Mother's Day

By Silverbullet

Rating: PG

Genres: family


This story has been read by 786 people.
This story has been read 1206 times.

Summary: Little T'Mir brings back an old Earth custom. Trip gets the bill.

Disclaimer (necessary): Star Trek: Enterprise and its characters are copyright CBS/Paramount. No copyright infringement is intended by the author of this story, which is solely for the purpose of entertainment and is not for profit.


Trip was in his work area when his three children ran in. Chip, the oldest was eight. He would be the image of Trip when he grew up. He already knew that he wanted to be a Chief Engineer on a starship. He loved to take things apart (and put them back together when he was able to).

T'Mir T'Pol Tucker, Miss T, was six years old and the image of her mother. She would perhaps surpass T'Pol in beauty when fully grown. Her I.Q. was so high it scared Trip. She wanted to be a scientist and mathematician like her mother. Miss T had started to read when she was three, and not "Run, Dick, run". Miss T read advanced books years ahead of her age group. Nevertheless, she was Daddy's little girl. Trip loved her dearly. He loved his two sons, but had a special place in his heart for T'Mir.

His youngest son, Malcolm Reed Tucker or Mal, was small and wiry but had much of his mother's Vulcan strength. He would be an unpleasant surprise for bullies later on when they tried to pick on him. He had taken after his namesake. Mal was interested in security and wanted to be a Security Officer on a starship.

"What's up, kids?" asked Trip noting his shop door bang as the three entered noisily.

"T'Mir found something in one of the old databases," announced Chip.

"What's that, T'Mir?" said Trip. T'Mir began a detailed explanation of how she had found something in the old database she believed was interesting. Trip cut her off. "Save the explanation for later, honey," he said. "What did you find?"

"There used to be a day called Mother's Day," she said her face expressionless like her mother's.

"Mother's Day? What's that?" asked Trip.

"It was a special day when mothers were honored," replied T'Mir.

"Honored?" said Trip. "How?"

"Well, the dad would give her flowers to show his love for her," interjected Chip.

Trip didn't need to give T'Pol flowers to show that he loved her. Trip loved T'Pol desperately, and had for so long that it seemed forever. He knew he was hers and that he would never look at another woman. "Don't need flowers for that," Trip growled. "Anything else in the database?"

"Yes," replied Miss T. "The children serve their mother breakfast in bed that day."

For Miss T this was an informal way of saying things. Had it been Chip he would have said: "Kids get mom breakfast in bed."

"You are going to take your mom's broth to her in bed?" asked Trip.

"Yes," replied T'Mir.

"Okay, but I am not sure she wants her broth in bed. Anything more?" said Trip.

"We do all the chores around the house for her all day. And Mother's Day evening you are supposed to take us all to dinner," said T'Mir.

"Your mother is going to think we have lost our minds," smiled Trip.

"The old data base says that mothers deserve it," retorted Chip.

"I suppose so," said Trip. "She sure takes care of us all the rest of the year. When does this day happen?"

"In two days on Sunday," replied Chip. "We have time to plan it out. We also have to buy her a present," he added.

"Present?" asked Trip. "What kind of present?"

"Actually two," said T'Mir. "One from us and one from you."

"Me? She's not my mother; she's yours," replied Trip.

"The old data base says you are supposed to," said Chip. "Kids buy her a present but so does the dad."

"Or we can pool together and buy her one big present from all of us," said T'Mir.

"I like that last one," smiled Trip.

"We think it is best if you buy her one and we get her one too," retorted Chip.

"You do," said Trip holding back a grin. "I guess if your mind is made up."

"It is," said T'Mir

"What are you kids going to do for money?" grinned Trip.

"We will get it from you," replied Chip, "A loan."

"Will you pay it back with interest?" said Trip.

"Pay it back?" asked T'Mir. "Why would we do that?"

"No reason," smiled Trip. "No reason at all. How much are you planning on spending for her present?"

This was met with silence.

"Well, how much?" asked Trip again.

Again silence. Finally T'Mir spoke "We have never purchased mother a present. We don't know how much."

"Well, what did you want to get her?" asked Trip.


"Come on, kids. You must have something in mind," said Trip.

"We were hoping you would help us," said Chip.

"Help you with which? Pick out the gift or help you pay for it?" asked Trip.

"Both," said T'Mir.

"Okay, what does your mother want? Might need? Or could use?" asked Trip.

"Maybe she wants a new phase pistol," offered Malcolm.

"No," snapped Chip. "If she needs one she can get it from Starfleet."

"How about a complete Vulcan Science Lab?" said T'Mir.

