Revealed Minds

By Peter Simons

Rating: PG-13

Genres: romance


This story has been read by 731 people.
This story has been read 990 times.

This story is number 4 in the series Two Minds

Revealed Minds

By Peter Simons

Rating: PG13
Genre: Drama, Romance, Humor
Disclaimer: It all belongs to Paramount, no infringement intended.

Summary: Sequel to »Loving Minds«.




The same morning.




If there was a single word to describe how Trip felt, it was confused. He had no idea how he felt. One half of him felt fantastic, because he was together with T'Pol. But the other half of him felt horrible, because he wasn't together with T'Pol right now. He missed her. Badly.

He looked at the reactor schematics. For the fifth time he tried to figure out the possible cause of an energy spike in the sensor readings, but he couldn't concentrate. Every time he looked at the schematics, the thought popped into his mind that T'Pol could probably help him with the problem. Then he wondered whether he should call her. Then he wondered whether the reason he wanted to call her was really the reactor schematics, or whether maybe he was just trying to find a pretense to see her. He looked at the time. An hour had passed since they had parted. An hour! This couldn't be real, he was a nervous wrack already after not seeing her for only an hour! This wasn't good. He had to relax. He had to focus. He wondered whether T'Pol felt the same way.

Should he go see her?

And then what?

He would probably just disturb her in whatever she was doing.

»Focus an the bloody schematics, Tucker!« he said to himself, and for the sixth time he tried to force his attention to the computer screen.

»Let's see ... the sensors read the spike in this junction ... which is connected to ...«

He blinked.

»Which is connected to ...«

It was hopeless. He needed pie.




»Captain, seriously, you have to do something. It is essential we find out what is going on between Trip and T'Pol. Pretty much all of the crew has stopped working ever since the bandages came off. It is impossible to escape the gossip. If we want to succeed on this mission, it is imperative that we calm everybody down.«

»I agree, Malcolm. But what makes you think I could do anything?«

»You could ask T'Pol, for instance.«

»You want me to ask Subcommander T'Pol whether she has an affair with Trip?«

»Why not?«

»Why not? Why don't you ask her?«

»No way! She is my superior officer.«

»I am not going to risk my neck so that you can find out what these tattoos are about, Lieutenant.«

»I am certain the Subcommander wouldn't harm you.«

»You could ask her, Lieutenant.«

»I am not so certain she wouldn't harm me, Captain.«

»You are the Tactical Officer, Malcolm. You can defend yourself.«

»You could order Mayor Hayes to ask her. He has extensive martial arts training.«

»You just want to get rid of him.«




»Hoshi, we have to do something. Half the crew is going insane and the senior officers won't help because they're afraid of T'Pol.«

»What could we do, Travis?«

»You could ask her.«


»Of course. You're a woman, she is woman ... it's only natural you would talk about these things.«

»I hardly know her.«

»Come on, Hoshi. Somebody has to do something.«

»Why don't you ask Trip?«

»I have asked Trip, Malcolm has asked Trip, the Captain has asked Trip, but he won't say anything.«

»I could ask Trip.«

»Forget it, Hoshi. He just rambles on about a curious accident, and that's the end of the story.«

»Why don't you ask T'Pol?«


»Why not?«

»Are you nuts? Ask her yourself.«

»I would. But I am not curious. It's not in my nature.«


»Perhaps the Captain could ask her?«

»Let's talk to him.«




»No. No! I won't do it, Ensigns. Ask her yourself! This is a private matter between them and I have neither the authority nor the courage to interfere.«

»But Captain-«





Lieutenant Reed was determined not to give up. He found Trip in the Mess Hall.

»Commander, do you mind if I join you?«

»Of course not, Malcolm.«

Reed sat down at Trip's table and studied the Commander's breakfast selection for a moment.

