Malcolm and Hoshi: The Missing Scenes

By Eireann

Rating: R

Genres: romance


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The Forge

“The Vulcans have said that the Embassy is considered United Earth territory, so they’ve left it untouched for us to investigate.  Naturally, they’ll be interested in anything we come up with by way of evidence.  And since this is an explosives issue, Malcolm, it’s up to you.”  Captain Archer concluded the briefing. 

Reed nodded.  “Sir.”

“You’ll want to take an away team with you, of course.”

“With respect, sir, I think the smaller the better.  Just in case of accidents.  If I could take one other person, I think that would be enough.  Preferably someone who packs some muscle – it’s not going to be tidy down there after an explosion of that magnitude.”

“If you’re after a volunteer, Lieutenant...”  Travis grinned as though he was being invited to a party.

“Hmm.  I suppose you’ll do, Ensign.”  The small smile took the sting from the Armory officer’s words. “Though I’m sure I don’t have to remind you how dangerous this could be.  There may be other devices that failed to detonate.  And even if there aren’t, the area will probably be dangerously unstable.”

“So what are we waiting for?” asked the helmsman gaily.

“We will be tracking you at all times, Lieutenant,” said T’Pol as the meeting broke up.  “Please do not take any unnecessary risks.”

“I have no intention of it, Sub-Commander.”

“Still puzzles me, though, that the Vulcans aren’t insistin’ on havin’ one of their own people along while you snoop around.”  Trip was frowning down at the display of what was left of the Embassy.  “Just seems strange that they’re relyin’ on us givin’ em everythin’ we find.”

“V’Las did not strike me as being blindly trusting,” agreed T’Pol.

“Perhaps it’s just that if there’s a bomb left there they’d rather a human trod on it,” said Malcolm drily. 

“Well, that little thought sure cheered us all up!” Trip glared.

“But then, I have no intention of treading on any piece of evidence – explosive or otherwise.  I do have experience with this sort of thing, Commander.”

“Well, just in case, we’ll have a man standing by at the transporter.  If you have a problem, we can get you out of there in a couple of seconds.  Just give Hoshi the word.”  The captain watched the two of them lock eyes; it was brief, but eloquent.  “I know you don’t like being beamed up, but it’s preferable to the alternative if something goes wrong down there.”

“Infinitely preferable, sir.  And we’ll leave the shuttle at a safe distance, just in case.”

“Forget about the damned shuttle!”  Trip was evidently still irked.  “Just make sure you get your two sorry asses out of there in one piece!”

The tactical officer dipped his head.  “I’ll get the scanners I need out of the Armoury.  Travis, I’ll meet you in the shuttlebay in ten.”

“I’ll go start gettin’ the shuttle prepped.”  Trip accompanied Malcolm into the turbo-lift.  To judge by the expression on his face, he hadn’t yet said all he meant to say on the subject of not taking risks, and intended to remedy that situation while he had a captive audience.  Reed’s resigned expression indicated he was aware of his probable fate on that score.

While Travis was momentarily occupied with bringing his replacement up to speed with helm status, Archer stepped over to the comm station, where Hoshi was just settling down to begin monitoring again.

“I’m sure I don’t need to tell you to keep the closest possible eye on the situation, Ensign,” he said softly.

“No, sir.”  She blushed very slightly at his conspiratorial grin.

“I’m sure there’s nothing to worry about,” he went on more audibly.  “I can’t think of anyone I’d trust more than Malcolm in a situation like this, but I think it’s better to keep all our bases covered.”

“I couldn’t agree more, sir,” she said, smiling.



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