Renewed Hope

By Bether

Rating: G

Genres: general


This story has been read by 1067 people.
This story has been read 1841 times.

Genre: Poetry
Disclaimer: Enterprise belongs to Paramount studios.
Summary: My answer to Linda’s request. Umm…okay. Ties to Trek. Trip has stumbled upon Lizzie’s journal, which includes a poem from the year she spent with relatives up north.

This is my attempt at an Ottava Rima.


When warm air breathes across the frozen land,
And life awakens with a renewed hope
All my senses touched by God’s gentle hand
Gives my soul so many new ways to cope,
The scent of sodden ground and moistened sand
Where once lay cold snow and an icy slope
Strokes my spirit with pleasant reflection
Sun upon my skin, a sweet perfection.

Soft breezes and the gentle flow of streams
Wings flapping and birds calling to their mates
Gives the chance to all wishes and lost dreams
Trees awaken as winter’s wrath abates
Flowers sprout in fertile soil, sunshine beams
Change of seasons and summer now waits
Lightning strikes in spring skies, then the thunders
My heart caressed by nature’s small wonders.

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[b][/b]Lovely, really, really nice. Well done, Bether!
Gorgeous, Beth. I hope you have another one in the works ;)
Sad, yet peaceful and very rhythmic. Nice one, Bether.
Oh, this is so sad. And yet - if they can move from sleeping to waking, there's hope. Nicely done. I'm particularly impressed with the repeated rhymes.

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