»Healthy diet.«

»Yeah.« Trip chuckled inwardly. »I don't know ... I've grown a bit of a sweet tooth recently. Every time I enter the Mess Hall, I think of pie.«

»Be careful with that stuff, Trip. You'll gain weight faster than you can say sugar

»Come on, a pound or two wouldn't hurt, would it?«

»I don't think Subcommander T'Pol would approve.«

For a second, Trip look worried. But then he caught himself.

»Why would she care?«

»The crew's fitness is her responsibility.«


»I notice your hand heals well?«

»It does.«

»Must have been quite an accident in Engineering.«

»It wasn't that bad, really. Just burnt my hand.«

»It's an interesting coincidence how the wounds seem to form such an intricate pattern on your palm, Trip.«

»Amazing, isn't it?«

»I understand Subcommander T'Pol hurt her hand in the same accident?«


»How exactly did that happen?«

»Well, you know how these things go.«

»Actually, I don't.«

»I appreciate your concern, Malcolm. Don't worry, the wounds aren't bad. It doesn't even hurt.«

»You really are determined not to talk about it?«

»About what?«

»Forget it.«




It had taken quite a while before Travis had managed to call the crowd into order. Those of the crew who had no urgent duties to fulfill had assembled in the cargo bay to hold an emergency meeting. Something had to be done.

»Alright, Ladies and Gentlemen, the rules are as follows. One of those straws has been cut shorter than the others. Whoever draws the short straw is going to ask Subcommander T'Pol about the tattoos. Okay? ... Rostov, you have a question?«

»I just wondered whether it wouldn't be more logical if those crew members talked to the Subcommander who knew her best? Like, the bridge crew for instance? Why do we have to risk our lives?«

»This approach is wrong on so many levels, Rostov. If we want to succeed, we will have to operate as a team. And that includes that everyone is willing to make sacrifices so that the whole team can succeed. Right? Crewman Burnham, you have a question?«

»I would really love to help, Travis, but I have a wife and two children. It would be irresponsible for me to take such a risk over a matter like this. Perhaps it would be best if someone of the more qualified bridge crew could-«

»Seriously, people. Do you want to find out what is going on or not?«




T'Pol was confused. It had been less than two hours since she and Charles had parted, but already it was impossible to control the longing for his presence. She missed him, and it felt horrible. But at the same time she was content and overflowing with energy. How was this possible? For all her life she had analyzed and controlled her emotions. Understanding her emotional reactions was the key to suppressing them. It was essential that she understood what she felt and why, or she would find no peace.

The ship had been strangely empty the whole morning. Everybody seemed to have something useful to do, only she sat in the science lab and drifted in thoughts. She wondered whether Charles felt the same way.

Should she go and see him?

No, she would only interrupt him in whatever he was doing. It was no good.


T'Pol hadn't even noticed that Ensign Kelly had entered the room. For a moment she looked at the human woman with a surprised expression, but she quickly recovered.

»Ensign Kelly. Can I help you?«

»I just wanted to bring you the sensor data you asked for.«

»Very well. Thank you, Ensign.«

The Ensign handed her the PADD she had brought and turned to leave.


»Yes, Subcommander?«

»Can I ask you for advice in a private matter?«

Now it was the human woman's turn to look surprised.

»Of course, Subcommander. What can I do for you?«

»It is difficult to explain, Ensign. Have you ever been in love before?«

»I beg your pardon?«

»I don't mean to pry, Ensign. I just wondered whether you could explain to me what it feels like.«

»How love feels like?«


»I am sorry, Subcommander, but that is impossible to explain. Being in love feels like a million things at once. One moment your are the happiest person in the world, the next second you are overcome with longing, then you feel desperate, afraid, happy again, you laugh, you cry ... I really can't describe it.«

»It must be very confusing to be in love.«

»It is. But it is wonderful.«

»How can you focus when you are in love, Ensign?«


»Yes, how do you manage to concentrate on your duties under such difficult circumstances?«

