to the tank. He sometimes heard her talking or singing a song about sa-mekh and ko-mekh.

Now this night, he also walked to their daughter. She was almost ready to be born. And she was beautiful. Perfect pointed ears. Perfectly shaped eyes, mouth and nose.

He stared through the glass. Her eyes were closed. She was sleeping. "I can't wait," he whispered, "for you to be ready. I will pull you out the water, take you in my arms and we will feel the sunshine on our faces."



Thanks everyone! Reanok, your comment the other day about the birth gave me an idea. So perhaps. :)


Thought provoking story.  Thanks.


This is very nice.  I particularly like the last line.  (Maybe this is partly because I think it's just so nice to think of that whole crew experiencing sunshine on their faces instead of being always out there in the darkness of space careening from one hair-raising plot to another.)  I also think this is a logical-seeming solution to some of the inevitable issues with them having a child.


Great story. It was so sweet to think of T'Pol singing to her child in the Tank.

At least they could watch her grow. That would be something to see.

When my wife ws carrying our duaghter I got to see was and elbow or knee going across her belly.



Love it!  That sure would be a different way to antiipate parenthood.  Kind of neat to think about.


I like the way you don't try to sugarcoat, understate or ignore the difficulties inherent in an interspecies pregnancy.   It would have required years of painstaking research and testing to get to the point where everyone was confident enough with the procedure that they would risk creating a living embryo.

And then, complications.

That word sent chills down my spine.



It's a heart-warming story and I especially like the thought of T'Pol singing to her unborn child about sa-mekh and ko-mekh. I wonder if, since the tank is transparent, the unborn child will be able to see her parents too.


Wonderful story Panyasan.It's nice that after all Trip& T'Pol have been through they will finally have the daughter they've been wanting for so long.


I have to admit this pinched my heart a bit. When a baby isn't an option because artificial wombs don't exist it can be a little bittersweet reading something like this. That said I identified with the longing for a child completely and the worry of complications. You beautifully showed the joy of two expectent parents even if things weren't being done the "normal" way. Well done.


I can only sigh.


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