
By Transwarp

Rating: PG-13

Genres: general drama adventure


This story has been read by 2849 people.
This story has been read 13074 times.

This story is number 3 in the series Tucker Chronicles: 2155 - 2160

Chapter 1

Disclaimer: Paramount owns Star Trek names, and related intellectual property.

Summary: War breaks out with the Romulan Empire, and T'Pol assumes command of a Starfleet frigate. This is the third story in a series (order of stories: "The Commissioning", then "Liaison", then "Command").

Note 1: T'Pol's dance lessons were inspired by Hopeful Romantic's "Childhood is the Kingdom Where Nobody Dies" and her Reconnecting, series. Both are excellent, and come HIGHLY recommended. (Warning: Bring Kleenex when you get to 'The Land of Might-Have-Been' chapter in the series.)

Note 2: T'Pol's Italian lessons were inspired by Asso's delightful Honeymoon (NC17) series, in which Trip and T'Pol take a much deserved honeymoon to Italy.

Note 3: The concept of Vulcan clans is lifted directly from Blackn'blue's "Want of a Nail" series. ["Want of A Nail", "In the Cold of the Night", "Father to the Man", and "Purgatory"]In fact, they are a must-read if you want to know what life on Vulcan is like. Black'nblue makes Vulcan a real place, populated with real people. I shamelessly stole T'Pol's clan name from him, but I had no choice: After all, it's real.

Note 4: It is firmly established in canon (going all the way back to Trek Original Series) that humans were unaware of Romulan physical appearance until Kirk's encounter with a Romulan warship. [TOS episode 'Balance of Terror'] To me, this is one of the more idiotic instances of canon in the Trek universe. I find it highly unlikely that in the 110 years between the first Romulan war and the episode 'Balance of Terror', humans would not have been able to determine such a basic piece of information as the physical appearance of the Romulans, an aggressive race that had attacked them once. However, it IS canon, and canon from TOS, no less, so who am I to dispute it? I will jump through the requisite hoops to avoid violating this particular tenant.

Note 5: Despite the fact that the Romulans had developed cloaked mines and ships [ENT episode 'Minefield'], I am postulating that the technology at that time was still highly experimental, and not suitable for operational use on warships. This seems to fit with canon, as Kirk was surprised by the technology a hundred years later [TOS episode 'Balance of Terror'], as if it had never (or rarely) been seen. And, by the way, don't you find it exceedingly odd that a century after TOS (the TNG time frame), and two centuries after ENT, the Federation had STILL not developed (or stolen) their own cloaking technology?

Note 6: Hoshi Sato and Travis Mayweather are now Lieutenants. Malcolm Reed is now a Lieutenant Commander. It is customary, when speaking to or about Lieutenant Commanders, to address them as 'Commander'. Also, a ship's Commanding Officer is addressed as 'Captain', regardless of actual rank.

Note 7: The Vulcan Dictionary at is the source of all Vulcan words in this story.


Romulus, 16 March 2156

One by one, the ships of Battle Squadron One pulled away from the berths of their orbital base. The heavy cruisers Decivvus and Karvath, the light cruisers Trallix, B'Tavar, and Valtanus, and twelve escort-class warbirds broke orbit, formed up, and entered warp together. At the same time, but from other orbital bases around Romulus, three more battle squadrons also slipped into warp.

All four squadrons departed at the same time for separate destinations. Battle Squadron One, by virtue of having the nearest objective, would receive the honor and glory of delivering the first blow to the Praetor's enemies.

Squadron One's objective: Attack and destroy the human colony on a world named 'Pearl Haven'. The irony of that name was completely lost on the Romulans who manned the attacking ships.


Enterprise, 26 March 2156

Trip stared at his terminal and sighed. Only two more efficiency reports to go. Then review and approve the engineering logs. Then approve the maintenance schedules. Then do next week's duty roster. Then next month's training schedules. Then he could finally do some real work, and help realign the inertial dampers--assuming there would be anything left to realign by the time he was done with all the paperwork.