»I don't think the term difficult circumstances is appropriate to describe that feeling, Subcommander. Of course the emotions are very strong, and at first it is distracting, so to speak. The first couple of days you are pretty much useless when you have fallen in love.«

»A couple of days

»Sure. When I met my first boyfriend, I thought of nothing else but him for a week, at least.«

»A week

»Like I said, it's impossible to explain. And it's different every time you fall in love. I don't think a single emotion of love even exists, it probably feels different for everyone.«

»If you can't really describe what love feels like, and if it feels differently for everyone, how can you even know you are in love, Ensign?«

»That's no problem at all. When you are in love, you know it. Definitely.«

T'Pol pondered this information for a moment. If all this was true, then being in love was a disaster! If it could not be understood, it could not be controlled. The thought was alarming.

»Are you all right, Subcommander?«

»I am still trying to determine that, Ensign.«

»You try to determine whether you are in love?«

»No, Ensign. I already know that. What I try to determine is how to handle it.«

»You are in love? With Commander Tucker? That is wonderful, Subcommander!«

»It is. But at the same time it is very confusing.«

»I bet it is! I am speechless, Subcommander, I would never have thought this was possible. I would have never thought Vulcans would experience love.«

»Neither did I.«

»But then what are you worried about? You should be the happiest person on the ship right now!«

»That is exactly my problem. I am happy, and the emotion escapes all my attempts to control it.«

»I wish I had your problems, Subcommander.«

»You may find this difficult to understand, but I am not supposed to be happy - or unhappy. I am supposed to be in control of my emotions, not the other way round. And I find it very unsettling that I seem to be unable to regain my control.«

»Why don't you just forget what you are supposed to do and simply enjoy those emotions? You may not realize it, but half the women on this ship would kill to feel what you feel at the moment.«

»The emotions my species experiences are far more intense and volatile than human emotions, Ensign. To give up control would be irresponsible. It would make me irrational, and it would most likely be dangerous.«

»Loving Trip would be dangerous?«

»Letting my emotions determine my actions would be dangerous.«

»How do you know?«

»Historical evidence suggests so. Before we learned to control our emotions, Vulcans had almost extinguished themselves. Before Surak discovered the path of logic, there had not been a single day of peace on Vulcan for centuries.«

»Subcommander, with all due respect to your species' history, you cannot seriously believe that allowing yourself to love Commander Tucker will lead to war and extinction? You sound like you are afraid of your emotions. Perhaps that's the problem?«

»What do you mean?«

»What I mean is that love is probably the single most wonderful emotion my species knows. It would never occur to me to think of it as something dangerous. The only danger I associate with love is the danger of losing it.«

»I am not certain I understand ...«

»I believe it would be much more dangerous to suppress these emotions, or to ignore them, than to give in to them. If you want my advice, I say you should trust these emotions. Simply do what you feel like doing. That's how humans do it, and our species has survived so far.«


»That's right. But without being able to love, we would definitely not have survived. It wouldn't even have been worth surviving, you ask me.«

»You advice me to trust my emotions?«

»You said your happiness escapes your control anyway. Just stop worrying about it and be happy. The emotions will change over time. Maybe they go away altogether? Sometimes that happens. If I were you, I would try to experience it as much as possible, because you never know whether you'll ever get the chance again.«

»I had not seen it from this perspective, Ensign. Thank you for your advice.«

»You're welcome.«

Ensign Kelly left the science lab with the strange feeling that she had been dreaming. She was certain: If she ever told anyone about this discussion with Vulcan Science Officer T'Pol, they would put her into a cell with padded walls. Weird things were happening on this ship ever since they had entered the Expanse, so much was for sure.




»People, if we continue to argue about minutiae, we won't get anywhere. Let's focus, shall we? If you don't want to draw straws, what do you want to do?«

Travis immediately recognized his mistake. Never offer alternatives to choose from if you want a mob to agree on anything. Only ask questions that could be answered with yes or no. But it was too late. The assembled crowd already broke into heated discussion again. If something didn't happen soon, they would have a mutiny at their hands.




