
By Asso

Rating: G

Genres: fluff humour


This story has been read by 907 people.
This story has been read 1797 times.

Disclaimer: No lucre changed hands.
Genre: poetry
Summary: Written for the call for more poems on the Triaxian Silk board (and because of my obvious madness.)

Author's Note: Excuse me, my friends. The fact is that . . .
Well, maybe I am mad.
I attempted to write a small poem.
Yes, I am mad!
But I love challenges and then I thought that people I found on this site are very kind.
And they are sensitive persons.
So I attempted this short poem.
But also I thought it would have been better if I asked someone for an opinion about it. Justtripn, sure. And, honestly, how would I be able to give up her, to be without her support?
But also she and I thought it would have been better if I asked for another opinion, from someone who already had written poems.
And this someone was Linda.
I asked her to read my short (very short) poem, and she thought it has some worth.
So, slightly more confident, I submitted this work.
I hope very much people enjoy it.

Thoughts By Asso How lovely and sweet her face is
When she sleeps serene after love.
I love her.
Now I know this.

Don’t leave me, please!
You’re a gift from the Lord above.
With you life is a delightful river.
With you joy will be ever after.
And together, our bliss will increase
And never cease.
I don't want to be alone again.
You tied my heart with a chain.


How strong and fond his hug is
When he makes love with me.
I love him.
Now I know this.

Don’t leave me, please!
How did you make me love thee?
You‘re my dazzling sun beam.
You’re my golden love dream.
And together, our bliss will increase
And never cease.

I don't want to be alone again.
You got in my soul and my brain.



Trip and T-Pol speak the  language of Love as inerpreted by a  Lover  of Love.



Mh…Where can I find a blushing smily? Thanks for the comments Evcake, Reanok, Linda,krn. And… well I really appreciated your ”bello”, krn.:p
our romantic Italian strikes again! Bello!
It is a very nice poem! And I wish I could right in your language. Closest I could come is badly written Spanish. Yo no puedo escrito mas que un poco de los palabras pequenos.
Wonderful Poem Asso.I really like the fact you had Trip and & T\'Pols points of view.Lovely thanks for posting it.
Yes, it was. But I wasn't thinking of that. I was... :p following my heart. And then, your language is sweet, soft. It have an intrinsic rhythm, a cadence which makes it special and unique. I only hope I have been capable of displaying that, at least somewhat. And, obviously, that you enjoyed my job.:D
Once again I am stunned by your courage, Asso. Wasn't that a complex rhyme scheme to tackle in a second language?

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