The Ocean of Night

By Putaro

Rating: R

Genres: adventure

Keywords: Romulans

This story has been read by 2568 people.
This story has been read 5691 times.

This story is number 2 in the series Five Year Mission

Chapter Three: Tangled Up and Blue

October 28, 2156 0247 (Weechee Zone 3 Time) – Enterprise, Edos Orbit


First the door chimed, then someone started pounding on it.  Archer rolled out of bed and opened the door to find Trip standing there, wild-eyed, in his Starfleet blue underwear.

“What the hell, Trip, it’s three in the morning!”

“T’Pol’s in trouble!”

“What are you talking about?  Calm down, come on in, let’s check and see if they’ve checked in yet.”

Archer spoke to the ensign on communications duty while Trip paced.

He turned to Trip.  “Well, they’re inside the shield and they’re not due back for another forty-five minutes or so.  I know you’re worried about her, but I’m sure they’re fine.  Go back to bed and I’ll call you as soon as they check in.”

Trip slumped and chewed on his lower lip for a moment with his head down then straightened and looked Archer in the eye.  “No, I know there’s something wrong,” he said forcefully.  “T’Pol’s scared, I can feel it.  She never gets scared, so something’s wrong.”

“What do you mean you can feel it?  You’re not making a lot of sense, Trip.”

“I know what T’Pol feels, up here,” he said as he tapped his head.  “We have a Vulcan mate bond.”

Archer’s jaw dropped.  “How can you have a Vulcan mate bond with T’Pol?”

“We don’t really know.  It might have been all the neuropressure in the Expanse and then, well, you know…”

“How long has this been going on?”

“Look, Cap’n, this really isn’t the time to discuss that.  I’m sure they’re in trouble down there.  You gotta believe me!” Archer wiped his hand down across his face.  “OK, I’m going to trust you.  Go put some clothes on and meet me in the Situation Room.  I’ll assemble everyone else.”

With Malcolm, T’Pol and Travis on the planet, everyone else was just Hoshi and Lieutenant Valois.  They gathered around the chart table and Hoshi brought up a link to the shuttlepod.  Travis answered, sitting at the pilot’s station.

“How does it look, Travis?” asked Archer.

“Everything’s been smooth so far.  Melek got them through the shield without any problems.  We’re due to go back in thirty minutes to pick them up.”

“Any unusual activity at the complex?”

“Not that we’ve seen.  Let me take another look…  Whoa, there are lights on all over outside of the shield now.  And it looks like there’s a convoy of vehicles coming down the road from the guard barracks!”

“Damn,” spat Archer.  “ Looks like you were right, Trip.”

“I’d be happier if I wasn’t.”

October 29, 2156 0315 (Weechee Zone 3 Time) – Arsenal 47, Weechee Hegemony, Edos


After thirty minutes the guards finally arrived and removed T’Pol, Malcolm and Romero from the tendrils’ clutches.  They attached new restraints to their arms and herded them out of the building.  The weapons the guards carried looked like some kind of projectile thrower but appeared quite deadly to Malcolm despite their primitiveness.

The three were forced to board a “truck,” squatting on its legs with a cloth cover on a frame over the back.  A sextet of guards boarded with them, and then pulled the ramp up so that it covered the rear.  There were no seats or benches in the back and when the truck rose, all three of the bipeds lost their balance and fell to the floor while their guards stood rock steady on their tripods of legs.  After struggling to their feet and then falling again, the Starfleet personnel remained on the floor of the truck.

Corporal Romero said, “Do you think the Captain will come for us?”

“Put a sock in it,” snapped Malcolm.  T’Pol sat on the floor with her eyes closed, apparently trying to meditate.

October 28, 2156 0320 (Weechee Zone 3 Time) – Flar, Weechee Hegemony, Edos


General Plex, President for Life, was ensconced in his sleep nook, slumbering peacefully with his legs locked in a tripod under him.  The view screen chirped shrilly for over a minute before he began to rouse.  He reached out and activated it.  “Yes?” he asked curtly.