This day was really weird. If Trip hadn't known it any better, he would have assumed the Captain had given everyone shore leave but had forgotten to tell him. Where was the crew? And why had Ensign Kelly grinned at him like a maniac when he had met her in the corridor? What was going on here?

He had checked the Bridge, he had been in Sickbay, he had been in the Mess Hall, and he had looked in the Shuttle Bay. Cargo Bay was the last place to check, and if he wouldn't find his people there either, then he would call a tactical alert.




»You wanted to see me, Captain?«

»Yes, Subcommander. We have received a subspace message from the Vulcan ship TALAR, from Captain Serat, to be specific. Apparent-«


»Yes. You know him?«

»I know a Vulcan named Serat, Captain, but I cannot know whether it's the same person.«

»It is. The message said he was an old friend of yours, and that he wanted to meet with us to see you. He asked whether we would be willing to alter course so that he can catch up with us. Apparently his ship is significantly smaller than ENTERPRISE and not as fast.«

»If this is the Serat I know, Captain, it is most likely a privately owned vessel, a ship which one person can fly. I doubt it can exceed Warp 3. What did you answer? Have you agreed to meet him?«

»I thought, I should ask you who he was first.«

»Our parents were neighbors when we were children, Captain. We have spent almost our entire childhood together.«

»Any idea what he is doing in a small vessel like this in the Expanse?«

»He is an explorer.«

»An explorer?«


»I thought Vulcans didn't indulge their curiosity?«

»Serat does. It might be a good idea to meet him, Captain. Perhaps he has gathered useful information about the Expanse that could help us.«

»I don't know. I have a strange feeling. This is too incredible a coincidence for my taste. To me, it sounds as if the Vulcan High-Command had sent him to gather useful information about us instead.«

»Certainly not.«

»You are sure?«


»May I ask why?«

»Serat doesn't appreciate the decisions of the High Command any more than you do, Captain. I very much doubt his reason to be here is espionage.«

»So this is just a coincidence?«

»There is only one way to find out.«

»Okay. If you say he is harmless, then let's meet him. Would you like to contact him?«

»Yes, Captain.«

»Good. Then take care of the matter and keep me informed, Subcommander. I have to admit, I am pretty curious myself.«

»Aye, Captain.«

She turned to leave, but before she could go, the Captain addressed her once more.



»Since we were speaking of curiosity ... I can't help but notice that the accident you and Trip had left some very interesting markings on the palms of the two of you. Identical markings, it appears. That's quite a coincidence.«

»No, Captain. The markings are meant to be identical. They are an artistic rendering of both of our names.«

»So it was no accident after all?«

»Commander Tucker and I have performed a Vulcan ritual - a friendship ritual. Neither of us did, however, anticipate that the result of the ritual would be so prominently visible. So in a way, it was an accident.«

»But in another way, it was not.«

»Correct. We performed the ritual voluntarily, so the term accident is probably inappropriate.«

»I see. Well ... You better contact the Vulcan ship, T'Pol. I guess Serat is waiting to hear from us.«

»Yes, Captain.«




When Trip entered the Cargo Bay, he was stunned by the sight. At least two dozen crewmen argued loudly while Travis Mayweather stood on a crate and waved his hands in the air in a futile attempt to calm everybody down.

Trip raised his voice to make sure they would even hear him: »Would you guys care to explain what you are doing down here?«

And suddenly there was an eerie silence. Everybody looked at some random corner, or a spot on the floor, or at somebody else. Anywhere but at Trip.

»Travis, what is going on? I have been looking for my engineers for the last 15 minutes!«

»Nothing, Commander. We were just ... uh, discussing something.«

»Perhaps I can help speed things up?«

And suddenly they all looked at him.

