Beyond Reason

By Linda

Rating: G

Genres: general


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Beyond Reason
By Linda

Genre: poetry, Distracted’s POV challenge
Summary: Whose chilling POV is this?

It is definitely my feeling and puking sick gut reaction
That this Human has gone beyond reason for satisfaction
I gag at the thought of the betrayal of his kind with such
A willingness, an eagerness, to experience an alien’s touch

After Florida and his own sister and the seven million and all,
These aliens have done nothing for us that ever I can recall
So this little package from ships medical I’ll be sending along
They will fix it, my contacts, purge Earth of what’s wrong

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"everyone Happily Paired" is Malcolm, right?
"Beyond Reason" has to be Masaro.
"Me and the Sundered"... is it V'Las?
Your "Untitled POV Challenge Poem"... is it Forrest griping about Soval? : )
I love this Linda! A Vulcan might reminisce... just think about what it'd have been like IF T'Pol could've met Trip when she was in her 30's, hehe.
That's delightful!:D Your poetic touch is very considerable. I remember another poetry that delighted me: [b]This Thing Called Love[/b]. Beautiful! Very beautiful! :p

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