They'll be finished, he thought, morosely. Hess is ramrodding that job, and she's pretty sharp. I'm gonna miss all the fun. The title of Chief Engineer came with many advantages, but this time of the month wasn't one of them.

Trip's contemplation was interrupted by the comm panel: "Phlox to Commander Tucker."

He stabbed the reply button. "Tucker here."

"Commander, are you able to join me and Commander T'Pol in sickbay?"

Trip frowned. "Is everything okay, Doc?"

"Everything is fine," Phlox replied. "I just have some information you'll want to hear."

"On my way," Trip said. He would grab at any excuse to postpone the drudgery of routine reports. Maybe the paperwork elves will come while I'm gone.





Trip walked into sickbay to find Phlox and T'Pol conversing in hushed tones at his desk. T'Pol gave Trip a guarded look as he approached. A casual observer would not have noticed--her expression was the epitome of Vulcan reserve--but where T'Pol was concerned, Trip was hardly a casual observer. He could tell she was apprehensive, and it troubled him. She's nervous about something.

Phlox, on the other hand, exhibited his normal exuberance. "Have a seat, Commander," he said, smiling broadly.

Trip was somewhat reassured by his cheerful demeanor, but still concerned. He took the indicated chair next to T'Pol. *What is it, darling?* he sent across their mental bond, *Why so tense?*

*Phlox will explain, my love. Just listen,* T'Pol sent back. Through the bond, Trip felt her apprehension, but there was also an undercurrent of excitement. Whatever it is, it must be pretty significant for T'Pol to be this flustered.

T'Pol turned back to Phlox, "Go ahead, Doctor. Tell my husband what you've found."

Phlox nodded, getting straight to the point. "I have been researching methods of combining the Vulcan and Human genomes, and I believe I have succeeded. If the two of you so desire, you can have a child that is genetically yours."

Trip was stunned by Phlox's pronouncement. "I-- I didn't even know you were working on it," he stammered.

"It was at my request," T'Pol interjected, "I asked him to undertake the task after we were married."

Trip stared at T'Pol, and she dropped her eyes to her hands, which were clasped together in her lap. Now he understood the source of her excitement--and her apprehension. She was excited by the prospect of a child, but apprehensive that he would not share her excitement. I want a child, too, Trip thought, just not sure I want one right away.

T'Pol lifted her head to give Trip a solemn gaze. *Have I displeased you, my husband?*

*No darling. Surprised, yes. Displeased? No.* He took her hands from her lap and clasped them between his. *You have never displeased me.*

Phlox watched the two Commanders during their silent exchange. "I should probably leave you to discuss this in private," he said, rising from his desk. They glanced at him as he retreated to a corner of sickbay, then turned back to each other.

*When would you have this child?.. Our child?* Trip asked. T'Pol was pleased that he used the word 'our'.


*And what of our careers?*

*I would resign my commission and raise our child. You would continue your career, of course.*

*This is... very sudden. Why didn't you tell me?*

T'Pol dropped her eyes to her hands again. *I am sorry, k'diwa. I was uncertain whether you would desire a child right now.*

*I guess I'm uncertain of that, too,* Trip sent. He felt a twinge of sorrow from T'Pol at his words, and he hastily backtracked. *Hold on, now, darling, I didn't say no; I just said I'm not certain. Give me a little time to consider the idea; five minutes ago, I didn't even know this was a possibility!*

T'Pol looked up, and Trip's heart melted at the hope he saw glimmering in her eyes. My God, she's beautiful, he thought. He knew in that instant--with absolute certainty and total clarity--that there was nothing he wanted more than to have a child with her. As soon as possible.

Through the bond, she was aware of his decision as soon as he had made it. "Thank you, my love," she murmured, squeezing his hands.

Trip nodded mutely, throat constricting with emotion.

They continued to gaze at each other for several moments. Trip swallowed and spoke, his voice huskier than he intended. "So, what happens next?"

"We must discuss the details with Doctor Phlox," T'Pol said, softly. "There are some unresolved issues."

That doesn't sound good. "Unresolved issues? Like what?"

*Patience, my love. Phlox will explain.* "Doctor, we are ready for you," T'Pol called.