»As a matter of fact you can, Commander.«

Travis considered his options. It was a risk, but the alternative was a mutiny. Someone had to do something now. And it appeared, that someone was him.

»Commander, I think I speak in the name of everyone of us when I say that ... My point is ... We want to know why you are wearing a tattoo out of the sudden! Half the ship is in unrest because of it. Not telling anyone is mean. You are our friend, Trip, we have a right to know!«

Trip was dumbfounded. He looked at the assembled crowd and found them nodding in affirmation. They looked at him accusingly.

»This is what this is all about? You want to know what the calligraphy means?«

»Yes, Commander.«

»Alright. I will tell you.«

Nobody said a word. They all just looked at him with baited breath.

»These markings mean that I have chosen T'Pol as my companion, that I desire her, that I don't know how to go on without her. And because of that, I wear her name burnt into my palm with her blood.«

Trip counted the passing seconds in his head: »21 ... 22 ... 23 ... 24 ... 25 ... 26 ... 27 ...«

After six seconds of total silence, the crewmen broke into a completely inappropriate cheer and stormed towards him to hug him, to pat him on the back, and to shake hands in congratulations.




T'Pol wondered where everybody was. Half the crew seemed to have disappeared. And more importantly, Charles seemed to have disappeared as well. He wasn't in Engineering, he wasn't on the Bridge, he wasn't in the Mess Hall ... Where was he?

Cargo Bay was the last place she would check, and if he wouldn't be there, she would use the ship's PA system to call for him.

She punched the button to open the doors, only to find the missing crewmen and Charles occupied in what appeared to be some kind of celebration. She waited patiently for someone to notice her, but nobody seemed to pay attention.

»Commander Tucker?« she asked, her voice louder than usual so that he would hear her over the noise.

And then they noticed her all at once. She had no idea what was going on, but clearly she had interrupted something. The room went dead silent. The crewmen appeared to avoid looking at her.

»Commander, I need to speak with you. Unless you are busy, of course?«

»Not at all, Subcommander. We were just finished here. I believe, everybody wanted to return to their stations anyway. Right?«

Several crewmen replied with a snappy »Yes, Sir!«, and then hurried past T'Pol, out of the room, in great speed. Everybody seemed to look at the floor rather than at her. After only a few moments, she and Charles were alone in the Cargo Bay.

»If I wouldn't know it any better, Commander, I would say the crewmen appeared to be afraid of me.«

»They are.«

»They are?«

»Of course.«

»Why would anyone be afraid of me?«

»Are you kidding, Subcommander? Just look at you! You are frightening

»I am?«

»Of course. You have those huge ears, which overhear each and every secret, no matter how cautiously one whispers it. And then you are strong, trained in unfathomably deadly martial arts; you know no fear, no mercy - only logic. And when someone stands in your way, you just squash him like a bug and destroy him, you intimidate him with that cold, intense stare of yours, before you break his neck without even blinking. You are incredibly dangerous, T'Pol. Why do you think I try to be nice to you all the time? Because I am afraid!«

»Is that so?«

»Of course. I would never dare to refuse your bidding. I am so scared sometimes, I would do everything to please you, just so that I may live.«

»It is fortunate you have brought the topic up, Commander. As a matter of fact, I believe my control may be slipping. I am not certain how much longer I can hold my dangerously volatile emotions back.«

»Oh no, T'Pol! You must try harder. Focus! Don't give up, the risk is too great!«

»Unfortunately, it is a risk you will have to take, Charles.«

»I could flee.«

»You will never make it past me.«

»I could call for help.«

»Nobody will hear you scream.«

»Then there really is no alternative, is there?«

»No, Charles. There is not.«

And when he finally kissed her, T'Pol realized that Ensign Kelly had been right: Why would anyone want to suppress these emotions?