"Too expensive, besides you would be the one using it all of the time, T'Mir," replied Trip.

"She reads a lot of Vid Books," said Chip.

"Got the largest library in the galaxy in San Francisco. She can go there any time," replied Trip.

"But we live in what used to be Arizona, the Sonoran Desert," said T'Mir. "It is the closest thing to Vulcan in western North America."

It was true; they did live in the desert. It had been returned to its original state after the war. Earthers had agreed to reduce their population. Many humans had emigrated to more congenial planets.

T'Pol had wanted to live in the Australian outback, but Trip objected to that for the present. He needed to acclimate himself to the desert slowly, and the Sonoran Desert was perfect.

Since there was a lull in StarFleet's warp drive section, T'Pol was experimenting with various toxins from earth animals, which was why she wanted to move to Australia. She had read that many of the most venomous animals on Earth lived in the outback and in the nearby seas. She was interested in what effect those toxins had on humans and on Vulcans, too.

"If your mom wants to use the vid library, she can get to San Francisco by flyer in an hour. Besides," added Trip "she has a very large library here that she has hardly touched. Why don't we get your mom a barrel cactus for her desert garden? She loves them," said Trip.

"You can give her that instead of flowers," said Chip.

"Mom cooks," said Chip.

"She has every cooking utensil made by man or Vulcan now," replied Trip. "She wouldn't know where to put another one."

"Daddy," said T'Mir "You know Mother better than any of us. What can we give her for a present?"

Trip was aware that T'Pol was listening through the bond. The kids didn't know about the bond, and Trip and T'Pol weren't going to tell them until they reached their teens when they could understand it.

"I don't know right now. Let me think on it," said Trip.

The children walked out of his workshop dejected.

"You aren't supposed to know about this, T'Pol," said Trip through the bond.

"I'm sorry, Ashayam. I will not listen in any more. But I will research Mother's Day in the data base."

"Don't do that. You will spoil the kids surprise for you," replied Trip.

"As you wish, T'hai'la," said T'Pol.

Trip sat and fretted in his workshop. He was all set; T'Pol loved barrel cacti and he could give her a couple. She could always make room for them. He might even give her a miniature one for her office. She would like that.

But what about the kids? Figures Miss T would dig this Mother's Day thing up. Well the kids were excited about it. He couldn't put a damper on that. Later that afternoon the kids came back into his shop.

"We know what to get mom," the boys announced.

"Mother," Miss T corrected.

"What's that?" asked Trip.

"New flippers, tanks and a wet suit," they chorused.

"Flippers, tanks and a wet suit," Trip said. "That is going to be a tad expensive. Wait a minute... a wet suit? Your mom put you up to this, didn't she?"

It was true that T'Pol had taken to diving after their adventure in Australia, even after their cage got stuck on the bottom, but Trip would not let her dive anywhere but in warm water.

She had to content herself with the Caribbean and the Mediterranean. She wanted to dive in the Baltic Sea and the area around England and Ireland, but she would have quickly died of hypothermia. It was too cold for her even with thermal underwear and a wet suit.

Chip looked crestfallen. "But Dad, Mom could use a new wet suit for the Caribbean and the Mediterranean."

"She already has the gear for there," Trip replied.

"You are different. You are human and used to the conditions. She should have a better wet suit," said T'Mir.

"No, a wet suit is out, and that is final," said Trip sternly.

The children stomped out of the shop in a huff. Trip hated to disappoint the kids, but if T'Pol got the better wet suit she would try to use it in cold water. Trip was still working on his project when the kids trooped back in again.

"Can we get mom a gown?" Chip asked.

"A gown?"

"Yes a long one, with long sleeves a high neck," replied T'Mir.

"Slit way up to here on the side," added Chip.

"Slit way up to where?" said Trip trying to remember that Chip was only eight.

"You know," said Chip, "on the side slit up to the waist."

"What?" Trip roared.

"Only slit up to the knee," said T'Mir raising her eyebrows at her brother who looked confused.

"Better," said Trip

"What color does she like?" asked Chip.

'You know was well as I do," said Trip.

'No, Father. What color does she really like that only you know?" said T'Mir.

"Crimson," said Trip.

"Good, we can go out and buy one. She can wear it when you take all of us out to dinner on Mother's Day," said T'Mir.

"Just like that," responded Trip.

"You can get her dress size," said Chip. "That is all we need."

"How about a little money? That gown could be expensive," said Trip.

"Daddy," said T'Mir in exasperation. Trip was amused by this. T'Mir usually called him Father in the Vulcan fashion. Only when she was trying to weasel something out of him did she call him Daddy.

