
By Asso

Rating: G

Genres: challenge romance


This story has been read by 2045 people.
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By Asso

What expects me beyond the door?
Which woman will I find?
The woman who loved me passionately in the night, or the woman who destroyed me and my dreams, in the morning?
In one shot.
With few words.
What means that kiss in the corridor?
The woman who is opening her door to me...
Which will she be?
The woman who loves me?
Or the woman who will tear to shreds my soul?
With the power she exerts over me.
What means this light in your eyes?
What means this light... T'Pol? 




Lovely, Asso!  You make us really feel the stress of uncertainty. 




That's a beautiful poem! You show Trip's uncertainty  with  just a few words - I can see the little scene, him hesitating in front of her door, unsure, unable to read her face as she opens the door. Very well done!


Perfect symmetry in this poem Asso. i'm really glad you posted this.:D


What can I say?  I love this piece of poetry, which is really something considering I'm usually tone-deaf to this particular form.  This poem, however, managed to conjure a vivid picture in my mind and the emotion that goes with it, so to me it's a standout.  Nice work!  :D

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