»It is out in the open, T'Pol. I have told the crew. They know we're together.«

»Captain Archer seems to know as well. He has asked me about the calligraphy.«

»What did you tell him?«

»I told him the truth about it, Charles. But he didn't ask whether we were together, so I didn't say anything.«

»Why not?«

»It appeared to be unnecessary.«

»He didn't ask?«



»I believe he expects you to tell him, Charles.«

»Why do you believe that?«

»I believe he hopes that you reassert your friendship by telling him yourself. As a sign that you have not stopped caring about him.«

»You believe that?«


»You are incredible, T'Pol. Do you realize how much you have changed ever since you came aboard? That must be my good influence.«

»I have not changed.«

»Of course you have! A year ago you wouldn't have given a damn about the Captain's feelings.«

»I still don't, Charles. I am merely trying to ensure that the Commanding Officer of the ship functions at the best possible efficiency.«

»A year ago you wouldn't even have understood the need to reassert a friendship from time to time.«

»Of course I did.«

»You did not.«

»I did!«

»You did not!«

»You are acting childish, Charles.«

»No, you are acting childish, T'Pol. Why don't you admit it?«

»There is nothing to admit.«

»Would you care to touch my right palm with your left and repeat that statement?«

»You have no time for this, Charles. You should go and speak to the Captain.«




Trip swallowed hard when he stood in front of the Captain's ready room. He had no idea why, but suddenly he felt like a school boy entering the principal's office. He tried to push the thought aside, rang the doorbell, and waited for the Captain to call him in. When he finally entered the room, his hands were shaking slightly.

»Captain, do you have a minute?«

»Ah, Commander Tucker. It is fortunate you came by. I was just thinking about you.«

»You did?«


There was a long pause. Despite his best efforts to stand still, Trip couldn't help but shift his weight around uncomfortably. He couldn't stand the silence any longer.

»What were you thinking about?«

»I was just freshening up my knowledge of Starfleet regulations concerning fraternization between senior officers.«

Oh shit!

»Is that true?«


For almost half a minute, neither man said a word.

Trip couldn't believe this was happening! He clenched his hands into tight fists to stop them from wiping the sweat from his brow. Again he was the first to break the silence.

»And what do the regulations say?«

»They say it's prohibited.«

Fuck. Fuck! FUCK!

»Jonathan, please listen-«

»The regulations also say it's within the Commanding Officer's discretion whether he chooses to enforce them.«

»That's good news!«

»Is it?«

»Captain, if you are kidding with me, then please stop right now. This is NOT funny!«

»On the contrary, Trip. I think it is funny as hell.«

And then they both laughed so loud that out there on the bridge Hoshi and Travis raised their eyebrows and looked at each other.




»You are mean, Jonathan. I cannot believe you did that to me!«

»I cannot believe you swallowed it, Trip. Did you really expect me to quote regulations

»For a moment I did.«

»And I am grateful for that, Trip. If I only had a picture of your face ...«

»This was really mean, Jonathan! At least do me the favor and pull the same prank with T'Pol.«

»Are you nuts? Do you want me to get hurt?«

»After what you did just now, you would deserve it.«

»I think I know a way how to make up, Trip. Since my two most senior officers are breaking regulations anyway, at least let me in and have a drink with me. The Scotch I kept in Shuttle Pod One seems to have disappeared ... but I still have a bottle of Whisky here. Single Malt, actually.«

»You know I would never drink on duty, Captain.«

»Of course not. Neither would I.«

»But it would help cope with the shock ...«

»That's right. We should see it as medication.«

»I guess that makes it okay.«

»Then don't stand around, get the glasses from the cupboard and sit down.«




»Honestly, Trip, you believe you were shocked? What am I supposed to say?«

»I know. If Daniels had appeared to me six months ago and had told me that T'Pol and me would get together, I would have scanned his brain for damage as an answer.«

»I would have helped you do it!«

»It's really amazing, isn't it? I mean, I remember the day she came aboard as if it were yesterday. We were sitting in your quarters having fun ...«

»And she walked in and ruined it.«

They both laughed.