Phlox rejoined the couple, and gave them a questioning look.

"We have decided to proceed," T'Pol said. Phlox glanced at Trip, who nodded his assent.

"Very well," Phlox said, beaming his approval. "The first step is to--"

"Just a sec, Doc," Trip interrupted. "T'Pol mentioned something about unresolved issues. What issues?"

"Issues, yes," Phlox said. "Really only one issue. T'Pol has not yet gone through her first pon farr."

"Pon farr? Why is that an issue?" Trip asked.

"A healthy Vulcan female will have her first pon farr within a year of mating," Phlox said, in his best clinical manner. Trip could sense T'Pol's uneasiness with the topic under discussion, though her face gave nothing away. As usual.

"So what's the problem? T'Pol and I have only been married a year. Thirteen months, actually. Are you saying we should expect a...a pon farr soon?" Although he would never admit it to T'Pol, part of him actually wanted her to go through pon farr, just so he could see what all the hype was about. The other part of him--the part that had a healthy respect for T'Pol's physical strength and stamina--regarded the thought of a wild and unrestrained T'Pol with a great deal of trepidation.

"It's been a year since your wedding ceremony, but that is irrelevant," Phlox pointed out. "In Vulcan females, the pon farr cycle is not triggered by a ceremony, but by the formation of a psychic mating bond. As I understand it, your mating bond formed over two years ago. That means T'Pol is overdue by at least a year."

"Is this... is this a show stopper? I mean, could it keep us from having a child?"

"I don't believe so. Under normal conditions, a Vulcan female will not ovulate prior to her first pon farr. It is the pon farr that stimulates the release of the necessary hormones that allow ovulation to occur, and it is the mating bond that triggers the pon farr. A rather nice evolutionary touch, don't you think? It prevents the waste of ovums prior to the female actually mating."

Trip ignored Phlox's commentary on the efficiency of Vulcan reproduction, and went straight to the point: "So, T'Pol can't ovulate because she hasn't gone through pon farr?"

"Therein lies the mystery," Phlox said. "Commander T'Pol is ovulating, exactly as if she has gone through pon farr. But she hasn't. At least she says she hasn't, and I suspect she would know."

"You are correct, Doctor," T'Pol said, dryly, "I would certainly know."

"Maybe it was that-- that pon farr virus she caught a few years ago," Trip suggested.

Phlox shook his head. "I can rule that out. There were no changes to her body chemistry after the infection was cleared up. I know; I was very thorough in my checks.

Trip did not try to hide his confusion. "So can she--uh, we-- have a baby or not?"

"It appears you can," Phlox said, smiling.

Now it was T'Pol looking confused. "Doctor, this morning you were undecided. What has changed?"

"As you know, I accessed the Vulcan medical library but could not find a case similar to yours. There were several references to delayed pon farr, but I could rule out each one. In every case, there were biological or environmental factors that are not in play here. I'd hit a brick wall, so I expanded my search, and I came across references to T'Pol's condition that weren't in any medical library, because they weren't considered to be abnormal." He set a PADD on the desk in front of T'Pol. "This is what I found."

She picked it up and started reading, then she looked up, perplexed. "Doctor, these are ancient texts, almost two thousand years old. I fail to see their relevance."

"They are from before the Awakening, before Vulcans embraced logic and emotional control." Phlox had the smug look he got when he was especially pleased with himself. "I understand that bonds as strong as yours were more common back then."

Trip watched as comprehension dawned in T'Pol's eyes. "Is somebody going to enlighten me?" he finally growled.

"Yes, Commander," Phlox said. "My search of pre-Awakening documents turned up numerous references to couples who never entered pon farr. The common factor in every case was an exceptionally strong mating bond. It would seem your bond with T'Pol falls into that category."

"You mean T'Pol won't go through pon farr? Ever? Because of... of me?" It was Trip's turn to get a smug look. "Well, how about that?" he sniggered. "It's gotta take a real stud to knock the pon farr out of a Vulcan. Nothing like those wimpy Vulcan males you find around nowadays."

