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Re: Shadow and Echoes Series discussion thread

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 3:50 pm
by Lady Rainbow
Your wish is my command, Milady! :twisted:


Re: Shadow and Echoes Series discussion thread

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 3:52 pm
by WarpGirl

Re: Shadow and Echoes Series discussion thread

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 7:58 pm
by Lady Rainbow
Chapter 6 out of beta and final sent! :mrgreen: Working on 7

Re: Shadow and Echoes Series discussion thread

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 10:08 pm
by Lady Rainbow
Chapter 6 up! :mrgreen:

Re: Shadow and Echoes Series discussion thread

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 10:10 pm
by Lady Rainbow
Please note my response in the reviews of Chapter 6. No offense is meant by the nickname. It's a running joke between Malcolm and Mueller in my R/S stories on (Voices of Treachery, Five Weddings (and a Funeral for my Sanity) and Reed's Raiders."

I majored in languages (and in German studies), plus I am a minority, so I'm sensitive to this sort of thing. It is NOT MEANT AS A HISTORICAL REFERENCE. And I am NOT racist or a bigot. :censored:

Forgive the bluntness, but I am completely and royally pissed right now. :banghead: :censored:


Re: Shadow and Echoes Series discussion thread

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 10:26 pm
by WarpGirl
Ooops I never meant to offend you. And I certainly didn't think you were a racist. I guess Jesse James and his mistress have been on the tv WAY TOO MUCH and the image just popped into my brain. To tell the truth I was thinking of the movie "The Great Escape" with Steve McQueen. Ever seen it, what they do to the Commandant is absolutely hysterical.

Re: Shadow and Echoes Series discussion thread

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 10:53 pm
by honeybee
German military terminology does not equal Nazi - such terminology was used in the German military both before and after the Third Reich. I studied German in high school and college, so the use of the term didn't bother me at all. It's all over German literature. Not all of us know our German terms from Hogan's Heroes! :lol:

While I do think Jesse James has questionable judgment and character and is generally a pig, I remember seeing people online equate his interest with the Red Baron with racism. The Red Baron was a WWI figure - had nothing personally to do with the Nazis and has been venerated by aviation buffs of all political stripes - including Charles Schultz who incorporated his admiration for the Red Baron into Peanuts - with Snoopy as the Baron's yank adversary. But Schulz was never shy about his admiration of the Red Baron. Of course, the Nazis weren't shy about venerating German heroes like the Red Baron, but that wasn't the heroes' fault.

But the real thing worth discussing is what a great chapter you wrote, LR, I really enjoy all the research you put in to a Vulcan/Human pregnancy. And your prose is really top notch. Gets better with every chapter. And it's very clever how the "Terra Prime" events are unfolding in this A/U.

Re: Shadow and Echoes Series discussion thread

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 11:01 pm
by WarpGirl
Have you ever had a completely "brain dead" moment. That was mine. it doesn't help that its 100 degrees where I am and no AC. I am truly very sorry that I caused anyone pain. Really I am, the problem is its a computer and you can't see how sorry I am. Normally something like that would go completely over my head, as I do a lot of reading on 1900's Russian and German history. Like I said an image popped into my brain and I just typed... I swear to god nothing malicious or offensive was intended.

Would it be possible to know when we will know more about V'Ren?

Re: Shadow and Echoes Series discussion thread

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 2:27 pm
by Lady Rainbow
Just a note, re: the artificial womb

Has anyone read the Honor Harrington series by David Weber? (Very military-based. It focuses on a Manticoran Navy officer named Honor Harrington. She's psychically linked to her "familiar" of sorts, a treecat dubbed Nimitz. The Manticorans have been at war with the PRH (People's Republic of Haven) for years. Honor has had her share of losses and injuries. She currently has a prosthetic right arm and right eye.)

In one of the recent books, she discovers she's pregnant. Of course, she's an active military officer and can't be on ship duty while pregnant (not only is it a break of regs, it's morally irresponsible to go out on the front lines where she could put her unborn child in danger). So she chooses to use an artificial womb for her child. She's emotionally torn up about it, but it's one of those "needs of the many" thing.

Her parents happen to be top doctors (mum is a geneticist, Dad's a surgeon). some of the chapters go into detail of how the artificial womb is constructed. It's not as clinical as it seems. They program the womb with a recording of the mother's heartbeat and her voice reading stories to the unborn. They definitely take some of the "nurturing" aspects into account. It's pretty interesting, and it's given me a lot of ideas for this part of the story.

While it's not ideal, I agree with people who say that TnT would do anything they can to safeguard the child's health and safety. Any parent who cares about their kids would do that.

Edited to add: Holy crap! I've been promoted and I didn't even notice it till now! :mrgreen:

Re: Shadow and Echoes Series discussion thread

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 1:43 pm
by Transwarp
I'm a little disappointed that WarpGirl's public apologies (both here and in the story's comment section) have gone unacknowledged. She appears to be sincerely sorry for her remarks. Forgiving her is the gracious thing to do.

Re: Shadow and Echoes Series discussion thread

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 1:45 pm
by Asso
Transwarp wrote:I'm a little disappointed that WarpGirl's public apologies (both here and in the story's comment section) have gone unacknowledged. She appears to be sincerely sorry for her remarks. Forgiving her is the gracious thing to do.


Re: Shadow and Echoes Series discussion thread

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 2:30 pm
by Lady Rainbow
Transwarp wrote:I'm a little disappointed that WarpGirl's public apologies (both here and in the story's comment section) have gone unacknowledged. She appears to be sincerely sorry for her remarks. Forgiving her is the gracious thing to do.

I've sent a PM to WarpGirl. :hug: I don't have any hard feelings, but it has taken me a little while to cool down, plus I've been gone for the better part of a week.

Forgiven and no hard feelings. I would like to concentrate on the story. Thanks for being understanding, everyone.

Re: Shadow and Echoes Series discussion thread

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 5:29 pm
by Aquarius
Transwarp wrote:I'm a little disappointed that WarpGirl's public apologies (both here and in the story's comment section) have gone unacknowledged. She appears to be sincerely sorry for her remarks. Forgiving her is the gracious thing to do.

Just a note to all in general: sometimes people don't want to continue airing their dirty laundry out in public. Sometimes things get settled behind the scenes, with the involvement of the administrators or without. Sometimes the parties involved are just wanting the whole thing to blow over so they can move on. The sooner the rest of us can forget about it, the sooner they can, too. It isn't up to anyone else to judge how it should or shouldn't be handled, given that there are events and information the rest of us may not be privy to.

Please use this tread to discuss the story,as the author had intended, not your personal differences with or opinions about each other.

Re: Shadow and Echoes Series discussion thread

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 1:55 am
by Aquarius
I have a question: is this artificial womb meant to be a permanent residence for baby Tucker? Or is T'Pol going to be able to experience birth? Or is that something I just have to be patient and wait to find out??? 8)

Re: Shadow and Echoes Series discussion thread

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 3:02 am
by Lady Rainbow

Gotta wait on that one, dear.