»She did! Do you remember how she refused to shake my hand?«

»She refused to acknowledge you even existed! I can still hear the words: Trip. My friends call me Trip.«

»And she said: I'll try to remember that.«

They laughed once more, while they clinked their glasses.

»So what now? Does she remember?«

»Hell no! She calls me Charles

»I hope that doesn't remind you of your mother.«




»Travis, what are they doing in there? How am I supposed to concentrate on operating the comm station, if our senior officers throw a party in the next room all the while?«

»Relax, Hoshi. It's probably important ship's business.«




»Judging from the markings in your palm, this time it's serious, isn't it?«

»It is. Although serious is probably not the best word to describe my relationship with T'Pol ...«

»Then tell me a better word, Trip.«


»That serious?«

»Yes. And the best part is: Until three days ago I had no idea at all.«

»How is that possible, Trip? You and T'Pol have been flirting and bantering for months. You must have noticed there was more going on than just two colleagues discussing ship's business.«

»Of course I did. But what was I supposed to believe? We are talking about T'Pol, remember? I would never have guessed it was possible that I could fall in love with her. Until three days ago, the idea was outrageous.«

»Then what has changed?«

»You could say, I opened my eyes and looked at her for the first time.«

»How very vague.«

»It is true. It is quite literally true. I found myself sitting opposite of her and looked at her face, and suddenly I no longer saw a Vulcan. Suddenly I saw T'Pol! For all those months, I had never allowed myself to really think of her as a woman, because subconsciously I assumed nothing would ever happen anyway, right?«

»You are right. It certainly came as a surprise.«

»But there is more to it. You know of course that half the crew went ballistic because they wanted to know what the calligraphy we wear is about?«

»Believe me, I have noticed.«

»At least a dozen people have asked me about it. Malcolm even tried his best interrogation techniques on me to find out.«

»You have no idea how many people outright demanded that I find out and tell them, Trip.«

»My point is: Nobody asked T'Pol. Nobody. Don't you think that's strange?«

»I guess, everybody assumed she wouldn't say anything anyway.«

»But that is wrong. If anything, T'Pol would be much more likely to give a straight answer than I would! She always does. She never lies. You can ask her anything, and you will always get an honest answer. But nobody ever asks her.«

»Because she is Vulcan.«

»That's right. She is an alien. She is different. And the moment I left those prejudices behind me was the moment I fell in love with her.«

»I know what you mean, Trip. We all have our share of prejudice to let go. When it comes to T'Pol, I certainly did.«

»So did I. What bothers me is that it took so long.«

»It shouldn't bother you, Trip. It took both of us a lifetime to acquire the prejudices we had about Vulcans, so letting them go simply cannot happen overnight. The important thing is that it happened.«

»Thank god it did!«

»So you are, well, officially together now. Right?«


»Then what is the next step? Have you thought about that already?«

»I have been wondering, yes. There is one thing I know for certain: This is it. She is the one. It took me two years to realize it, but now I know that.«

»What does T'Pol say about that?«

»I think she is still pretty confused.«

»Does she feel the same way you do? Does she even know love?«

»She does feel the same way, but for her the emotion is completely new. Consciously, she knows about love as much as you can learn by reading about it in a book.«

»That's not much.«

»No, it is not.«

»Wouldn't she perceive these emotions as a threat then?«

»I believe that to a certain degree she does. That's what confuses her.«

»I won't blame her. Being in love is confusing as hell. I can't even begin to imagine what it must feel like for a Vulcan. It's the exact opposite of what her culture stands for.«

»It is.«

»I hate to bring this up, but doesn't that scare you? What if she decides that she cannot live with these emotions and goes back to suppressing them entirely?«

»That won't happen.«

»You're sure?«

»Absolutely. She promised.«




»Did you know that for a while I was attracted to T'Pol, too?«

»I had guessed it.«

»Was it obvious?«

»Not really. But I know you better, Jonathan.«

The Captain chuckled.