"Oh, okay, I guess I will pay for this and you kids will work it off in chores," grinned Trip.


The kids wanted to go to the most expensive dress shop in San Francisco. Trip had to admit that the shop had some very beautiful gowns, even though they cost an arm and a leg. After much debate, sometimes heated, they settled on a lovely gown. Trip was sure it would fit T'Pol, and she would look beautiful in it.

"Slippers too?" asked the sales lady.

"Oh, yes," said T'Mir "She will need those." So a pair of slippers were added. The purchases were sneaked in to the house and hidden in T'Mir's room.

Another crisis came up. "Do we wrap the gown and slippers or just give them to Mother?" asked T'Mir.

After another rather heated debate it was decided that Trip would lay them out on their bed while she was showering in preparation for Mother's Day dinner.

"What about us?" asked Chip. "Shouldn't we have some new clothes too? This is a special occasion."

"Why in hell didn't you bring this up when we were in San Francisco?" snapped Trip.

"You could use something new too, Dad," replied Chip.

"I have my tuxedo that I never wear; it still looks new," said Trip.

"Maybe I could have a gown too," said T'Mir

"No, that is out," said Trip. "You kids have lots of nice things you can wear."

"And look like poor cousins," muttered Chip.

"If anyone is going to look poor, it is me," said Trip to himself, especially after all of this buying of new outfits for everyone.

"If you want to be ashamed of us," said T'Mir.

Trip knew when he was being played, but the kids were good at it. They were too damned smart.

"Okay, no gown for T'Mir, but a nice new dress. You two boys will just grow out of anything I buy, so we will get you jackets, slacks, dress shirts and ties. We can go up to Phoenix to buy this stuff. We don't have to go to San Francisco."

The kids groused, but when they arrived in Phoenix they were excited and intent on getting what they wanted. The new clothes were procured and also sneaked in to the house.

Mother's Day finally arrived. Trip was assigned the happy task of keeping T'Pol in bed long enough for the kids to get the broth ready and bring it in to the bedroom on a tray for T'Pol. At exactly 5:30 in the morning T'Pol started to get out of bed.

"Where are you going?" said Trip.

"To take a shower, brush my teeth and put on some makeup," replied T'Pol. Trip nuzzled and nibbled her ear. He kissed the inside of them too. He rubbed the spot just below the back of her neck that always aroused her. She moaned softly. Trip wondered if a thumping good bout of sex would count as a Mother's day gift.

"Trip, the children will hear," said T'Pol. It was true. T'Mir could hear a mouse cough from a mile away. There was a knock on the door.

"Come in," said Trip. The door opened and the kids walked in, T'Mir bearing a tray with a steaming bowl of broth on it and a spoon.

"Happy Mother's Day."

"Mother's Day?" said T'Pol.

"Yes." replied T'Mir. "I found all about it on an old data base. Once there was a special day set aside to honor mothers. We thought it was quite agreeable so we are having a Mother's Day for you." She set the tray in front of T'Pol, who struggled to sit up without spilling any of the broth. Trip arranged some pillows behind her and helped T'Pol to a sitting position.

"You kids go back down stairs while your Mother eats her breakfast," said Trip "I am going to shower and get dressed while she is eating."

After the children had left closing the door behind them Trip got out of bed, stripped off his pajama bottoms and walked naked in to the bathroom. He quickly showered, toweled himself dry and walked back in to the bedroom. He put on underwear and was going to put on sweats but changed his mind. Instead he put on slacks and a modest shirt he knew T'Pol liked in lieu of one of his Hawaiian shirts.

"I am going downstairs, so take your time, T'Pol," Trip said heading out the bedroom door. He walked downstairs and in to the kitchen. It was a mess.

"What happened here?" he asked in amazement.

"T'Mir tried to make the broth from scratch. Chip finally reminded her that Mom had some in the freezer. We thawed and heated one. That is what we brought upstairs for her," said Malcolm.

"Oh. Well, clean up this mess before your mom comes downstairs," said Trip. He then walked out of the kitchen through the living room and on into his office.

A half hour later when he walked back in to the kitchen, the kids had cleaned up by simply dumping everything into the dishwasher. Trip looked around. The counters had all been wiped off but...

"You call this clean?" Trip asked.

"Yes, Daddy," replied T'Mir.

"Wait until your Mom comes down and we'll see what she says," replied Trip.

This brought a whirlwind of action out of the children. In a moment the kitchen was spotless. Shortly T'Pol walked in with the tray, the bowl and spoon.