General Ado, the chief of the military, appeared on the screen.  “A thousand pardons, Excellency, but we have caught spies at Arsenal 47.”

“I see.  That’s a major security failure, but not a good reason to call me in the middle of the night!”

The general shook his head groggily.  “I’m sorry, I’m not being clear.  They are alien spies … bipeds!”

The President for Life was suddenly wide-awake.

October 29, 2156 0325 (Weechee Zone 3 Time) Enterprise Situation Room, Edos Outer System


Hoshi had moved to the communications console while Archer, Trip and Valois stayed in the Situation Room.  Travis was still on the view screen, a worried look on his face as he scanned the instruments in the shuttle.  Suddenly he looked up.  “Sir, there’s a convoy leaving the arsenal.  Life scan signs show two Humans and a Vulcan in one of the vehicles.”

“How many vehicles in the convoy, Lieutenant?” asked Valois.

“Looks like six.  We’re reading forty-two Edosian life signs and a lot of weapons.”  The view screen lit up with a video feed from the shuttle.  It was monochrome and grainy from the night vision camera.  Sensor data flowed onto the chart table.

“Stay with them and stay out of sight,” Archer said.  He looked at Valois, who shook his head and said,  “They don’t have enough firepower on the shuttle to get them out.”

Trip looked beseechingly at Archer.  “I know they won’t talk.  I can lead a raid to get them out once we know where they’ve been taken.”

Hoshi called over from the communications station,  “Captain, we decrypted a message from the Arsenal.  Our people are being taken to another base.”  She rattled off a set of coordinates.

Archer looked at the screen for a moment, then brought up a map on the chart table and got the convoy’s position on it, then zoomed it out and put the destination coordinates in.  They’re taking them here,” he said, as a mark began flashing.  He narrowed his eyes for a moment as he calculated.  “At the speed they’re travelling, it’s going to take them a couple of hours to get there.”

Trip and Valois looked at him.  “I don’t see how that makes a difference,” said Valois.  “We can’t get another shuttle down there in that time.”

Enterprise can be at Edos in forty-five minutes.  Are we ready for warp, Mr. Tucker?” he asked Trip with a foxy grin.

Trip goggled at him then said, “Yes, sir!”

“I think it’s time we announce ourselves.”  Archer briskly strode to the center chair and sat down.  “Helm, set a course for Edos, maximum warp.”

October 29, 2156 0325 (Weechee Zone 3 Time) Enterprise Ready Room, en route to Edos


The Ready Room chime sounded.  Archer called “Come,” and, as expected, Veena Patel entered.  “Yes, Ambassador?” she said.

Archer held a PADD out to her.  “Please read this. I’m planning to broadcast it to the Edosians after we recover our people.”

As she read, her eyebrows raised.  She looked at him.  “You can’t be serious!”

“I’m completely serious.  What’s wrong with it?”

“You can’t send an ultimatum.  It has to be coached in appropriate diplomatic language.”

“We don’t have diplomatic relations, this will be translated, and I don’t want there to be any nuances that get missed by the Edosians.”

“Well, you’re not sending this!”

“Excuse me?”

“You’re not sending this!  I won’t allow it!”

“Ms. Patel, do I have to remind you that you are not the ambassador?  If you have constructive advice I’ll consider it, but I’m in charge of this mission and I’ll make the decisions about how we deal with the Edosians.”

“We’ll see about that!”  She spun and exited the Ready Room.

Archer pushed the communicator button.  “Hoshi, please put us on communications blackout, no outgoing transmissions until I tell you otherwise.  That especially applies to the diplomatic staff.”

October 29, 2156 0345 (Weechee Zone 3 Time) – Weechee Hegemony, Edos


She could feel Trip’s confidence through the bond and that gave her courage as she sat in the bed of the truck, surrounded by armed aliens.  The sparkle of the transporter took them and then suddenly they were home.  T’Pol, Malcolm and Corporal Romero looked up from their seated positions as Trip hustled over from the transporter console.