»Remember the night when Porthos was sick? God ... I behaved like an idiot that night.«

»That was because of T'Pol?«

»Back then, I found it difficult to accept that she questioned me all the time. Or better: How she questioned me. I had no idea how to interact with a Vulcan. It created a certain tension between us.«

»And then what?«

»At first I mistook it for sexual tension. Can you believe that?«

»Of course. She is damn beautiful.«

»I have never noticed!«

»Did I say anything? Neither did I!«

They both laughed before the Captain went on.

»I got to know her better. Learned how to read her, how to interpret her. And she learned, too, of course. Then suddenly my perception had changed. She didn't question me, she advised me. She wasn't a Vulcan, she was T'Pol.«

»Not everybody has realized that yet.«

»Perhaps it is about to change?«

»What do you mean?«

»If this is it, Trip, then sooner or later both Vulcans and Humans must realize that we can love each other. The evidence is right here. Believe it or not, but you two are part of history now.«

»Oh my god, please don't remind me!«

»I will have a field day doing exactly that.«

»At least torment T'Pol with it as well!«

»Are you nuts?«




»Okay, Trip, listen. You two are a massive distraction on the ship right now. It is insane, but it is the way it is. Apparently the word is out?«

»Yes. By now, everybody knows it.«

»We are more or less holding position to rendezvous with the Vulcan ship TALAR,-«

»A Vulcan ship? Here? In the Expanse?«

»Yes, ask your girlfriend about it, Commander. She knows more than I do. My point is: You two should keep a low profile. We are holding position. For 12 hours there is nothing to do. So disappear. You are both off-duty.«

»You are serious?«

»The crew is insane. Give these people a few hours to cope. You do the same. Everybody wins.«

»I love following orders.«




»T'Pol, I have news from the Captain for you.«

»What did he say, Charles?«

»You are relieved of duty.«

»I beg your pardon?«

»You are relieved of duty.«


»Because you are a distraction to the crew.«

»I am?«

»Of course. Just look at you! You are breath-takingly beautiful, and smart, and wonderful.«

»The crew finds that distracting?«

»Who wouldn't?«

»What were his exact words when gave the order, Charles?«

»He said, I am to escort you to either your or my quarters. We are to pass by the Mess Hall to get food, And then I will watch you for the next 12 hours. After that, if you were nice, I am to decide whether you may resume your active duty.«

»This were his exact words?«

»Perhaps not literally.«

»What are we supposed to do for the next 12 hours then, Commander?«

»We will play.«




8 hours later in Commander Tucker's quarters.




»Listen, T'Pol. I have made a significant discovery about our calligraphy. And I bet you a favor that you cannot come up with something equally impressive in ... let's say one minute.«

»You claim to have insights into the calligraphy I have not? What are you talking about, Charles? I'll match it in 10 seconds at most.«

»Deal. Then look at this: If these two points are Earth and Sol, and if these two points are Vulcan and it's sun, then the distances between all points are in perfect relation to the actual distances between our home worlds.«

»With 85 points to choose from, the chances of that happening by coincidence are 0.273 percent, Charles. That is not impressive at all. This hardly qualifies as a challenge!«

»Is that so? Then tell me something better.«

»I have discovered that the edges in the calligraphy form a graph with perfect closure. It is not possible to take out any single edge without necessarily destroying the symmetry. In other words: The graph cannot be changed. It is perfect.«

»Sounds impressive.«

»With 84 edges, the chances of that happening are 0.0000000023 percent, Charles. Approximately.«


»Are you impressed?«

»Fine! You win. What do you want?«

»You could go to the Galley and fetch me a blueberry pie, Charles. I honestly don't understand why keep playing the game if you lose all the time.«



I really liked the friendship and warmth between the crew members. But why is everybody so afraid of T'Pol? ;) Great line, seeing T'Pol not as Vulcan, but simply as T'Pol.

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