So Very Many Stars

By Linda

Rating: G



This story has been read by 807 people.
This story has been read 1347 times.

Mind fevered, yearning, pushing,
Into the screen of streaming stars
Shifting, resolving, a vision coalescing, speaks…

“It is I”

Shaking, rising, embracing the com panel, staring out,

“Parted from me and never parted”

Breath catching, sweating fingers slipping on metal,

“Never and always touching and touched”

Image of home…the sky, the sands, the circle,

“We meet at the appointed place”

The vision wavers, returns with a promise:

“I await you”

Screen blackens, and then
Streaming, ever streaming,
So very many stars
Perhaps, this time, too many…

Note: Please use the title of the poem in the comment box below when leaving your review, since all poems by a single author now share the same comments box. This will help them distinguish which one you're reviewing. Thanks!


"everyone Happily Paired" is Malcolm, right?
"Beyond Reason" has to be Masaro.
"Me and the Sundered"... is it V'Las?
Your "Untitled POV Challenge Poem"... is it Forrest griping about Soval? : )
I love this Linda! A Vulcan might reminisce... just think about what it'd have been like IF T'Pol could've met Trip when she was in her 30's, hehe.
That's delightful!:D Your poetic touch is very considerable. I remember another poetry that delighted me: [b]This Thing Called Love[/b]. Beautiful! Very beautiful! :p

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