“It is agreeable to see you, Commander,” T’Pol said as Trip helped her up.  “You’re a sight for sore eyes all right,” said Malcolm.

“The Captain decided it was time to take the gloves off.  Let’s see if we can figure out how to get those restraints off of you now,” Trip said as he examined T’Pol’s wrists.  The cuffs were attached by cables to a belt around her waist.  “I wonder what this extra one is for,” mused Trip, looking at the third cuff that hung behind her by a cable.

“Three hands, remember?” said Malcolm.

Romero put in, “We’re lucky they didn’t try to fasten those to our…” before he was interrupted by Malcolm’s “Zip it, Romero!”

October 29, 2156 0350 (Weechee Zone 3 Time) – Flar, Weechee Hegemony, Edos


The President for Life had just returned to his slumber when the view screen began chirping.  When he activated it, General Ado appeared again.  “What is it now?” he snarled.  “Can’t you people do anything without me holding your hands?”

The General swallowed.  “Sir, the spies disappeared from the vehicle they were being transported in.”

October 29, 2156 0325 (Weechee Zone 3 Time) Enterprise, Edos orbit


Archer took up a position in the center of the bridge, wearing a civilian suit rather than his usual Starfleet uniform.  He looked over at Hoshi.  “Put me on the planetary networks, please.”

At Hoshi’s signal, he began.  “This is Ambassador Archer, representing United Earth and the Coalition of Planets.  Two months ago our planet was the target of an unprovoked attack that left over 30 million people dead.  We found Edosian parts in the weapons.  We demand that you assist us in finding the parties responsible for this attack.  You have one day to respond.”

October 29, 2156 1130 (Arlex Time) Imperial Palace, Arlex City, Empire of Arlex, Edos


The Grand Vizier’s aide bustled through the door.  “A thousand pardons Excellency, but we have just received a transmission from an alien spacecraft.”

“Another group of Traders?”

“No, they are threating retaliation for an attack on their planet.”

“Let’s see this transmission then.”  His aide tapped on the digital slate he was carrying and a biped appeared on the large screen on the wall.  The short message came through in fluent Arlexian, although the movement of the mouth did not sync with the audio.

“This was broadcast in Arlexian, Balasian, Lailongese and Weechee,” commented his aide.

“I see.  Inform the Traders that I want to see them immediately.”

October 29, 2156 0335 (Weechee Zone 3 Time) Enterprise, Edos orbit


Malcolm waited patiently as Trip carefully removed the restraints from T’Pol’s wrists with a phase cutter.  The alloy the Edosians had used for the cuffs was tough and he needed to stop cutting every few seconds to keep the metal from heating up too much. He kept asking T’Pol if she was OK, to which she would respond with small nods.

“Thank you, Commander,” T’Pol said as Tucker finished cutting through the second wrist restraint.  She massaged her wrists for a moment and then extended two fingers to him.  Tucker mirrored the gesture and they touched fingertips briefly.

“Is that like a Vulcan high five?” said Romero. 

“Yeah, something like that,” said Tucker as T’Pol faintly flushed green.  “T’Pol, we should get you to Sickbay for a quick check.  Rostov, would you cut these gentlemen free?” 

The two commanders exited.  Rostov went off to get another power pack for the cutter.

Romero put his head close to Malcolm and said quietly,  “I was stationed at the embassy on Vulcan for a year.  That is called an ozh’esta and it’s the equivalent of a kiss for Vulcans.  I’ve only seen that between married couples.”

“I’d say it’s none of our business and you should keep that observation to yourself,” whispered Malcolm.

“Yessir.  But maybe you want to let them know that I’m not the only person who’s been stationed on Vulcan.”

