The Banshee

By T'Sara

Rating: G

Genres: angst


This story has been read by 623 people.
This story has been read 871 times.

Disclaimer: I own nothing. Star Trek belongs to Paramount. I am but a wee pee on that likes the shows and no infringement is intended so please don’t sue!

Rating: G

Genre: Angst

Archive: yes

Summary: Written for the “Home Front” challenge on Triaxiansilk Trip reads a letter he received from Lizzie shortly after he was assigned to Enterprise. Takes place sometime shortly after the events in “The Forgotten.” Spoilers: “The Expanse.” The title comes from said episode. Trip tells Malcolm that his sister would wail like a Banshee if he didn’t take her with him to the movies.

Special thanks to my Betas, Dinah and Evcake. You girls are wonderful!

Finally he was at peace. Charles Tucker the Third lay in his bunk and watched the stars streak by. Sleep just seemed to come easier these last few weeks.

Writing that letter to Crewman Taylor’s family had helped heal his grief over his little sister, and for the first time Trip could think of Lizzie without feeling suffocated by his grief and anger.

A soft smile came to his lips as he remembered the subspace letter she sent after his assignment to Enterprise. So young and full of life and promise; she had written him to tell him of her plans for future and to reminisce on her Banshee days. Moving from his bunk he sat at his desk and called up the letter.

Lizzie’s face came up on the screen with a soft smile on her face.

I hope this letter finds you well. Mom and Dad told me that Jon requested you on Enterprise. I know you must be thrilled! Chief Engineer! I am so proud. I always knew you would go far . . . I just didn’t think it would be so literal!

Lizzie said while laughing. Trip again let a small smile come to his face…no matter what it always seemed that Lizzie had a healthy zest for life and often laughed over it.

Things for me are going well. I don’t know if I have told you but I’ve been asked to give a lecture at University of Florida on Monday for the multicultural Architectural program UF is hosting. It should be nice to see some of my old professors and the campus again. Seems like only yesterday I got my degree, doesn’t it?

Speaking of only yesterday . . . Mom and I ran across some old family photos. Most of them were from when we were kids. I found the one you took of that damn garden snake that you later put in my dollhouse. No I still haven’t forgiven you for that. And a few of our old dog Bedford, but the one that I think I’ll keep is the picture of just the two of us after seeing “Frankenstein”. I remember being so upset when you and your buddies wouldn’t take me with you, and so happy when you finally caved! I’ll admit I used my tears to an unfair advantage, and that It wasn’t fair of me to coerce you into taking me.

But I am not going to lie and say I regret doing so. Seeing that movie with you was probably the best time I’ve ever spent with you and one of my fondest childhood memories. I thought you should know that.

Well big brother, I need to head to bed. I have a long week ahead of me and I need to prepare.

Please take care of yourself, and give Jon my regards.

Hopefully, when things settle down and you get some leave, we can all get together and go to the condo on Siesta Key for a week.

I love you very much.

Lizzie bent over to end the transmission, but paused to blow kisses before doing so.

Trip sat back for a moment before brushing away a single tear.

“I love you too, Elizabeth.”



Great that you took the first step in writing a story. Very nicely written!
Yes, it would have been nice if they had given us more of Lizzie on the show. Sibling relationships are the longest ones we have in our lives. Except, I suppose this one was cut short... A nice little piece. :)
This was a nice little fic. They really should've done something like this on the show.
How sweet. This more than anything shows that Trip has healed and is at peace enough with himself and with reality to let go his anger and let love in again. This allows him to remember the happy times and touch Lizzy as she was. A necessary step to recovery which you depicted beautifully. Thanks
How sweet... this had me all teary-eyed by the end. What a lovely ending (I love Lizzie! You\'ve instilled her with such a fun personality in such a short passage that I couldn\'t help but be upset at the end, even though we all knew she was dead.)
I can't resist any story that focuses on Lizzy and this one was nicely done. And when mourning is over, it is not that you put the person out of your life - you actually bring them back into your life because you can again think of them with love and not with pain. You showed this well in your story. :D My take on Lizzy is that she did not die, which I put in a story in Soval's Annex on the old Trip/T'Poler's site. But that take on Lizzy and how it could have happened is not one many people are interested in, sigh. :(
Wow! I'm glad everyone likes it so far! :D
Awww - I hope they got to go to Seista Key before the attack... Now that you've been bitten by the writing bug, you might not be able to stop!
Sweet little ficlet. Thanks.
T'Sara I really liked this tory and the fact you did a story that takes Place after the Forgotten and Trip's memories of Elizabeth well done , I really like this story alot.:D
A very neat, and well polished little fic. I am not ordinarily fond of the tear jerkers, but this one is very well written.
Heartbreaking, sweet, gentle and well done!:p

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