"I will take those," said Chip. "You go in to your office and check your messages."

For the rest of the day the children would not let T'Pol do anything. By afternoon T'Pol was at the end of her string. So Trip gave her the barrel cacti.

"They are wonderful," said T'Pol.

"You can keep them in the pots or stick them in to the ground," said Trip.

"I am going to transplant them right now," said T'Pol. "If the children will let me do that."

"Not the miniature one," said Trip smiling.

"No, that is for my office," replied T'Pol.

T'Pol put the new barrel cactus in to her desert garden and then spent the rest of the afternoon puttering around. She loved it, and always came in very relaxed after spending most of her day there.

T'Pol came in and headed upstairs, saying that she had to shower and wash up because she got so dirty working in her garden. Trip followed her into the bedroom, waited until she had undressed and was in the shower. He laid out the new gown and slippers for her.

When T'Pol came out of the bathroom, she spotted the gown. "Where did this come from?" she asked.

"It is a Mother's Day gift from the children. They want you to put it on to wear when we go to dinner tonight. I am going to wear my tux," replied Trip.

"It is lovely," said T'Pol holding up in front of her as she looked into the full length mirror in the bedroom.

"There is a pair of slippers to go with it," said Trip.

T'Pol picked them up. "My size!" she exclaimed.

"Got it from the other shoes in your closet," grinned Trip, "gown size too."

"When are we going to dinner?" asked T'Pol.

"Soon as we all get dressed," said Trip. "We're going to San Francisco to the Federation compound. I have made reservations at the Vulcan restaurant there."

"I have to get dressed now," said T'Pol. "You, too."

Trip opened the bedroom door. "Kids, get dressed! We are going to leave as soon as everyone is ready," he yelled.

Trip and T'Pol were dressed. They walked downstairs to find the children waiting for them. The shopping trip had been to the most expensive place in Phoenix and Trip had gone all out. Chip and Malcolm were wearing their new tuxedos and T'Mir had on a gown that was a replica of the one T'Pol was wearing, like mother like daughter. Their only difference was that T'Mir wore her hair shoulder length while T'Pol still had the Vulcan bowl cut.

"You look so handsome, boys, and you are beautiful, T'Mir," said T'Pol proudly.

"Shall we?" said Trip. The family all piled in to the ground car for the trip to the shuttle pad. After arriving in San Francisco, Trip rented another, drove them to the Federation compound, and parked in front of the Vulcan Restaurant. "All out," he said.

After they were seated, a waiter came and spoke to them in Vulcan. He gave each of them a menu printed in Vulcan.

Trip could understand spoken Vulcan, but still had trouble with Vulcan script. The children were fluent in spoken and written Vulcan except Malcolm who still could not read. "Rabbit food," muttered Trip. "I am not going to get any red meat here tonight."

T'Mir said something to the waiter. "What did you say to him?" asked Trip.

"I told him that this was a special day for our mother and would he bring a typical Vulcan meal that she would find most agreeable for all of us," replied T'Mir.

"That is very nice of you, T'Mir," said T'Pol. "I look forward to what the waiter brings us."

Trip ate the food, smiling as if he enjoyed every bite. He knew that his stomach would give him hell all night. The meal was topped off with a Vulcan dessert. "Just what I need," thought Trip.

The Tucker family returned home, most of them tired and happy. Trip being the exception, as his stomach was in knots.

"How did you like your special day, Mother?" asked T'Mir.

"I thought it was a thoughtful way to honor me. Thank you," said T'Pol.

"Good," said T'Mir. "I also found out that there is a Father's Day."

Oh shit, thought Trip. This is going to cost me again.







This was a very sweet story. I loved the family interactions and how well even half vulcan children can manipulate parents.Poor Trip not only does he get the billsssssss, he gets the upset stomach too. ( Why is that anyway? ) You are committed to the Father's Day sequel now!!! Enjoyed it "muchly".


Fun story SB, 

Must admit I love Miss T.  I think Father's day will be a required sequel



Charming story about Trip, T'Pol and their kids!


I think the three children are a credit to their parents.  That much happiness is worth whatever it costs!

Very well written, and a pleasure to read.


It's a charming story, and I enjoyed seeing the lengths Trip was willing to go to so that his children could give their mother a day to remember. What on Earth will they get up to for father's day, I wonder!


Ah ah ah!:p
Dealing with children always poses some difficulties, but if, moreover, children are half human and half Vulcan, the difficulties increase greatly, there is to believe.
Poor Trip, there's really not to envy him. Or, perhaps, yes? And much too!;)

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