October 29, 2156 1115 (Weechee Zone 3 Time) Enterprise Conference Room, Edos orbit


The “President for Life” of the Weechee Hegemony, General Plex, had announced that he would give a response to the United Earth ultimatum at 11 AM.  Archer, Hoshi, T’Pol and Veena were in the conference room watching the video feed.  It had now been going on for fifteen minutes.

“Well, Ms. Patel, are there any diplomatic nuances I should be getting from this?” asked Archer.

Patel had been sitting sullenly for some time with her arms crossed.  She looked up.  “No, it’s just typical bluster.  General Plex is especially prone to it.  Some of his speeches have gone on for hours.”

“Hmmmph,” grunted Archer and he turned back to the screen.

“I don’t think he’s going to give you an answer,” Patel said.  “What are you going to do when the time is up?”

“We have a list of military installations.  We can destroy one of those.”

Veena folded her arms again and was silent.

Plex was continuing on.  “These aliens have come here in their arrogance to accuse us of attacking them when we know that they are here to steal our resources.  They will not prevail!  We will give them the father of all battles.  Their single, puny, ship will be destroyed.”

The tactical alert began blaring.  Malcolm’s voice came over the intercom.  “Captain, five armed ships are on an intercept course.”

“Hmmm,” said Archer.  “Get ready for the ‘father of all battles’.  I’ll be right up.”  Plex’s image continued to rant on the screen as he left the room.



Archer exited the turbolift and sat in the command chair.  Patel followed him out and took a position at the rear of the bridge.  Archer turned to Malcolm. “Report.”

“Five ships, heading towards us at impulse speed.  No signs of shields but they appear to be armed with disruptors and nuclear fission missiles.  Our shields are up and we are ready to engage.”

“Let’s get them onscreen.  Did you say ‘fission’?” Archer asked.

“Yes, sir.  Plutonium implosion, about five megatons.  Pretty deadly for museum pieces.”

The Weechee ships were long and slender, about one hundred and twenty meters long.  The five ships were identical and flying in a “V” formation.

“Open a channel,” Archer said to Hoshi.

“No response,” she replied after a few seconds.

Two sleek shapes leapt away from each of the ships and accelerated towards Enterprise.  “They’re launching missiles,” Malcolm reported.

“Take the missiles out,” said Archer calmly.  Malcolm manipulated the controls on the weapons console and the hum of the phase cannons could be heard on the bridge.

“Missiles destroyed.  They’re charging disruptors.  Thirty seconds until they’re ready to fire.”

Archer edged forward on his chair.  “Helm, full impulse and bring us around behind them.  Tactical, fire on the lead ship.  See if you can disable their engines”

The sound of the phase cannons thrummed through the bridge.  “Direct hit on the lead ship’s engines.  They’re disabled.  The other four are turning.”

“Helm, keep us behind them.  Tactical, disable all of them.”  The phase cannons spoke four more times and the ships were left powerless and tumbling in their orbits.

“Now what, Ambassador?” Patel asked.  Her tone was neutral but still goaded Archer.  A plan formed and he spun the command chair to face her.

“I think it’s time we had a face-to-face talk with General Plex,” replied Archer.

October 29, 2156 0900 (Lailong Western Time) People’s Administration Building, Lailong, Edos


Batou and Senior Philosopher Trin knew everyone in the small group of scientists standing around the table in the conference room. 

The Minister of Science entered the room and took a position at the head of the rectangular table.  “Thank you all for coming.  Have you all had an opportunity to view the ultimatum that was sent and review the recordings of the battle?”  There were murmurs of assent and the Science Advisor continued, “Good.  I’ve assembled you here to form an answer to these Earth people.  We Lailongese have remained closest to the ideals given us by the Pathfinders and we will best be able to represent Edos.  This will be our Visitation”

October 29, 2156 1850 (Weechee Zone 3 Time) Enterprise Shuttle Bay, Edos orbit


Archer entered the shuttle bay and made his way gingerly around the pile of access panels from the IPS shuttle interior.  Trip and Melek were in the process of installing Melek’s shield opener into the shuttle and also “hot rodding” the device, as Trip had put it.