*I suppose you are going to be quite insufferable for the foreseeable future,* T'Pol sent.

*Oh darlin', you have NO idea.* Trip replied, a huge grin plastered across his face. *Still, which would you choose: an insufferable husband, or pon farr every seven years?*

*I choose you, my insufferable husband.* Through the bond, Trip picked up on her amusement, but he also felt a quiet pride-- her pride in him, and her pride in the strength of their relationship.

The discussion turned to the technical issues surrounding the procedure and Trip, having nothing to contribute, tuned them out. He leaned back in his chair, content to watch his wife as she poured over a PADD of arcane genetic details. Two tiny creases formed between her eyebrows, and Trip had to smile. She's adorable when she's concentrating.

His thought must have leaked across to T'Pol, because she looked up from her PADD and met his gaze. *Are there ANY actions I am capable of that you would not categorize as 'adorable'?* she sent, sternly.

Trip's smile widened to a full grin. *You're adorable when you ask questions.*





The paperwork elves had not come, and Trip was late returning to their quarters. It had taken him longer than normal to complete his work, since every five minutes or so he caught himself staring off into space and grinning like an idiot. Hess probably thinks I've been drinking, Trip thought, as he thumbed the door open.

T'Pol was already inside, as he knew she would be. She looked up from the data terminal as Trip entered the room.

"Hey, darling. Or should that be, hey, mom?" Trip asked, a playful smile on his lips.

"That greeting is at least ten months premature," T'Pol noted, primly.

Trip came up behind her and massaged her shoulders as he gazed at the screen. "Whatcha working on?"

T'Pol's eyes slitted with pleasure as Trip kneaded her back. "I am applying an adaptive algorithm to filter out sensor artifacts from the pulsar readings we took yesterday. I should have finished it earlier, but... but I am having difficulty concentrating," she admitted.

Trip snorted, "Yeah. Me, too."

T'Pol pushed away from the desk and stood. "I have been considering names for our child."

"And?.." Trip prompted.

"I do not wish to name our daughter Elizabeth. Or our son Lorian." She moved to the bookshelf and gazed unseeing at the knick-knacks and photographs on display, hands clasped behind her back.

"I agree," Trip said, quietly. "Those names are taken." His thoughts turned to their cloned daughter Elizabeth, who they had known for such a short time, but whose passing had left such a big hole in their hearts. And Lorian, their son from an alternate timeline, whose very existence had challenged their assumptions about their own relationship.

"If we have a boy, I would name him Jonathan."

Trip nodded. "It's a good name. The Captain will be honored."

"That is my intention," T'Pol said.

He came up behind her and clasped his arms around her waist. "And if we have a girl?"

"I would name her Dorothy."

"Dorothy?" Trip's brow wrinkled as he tried to place the significance of the name.

"Yes. After the human child in The Wizard of Oz."

"Oh, that Dorothy. Why her?"

T'Pol turned in Trip's arms until they were facing each other. "She exemplifies all that I find admirable in your species."

"A little girl in a.. a movie? That's how you see us?

"I suppose you would prefer one of your movie action heroes?" T'Pol asked, caustically.

"Well, no, not that, either. But... Dorothy?

"Yes, Dorothy. She is small and unassuming, but possesses great strength of character. She is kind and compassionate to everyone she meets. She is always optimistic. She shows persistence and determination when confronted with difficulty, letting no obstacle deter her from her chosen path. She has the strength of her convictions and tries always to do the right thing. She is unfailingly loyal to her friends, and displays great courage in the face of adversity. These are all traits I have observed in your people."

"Yeah, well, there are a lot of less admirable traits you could add to that list, if you were being completely honest," Trip said.

"It is true that your species' adherence to these traits can be somewhat uneven. Still, they are the ideals you strive for." T'Pol reached up and placed her hand on Trip's chest, over his heart. "It is as I've heard you say on occasion: Your hearts are in the right place."

"I guess when you put it like that, I have to agree with you. Dorothy is a good name for our daughter," Trip said. Then his voice dropped to a whisper. "Our daughter. Our daughter. God, how I love the sound of that!"

