Temporary Serenity

By weeble

Rating: G

Genres: missing scene romance

Keywords: bond Columbia

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Temporary Serenity

By Weeble

aka Steelchaser

Rating: G

Genre: TnT

Summary/ Spoiler: Just a thought about what was in T’Pol’s mind at the end of “Bound”.

Disclaimer (necessary): Star Trek: Enterprise and its characters are copyright CBS/Paramount. No copyright infringement is intended by the author of this story, which is solely for the purpose of entertainment and is not for profit.

T’Pol strode down the hall, desperate to keep her emotions in check. The captain had been quite correct - Trip had been an influence on her. Back in sickbay she had tried to make a joke, contrary to her denials. She was agreeably pleased that it had been successful. Yet she hadn’t been able to put a name on what she felt as she walked next to Trip, her chosen mate.

Having put their status in the open between them had calmed her. She now knew how to sense Trip’s moods, especially when close to him where she could compare his body language with the input through the bond. She knew he loved her. He was nervous, but mostly because he hadn’t any experience with bonds. She had been bonded to at least one person almost her entire life. As she began to understand the bond and backtrack it, she was convinced she would discover that she had been bonded to Trip since the Expanse.

As they bantered back and forth about his return to Enterprise, the bond hummed in her mind soothing away years of conflict. She was at ease. Suddenly the bond brought her back to the present when Trip challenged her commitment to him. She sensed his playfulness and decided that she would play along as well. She knew he needed her to give him something definite and decided to make it obvious. The bond soared when she kissed him, he couldn’t hide it from her. She clearly sensed his hope and desire. She knew his quip about having a lot of work to do was his attempt to regain control of the situation, but she could see right through him.

Her mental musings had finally put a name on what she had just experienced. Temporary Serenity. It seemed logical and most agreeable to make it permanent.



How delightful!:D Excellent missing scene, thank you.


Of course your story is set at the moment that T'Pol pauses in the corridor to contemplate what has just happened. We can see that a lot was going through her mind at that point, but until now we've never really known just what she was thinking.

There is surprise, naturally. And satisfaction with it. A surprising amount of satisfaction. And anticipation, I think; no doubt Trip has some exciting times in store. But at the end, after all of that, was a look of determination. Determination not to let her mate get the better of her next time, certainly. But also, I believe, determination that from now on nothing would come between them. And I'm certain that it never will.





Borrowing shamelessly from Cogito, given your enormous talent I view this as another angstidote!


Sweet.  It's definitely a kinder, gentler interpretation of that scene, but it works.       


Temporary Serenity. It seemed logical and most agreeable to make it permanent.

Great ending, in its perspicuous simplicity, for a great story.

There is no need a lot of words to include a story among those worthy to be remembered. Enough that it's a story like this one.


Aww . . that's sweet. Thanks. I needed some Temporary Serenity. :)

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