Melek’s voice came out of the open door, “You can’t put that much plasma through that resonator.  It’s not rated for that power level!”

“Hmmph,” snorted Trip.  “I helped write the specs for that part.  There’s a huge safety margin.  Hand me another EPS conduit.”

Archer stuck his head in the shuttle door.  “How’s it coming?”

“Another half an hour,” Trip replied, shoulders deep in an equipment bay.  “If it doesn’t explode,” put in Melek.

“Have a little faith, Melek,” Archer said.  He leaned out of the shuttle and turned around to be confronted by Veena Patel.

“Lieutenant Sato tells me the ship is still on communications black out!” she said.

“Yes, that’s true,” said Archer.  “Who were you planning on calling?”

“Minister Whitford, of course.  You can’t just kidnap a foreign head of state!”

“No?  Why not?”

She spluttered for a moment.  “Because it just isn’t done, that’s why!”

“Veena, thirty million people are dead in an unprovoked attack.  This ship has been attacked with nuclear armed missiles -- again, unprovoked.”

“They caught our people spying!”

“Yes, that’s true.  Now, if we had caught their people spying, would that be reason to attack them with nuclear weapons?”

“No, of course not!”

“I agree.  So, our spying was also not reasonable provocation for an attack.  And, third, there’s a fleet being assembled to rain destruction down on this planet.  I’m not convinced yet that they’re really responsible and I will not condemn these people unless I am absolutely sure.  What do you propose we do?”

“Work as diplomats through civilized channels.”

“And how do you propose we go about opening those channels?”

“You could let the professionals do it.”

“You mean you?”

“Do you think this is some kind of turf war, Jon?” she said, looking up at him, eyes narrowed.  “This isn’t about my ego.  This is about handling this properly.”

“And how many first contacts have you handled, Ms. Patel?”

“We can get some advice from Earth!”

“I’ve handled eleven first contacts.  That’s more than anyone else in Starfleet or the United Earth diplomatic corps.  I am the professional here.  I’m also the ambassador and the commander of this mission.  And, I already cleared it with Starfleet and the Foreign Ministry.”

“I want to confirm that!”

“Ms. Patel, just who do you think you are?  You will follow my orders and that’s the last I want to hear of it.”

October 29, 2156 1930 (Weechee Zone 3 Time) T’Pol’s cabin, Enterprise, Edos orbit


After working a full shift, T’Pol had retired to meditate.  The stresses of the past few days were threatening to become overwhelming.  Seated in her Vulcan robes, she was attempting to focus on the candle flame when her door chime sounded.

“Come in,” she called.

Veena Patel entered.  “I’m sorry to disturb you, Commander, but I wanted to discuss some matters with you.”

“Please, have a seat.”  T’Pol gestured at the cushion on the other side of the table.  As Patel sat, T’Pol rose.  “Would you care for some tea?  I have chamomile.”

“Um, yes, that would be very nice, thank you.”

T’Pol found a couple of teacups and retrieved the vacuum flask she had filled in the mess earlier.  She sat down and poured tea for them both.  “You are disturbed by the Captain’s plan,” she observed.

Patel looked up sharply.  “Yes!  Aren’t you?  This doesn’t sound like the kind of action a Vulcan would support!”

T’Pol took a sip of her tea.  “You might be astonished by some of the actions taken by Vulcans.  I have worked with Captain Archer for five years, six months and twelve days.  His actions continue to surprise me.  However, I have learned to trust him.  This operation may seem bold, but after weighing all the alternatives, I believe it has the best possibility of success.”

“Everyone on this damned ship is part of the Archer Fan Club!”