T'Pol's eyes flicked to Trip's, then she lay her head against his chest. "As do I," she murmured. They held each other for a timeless moment.

Eventually Trip spoke, breaking the spell. "When're we telling Jon?"

"We are eating in the Captain's mess tonight. We shall tell him then."

Trip chuckled. "Jon's gonna have a cow when he finds out he's losing his First Officer."

T'Pol raised an eyebrow. "Have a cow?"

Trip's explanation was interrupted by an announcement over the shipboard address system: "All officers report to the ready room. All officers to the ready room."

Trip threw T'Pol a quizzical look.

"I am unaware of the reason for this meeting," she said, in answer to his unspoken question.

"Then I guess we'd better get up there and find out what's going on." Trip said. T'Pol declined to comment on the obviousness of his remark.



Sorry for the skipped letters in my post below.  I am at a keyboard which demands a heavier touch than mine, LOL - my husbands.


Okay, I have printed the first 12 chapters and started reading this story.  I am hoping it ends soon, and the last chapters come quickly so I don't loose track of the story!  That you have detailed expanations of your ST background makes me think your story will be carful of details.  I like lots of background information.  One thin I am glad of is tht you plan to be closer to real military ranks then ST usually is.  And you gave people promotions, not letting them languish as ensigns forever! 

I can see after reading a couple of paragraphs that you are a decent writer, which means I can relax and enjoy the story.  With less polished writers, I go into mentor mode which is mildly stressful. 

I too thought it strange that in TOS, for the treaty with the Romulans some Human diplomat decided to aquiese to the Romulan demand that we not develop a cloaking device.  Or was that a Federation directive that we not develop one?  Anyway, I found it strange and wimpy - definitely unrealistic, LOL.  There was a TNG episode where some Starfleet officer was developing a cloak on the sly.  It involved a ship half cemented into an asteroid.  I am too lazy at the moment to go look up the episode name.

In this first chapter, I do like the tone of the relationship you have set between Trip and T'Pol.  But as for a child at this time - well, they don't know the Romulan War is imminent, I guess?  And not to recycle the name of Elizabeth after two deaths is a good idea.

I also like your discussion of female Pon Farr and its relation to the mating bond.  That you go back into pre-Awakening time on Vulcan is great!  I love to see development of Vulcan culture in fanfiction stories. 



You show Trip and TPol with a very comfortable relationship which I enjoy very much. I can see troubled waters ahead though. I am anxious to see where you take us.I hope the impending war does not wreck their plans.
I like the idea of Phlox searching through ancient Vulcan texts to find an answer to T'Pol's problem. I can understand Trip's momentary hesitation about having a child. A baby would bring about a significant change in both their lives. The presence of four Romulan battle squadrons sounds very ominous. I eager to see where this story goes from here. If the Romulans attack, plans for a baby might have to wait for a while.
Tora! Tora! Tora!
[b]First.[/b] When I read in your 'Author's notes' I have inspired you with my "Honeymoon", I felt immensely honoured and, besides, very happy you found that "delightful". Now I'm abysmally anxious to see what you mean with 'T'Pol's Italian lessons'!:p [b]Second.[/b] I think it's absolutely unnecessary I say how much I love the scenario of your stories. Trip and T'Pol together, solidly and quietly, living adventures in the certainty of their bond; even more: in the certainty of their marriage. But here there's something else: slowly, sweetly, while you're showing us the placidity of the "day-to-day" and -at the same time- the extraordinariness of this "day-to-day" (THEIR RESOLUTION FOR A CHILD!), you're bringing us toward the unknown fate which is waiting for our heroes. Splendid! Very well done!:D
Interesting first chapter Transwarp. Looking forward to see what happens with the Romulans and Trip and T'pol next too.
It was exhausting making my way through all the author's notes, but the story was fun as soon as Trip and T'Pol started talkin'. Handy that Trip's a super stud even by Vulcan standards. :p
Oh no! They are going to have to delay having a child because of the war? Crap! I am deeply honored at the mention of my stories btw. Feel free to use anything you find appropriate. I like the way this is going already.

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