Memorial in the Desert

By weeble

Rating: PG

Genres: drama


This story has been read by 805 people.
This story has been read 1226 times.

Summary:  A dedication piece to a missed friend.

Disclaimer (necessary): Star Trek: Enterprise and its characters are copyright CBS/Paramount. No copyright infringement is intended by the author of this story, which is solely for the purpose of entertainment and is not for profit.


 They walked from their hovercar across the well-kept lawn towards the gathering crowd. T’Pol had not imagined there would be any others here today. It was an anniversary certainly, yet they had not attended before. This year some irresistible force had reverberated through their bond forcing them to attend. Trip and T’Pol had brought Chip, Malcolm and Miss T. with them.

Worse yet, it had been a short ride from their home to this memorial garden in the Arizona desert, but perhaps it was always the easiest things on the to-do list that got put off the longest. T’Pol had carefully reviewed the recommended plantings and had gathered some of her rare cacti for the purpose.

Through the bond she knew Trip also felt regret that they had not come previously. They recognized a few faces, Ernie from Portland, who obviously had come before, as there were some of his rare roses planted. She looked closer and her breath caught, they were Tucker Blue and Vulcan T’Pol.

The Reeds stood off to one side, and she could see Hoshi unsuccessfully fighting back tears. Most of the assembled were experiencing emotional control issues, even Ambassador Soval. Miss T. broke the silence, instinctively keeping her voice low. “Mother, what is that black upright object called that everyone is observing?”

“It is called an obelisk. They are often used to memorialize individuals of distinction.”

Miss T focused her eyesight at the base of the object, before turning her visage back to T’Pol. “Mother may I assume that SilverBullet was an individual of distinction?”

“Yes, Miss T. We are gathered here on this day to honor his memory.” She squatted down to look at her daughter’s face. “The man called SilverBullet is responsible for your existence.”

“I am confused, Mother. I thought Father and you…” T’Pol cut her off.

“You misunderstand, my daughter. He brought your father and I together and helped us overcome great odds. It is because of his efforts that our family is here.”

Miss T pondered that thought. “Then it is only proper that I respect his memory.”

Trip added, “It is the responsibility of us all to honor him.”


Cap'n Frances

Thank you, Weeble. It's a lovely story and a fitting tribute.

I discovered this site recently. I read many of Silverbullets comments and each of his stories. I almost felt as if I knew him. It was something of a shock to discover that he had died a few months earlier. It shows a lot about the community that you have all created that you have created this in his memory.


My condolences  to his family and fans. His talents entertained us and allowed to share the lives of Enterprise. Fantasy is a wonderful balm when feeling at odds with reality. Sci Fi has always been my escape. My thanks to all who write for the pleasure of those of us who cannot. Silverbullet's stories were wonderful and they will be missed. Weeble, this was a wonderfully tender and heartfelt memorial. Thank-you for writing.


A moving and very fitting tribute to one of our most passionate writers.

He will be missed.


Sad and poignant. May he find happiness wherever he has gone.

Lt. Zoe Jebkanto


I read this the first time last night, then again today.  I didn't know Silverbullet except through the wonderful, vivid imagination of his stories, but in the last 24 hours I found myself reflecting how better, as a fan and a writer, could tribute have been paid to him?  To have the characters he loved and honored by telling their stories, in turn honour him!  Thanks again writing this- for allowing them to do so!


That's very sweet, Weeble!


That was incredibly moving. Silverbullet was only in his 70s, right? Far too young.


Very nice memorial.  This is how I found out as I hadn't seen the announcement in the forum before.  Went back and read it afterword.  Fair winds and following seas, Tom. 

Lt. Zoe Jebkanto

free Silverbullet.  We miss and honor you!  Thank you, Weeble, for inviting us to attend.


Very fitting!  RIP Tom, we'll miss you.




Wonderful done, Weeble. Not a word too many and not a word too much. 


I have to say I'm not easy to tears. But this time, I felt like crying.
Thanks Weebly.
For a lot of reasons.

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