T’Pol arched an eyebrow.  “I assure you that my support for Captain Archer was hard-won.”  She put her tea down.  “Ms. Patel, there is value in having diverse, even opposing view points and I encourage you to continue providing yours.  But I would recommend that you keep an open mind.  I have been onboard Enterprise since her first mission.  Originally, this ship was lightly armed and shielded.  Captain Archer was not comfortable with even the minimal armament we were equipped with then.”  She took a sip of tea.  “The Enterprise of five years ago would not have survived today’s attack.”

“That’s ridiculous!  The Edosians don’t even have warp drive.  How could they pose a serious threat?  Look how easily we stopped them.”

“Those missiles were armed with nuclear warheads with a yield of five megatons each.  Any one of those warheads, had it reached Enterprise’s hull, would have vaporized the ship.  The Edosians, while significantly less advanced than Earth, are a serious threat.”

“I just don’t like it.  This goes against everything I’ve ever learned about diplomacy.”  She stood. “Thank you for the tea,” she said and exited.

T’Pol cleared the cups away and returned to her meditation.  After a moment her eyebrows suddenly lifted as she was hit with a sudden insight.  She rose and walked over to the comm panel on the wall.  “Ensign Park,” she said, after pressing the button.  “Please do a subspace scan of the planet for anti-matter.  I’d like all concentrations, down to the limit of detection.  Make this your top priority.”

October 30, 2156 0115 (Weechee Zone 3 Time) – Flar, Weechee Hegemony, Edos


It was night in Flar, the capital of the Weechee Hegemony.  The Presidential Palace slumbered under its shield dome that glowed blue because of the atmosphere, unlike in space.  High above, Enterprise’s IPS shuttlepod hovered silently.

Archer’s voice came over the comm link.  “OK, open the shield now!”  Melek pressed a control and a loud hum filled the shuttlepod.  Below them a twenty-meter wide hole appeared at the peak of the dome.  “It’s open, hurry up!” she shouted. Up front, Travis worked the controls as the shuttlepod bucked, trying to compensate for the surges being sent through the EPS grid by the shield opener.

Back on Enterprise’s bridge, Malcolm was scanning the Presidential Palace.  Their network penetration had yielded floor plans, internal surveillance video and the President for Life’s medical records.  He was scanning the area that should be Plex’s bedroom.  There were two life signs in the proximity, one had a heart rate consistent with an awake Edosian with other factors indicating relative youth – probably a bodyguard – and there, a few meters away, was one that matched Plex’s profile to a T.

“Got him!” shouted Malcolm.  In the transporter room, the co-ordinates appeared on Trip’s screen.  Seconds later the President for Life was rudely awakened on the transporter pad by Enterprise’s MACOs.

October 30, 2156 0600 (Weechee Zone 3 Time) – Enterprise Captain’s Mess, Edos orbit


Archer, Malcolm and Veena were tucking into large breakfasts after another sleepless night.  Chef had produced Vegemite for Veena’s toast, something Archer and Malcolm had both declined, despite Veena’s advocacy.

 “So do you think Plex is telling the truth that he really didn’t know anything about the drones?” Archer asked, sipping his coffee.

“It seems that way, but it’s hard to tell with the amount of nonsense that’s coming out of him,” said Malcolm.  “It’s still half threats.  He doesn’t seem to realize the situation he’s in.”

Patel said, “Plex fits the mold of many of the classic dictators I studied in school.  He doesn’t have the imagination to understand that there are forces more powerful than himself.”

“So you think he’s telling the truth?”

“Yes, at least as far as not knowing anything about the drones.”  She nibbled at a slice of bacon.

“However, that doesn’t mean that someone else in the Weechee government wasn’t involved,” said Malcolm.

“So we don’t have any better answers than before.  What’s our next move?”

“That was my question earlier, Ambassador,” said Patel.  “Cunningham,” she called.  “Will you ask Chef for some more toast with Vegemite, please?”

October 30, 2156 1000 (Weechee Zone 3 Time) Enterprise Conference Room, Edos orbit


Archer was dozing in his chair when the comm panel chimed.  “Yes, what is it?” he asked.

“We’re receiving a transmission from the surface.  It’s from Lailong.”

Viewed head-on and shoulders up on the view screen the First Citizen of Lailong appeared much less unusual to Archer than she would have in a full body image.  After having spent several hours interrogating General for Life Plex, First Citizen Tama appeared much more gentle but serious and substantial as well.

“Ambassador, let me begin by offering my condolences for the attack on your home world.  The People’s Democratic Republic of Lailong had no involvement in this attack and wishes to have only peaceful relations with your planet.”

“First Citizen, we would like to form a peaceful relationship with Edos.  We have found evidence, however, that links Edos with the attack.  To the best of your knowledge, were any of the other Edosian nations involved?”

“Ambassador, I don’t believe that any Edosian nation has the capability for an interstellar attack.  We are not a ‘warp capable’ people.”  Archer straightened.  Did she really say that?  He wondered if the translator had glitched.

Tama continued, “Ah, I see that has startled you?  Yes, we are aware of the ‘warp drive.’  We would like to send a delegation to you to discuss what we do know in person.”

October 30, 2156 1300 (Arlex Time) Imperial Palace, Arlex City, Empire of Arlex


The Grand Vizier was standing at his desk when the intercom buzzed.  He pushed the button and said, “Yes?”

“The Traders have arrived,” his aide said.  A moment later, two figures hooded and swathed in the traditional head to toe garment of Sealed Messengers entered.  Their motions were a bit odd but nothing too far out of the ordinary, though the Grand Vizier knew that they moved on two legs rather than three.

The hoods were thrown back, revealing the two Traders from another star, Sonok and V’Seth.  “Let us discuss how to deal with these ‘Humans’ and their ultimatum,” said Sonok.



These aliens feel very ... alien! What on Earth are these Romulans up to? It's disconcerting to see them already at work behind the scenes. Let's just hope that the Enterprise prove to be better 'traders'.


hmmm....I really like the tri-pod aliens and your glimpses into how they function, like the third handcuff or their increased stability. Having an extreme dislike of all things diplomatic i also like your Patel and the necessary slap down. Romero seemed to me to be a jerk which I think was your point. The fact that you decided to reincarnate Idi Amin Dada as Plex gave me an enormous laugh. I will not make anti-Archer comments, i promised..(at least in this chappie)


Great story I really have enjoyed reading it.


Good luck, my friend!;)


Thanks for the comments! Archer is an odd character.  I like him, but I think that's really a result of Scott Bakula, who portrayed him as a likable guy even when the writing seemed to be going in a different direction.  We're told about what a wonderful and important character he is, and that history will evaluate him as such, but the way he's written he was mostly lucky.  So, one of my goals for this story is to show him going through the transformation from the lucky idiot we saw in the show to the guy who's well-remembered by history.  We'll see if I succeed.


I find it just a little hard to reconcile your forceful Archer with the character we saw on screen, but I can't say I don't like it.  Keep the story coming, please!


This chapter rates a Vulcan high five!


I can understand Linda, and I myself in my stories (as, for example, "Ineluctable") try desperately to give Archer what he does not show to have. I can not say that the results are good, though, maybe because I just do not like the figure of the hero, the hero at any cost. I perceive Archer as a character of the second floor.
But (excuse my digression) the point is not here. The point lies in the overall freshness of this story: I like it, it's beautiful, simple and complex at the same time.
Obviously I am in eager anticipation of something more about Trip and T'Pol.
And I'm sure I will not go disappointed.


Exciting.  I like the battle and the negotiations with the planet and the argument between Archer and Patel. And I like the conversation between T'Pol and Patel showing T'Pol's trust in Archer.  Archer is a character that deserves development as a man who can make good decisions despite some of the bad ones he made in canon episodes.  

Nice ending with me saying 'Ah hah, now we get a face off with the Romulans!' 

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