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Re: "The Abomination"

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 2:27 pm
by WarpGirl
Plus they had to go and ruin an episode of TNG I really, really, liked. I mean before Robbie McNiell there was Jonathan Frakes! :loveeyes: And it was one where he wasn't messing around with some woman! :bitch: The whole thing just made me cry. :cry:

Re: "The Abomination"

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 7:25 pm
by Thot
Hey just look at those reactions, quoted on Memory Alpha

# According to Rick Berman, this episode would have been the fourth season finale even if the series had been picked up for a fifth season. He did state, however, that if the series had been renewed, Tucker would still have been killed off because the episode flashed forward in time and so when the show came back for the new season, Tucker would still have been alive. [2] In later interviews, Berman said that if the show had been renewed, several story elements, including Tucker's death, would likely have been changed.
# Speaking at the 2007 Star Trek convention in Las Vegas, co-writer Brannon Braga admitted he had "regrets" about this episode. He explained that he and Rick Berman were attempting to "send a valentine to all the Star Trek shows," and that "Enterprise just happened to be the show on at the time." He believed the episode "had some great stuff in it" and that "it was a cool concept," but overall, however, he found it to be "languid" and "not a complete success." [4]
# In response to fan criticisms, series producer Manny Coto stated that he personally considered "T A T V" to be a coda rather than the true finale of the series. He considers the two-part story "Demons" and "Terra Prime" that preceded it was the actual finale of the Enterprise storyline according to Coto, and series producer Mike Sussman. [5][6]
# In 2008, Brannon Braga, recalling the episode and its reaction stated "I don't think it's ever going to be a beloved episode." [7]
# At the 2009 Star Trek convention, Jonathan Frakes simply said this episode "stinks." [8]

Other comments about *the_abomination*
Jolene Blalock: "This episode is appalling."
Connor Trineer: "That's the advantage of science fiction: You can always think of ways to make it undone."
Patrick Stewart: "I don't comment on this episode, because I don't like the habit of insulting people in showbizz."

Hey if even the actors themself are so negative about it and also other authorities, whatelse do you have to say.
This comment of Stewart is just so hard - but justified.

Edit: I just realized, that whenever you put the intialls T A T V (=These are the Voyages) toegther in this forum you get this: *the_abomination*

Whoever did this: :guffaw: :bow:

Re: "The Abomination"

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 7:31 pm
by WarpGirl
Oh you didn't know that. LOL I remember when I first discovered the trick, at first I was like... :wtf: What did I do wrong? Then I caught on and it was the most awesome trick ever! WOW Patrick Stewert was positively vitrolic. Well the actors know more than TPTB most of the time anyway. But according to LeVar Burton, they didn't like advice. :roll:

Re: "The Abomination"

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 7:34 pm
by Alelou
I'm just impressed that Patrick Stewart was actually watching Enterprise. 8)

Re: "The Abomination"

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 7:35 pm
by WarpGirl
I gotta say I think he rocks! 8)

Re: "The Abomination"

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 7:46 pm
by Thot
Alelou wrote:I'm just impressed that Patrick Stewart was actually watching Enterprise. 8)

I can't remember where you can see it - most likely on the special features on the DVDs - but he visited the set some times.
So I'm not surprised that he watched it himself.
He is orginally a theater actor and director of the old school and there you simply know, that you don't tell the final of a story by people how aren't involved at all.

WarpGirl wrote:WOW Patrick Stewert was positively vitrolic.

Well, he is known to get a little snappish sometimes.

Re: "The Abomination"

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 8:24 pm
by WarpGirl
Very true. Still it was a great quote. 8)

Re: "The Abomination"

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 1:33 am
by justTripn
Kevin Thomas Riley wrote:Well, in case you (or anyone else) are interested, here is the lengthy review I wrote almost immediately after having seen *the_abomination*.

Ha ha!

I've read this before but . . . yeah, it's good. It was fun to hear you fuming. I had forgotten this part:

Sim got a proper funeral and even Porthos (even if that was a dream).

Re: "The Abomination"

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 1:42 am
by WarpGirl
Oh reading KTR's reviews make me wish that he'd write a fic. Just a tiny one... Oh well this is my favorite part...
Another fan favourite whose character is assassinated (though not literally) here is Shran. For some unexplained reason he's out of favour with the Andorian Imperial Guard after associating himself with criminal elements :rolleyes:! Uh, that's not the Shran we've got to know these past four years. These criminals (the aliens-of-the-week) believe Shran stole some gem and has kidnapped his daughter in order to get it back. Shran now wants Archer, en route to Earth for the Federation signing ceremony, to help him. The plot is completely nonsensical and serves no other purpose than to set up Trip's death. Shran comes off as a jewel-stealing ass! What an end for our favourite blue-skin!

You said it! That is not the Shran I knew at all. Even if he did end up leaving the Imperial Guard (which I had a hard time believing) when did he suddenly become an idiot who throws his lot in with common thieves? Hello! Shran was one character the writers did right by consistantly! Where do they get off screwing him up like that? Someone please explain that to me!

Re: "The Abomination"

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 1:47 am
by Alelou
Bad historical holo-novel.

The ultimate easy undo.

Re: "The Abomination"

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 1:53 am
by WarpGirl
Well yes I know that. What I meant was I want to know how the B's thought doing that to Shran was good story telling. I mean they explained every other inane terrible thing they did. The never explained Shran's castration!

Re: "The Abomination"

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 2:03 am
by Aikiweezie
I just got around to watching the series finale of "24." I must say Coto, Braga et. al did a nice job. I was concerned based on their track record.

Re: "The Abomination"

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 2:04 am
by Alelou
WarpGirl wrote:Well yes I know that. What I meant was I want to know how the B's thought doing that to Shran was good story telling. I mean they explained every other inane terrible thing they did. The never explained Shran's castration!

But they could say it was just one more clue that it was a deeply flawed program.

Which is a terrible excuse. You don't play cruel mind games with your loyal audience in your finale episode unless you are so burnt out and angry that you don't even recognize the deep hostility of what you're doing.

Re: "The Abomination"

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 2:10 am
by WarpGirl
Is it weird I'm more mad about Shran then TnT? I guess its because I already knew that TnT were screwed, very few people at HoT or here made much mention of Shran, so when I saw *the_abomination* I was shocked, and even more crushed than I knew I was going to be. :cry:

Re: "The Abomination"

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 2:22 am
by Kevin Thomas Riley
justTripn wrote:
Kevin Thomas Riley wrote:Well, in case you (or anyone else) are interested, here is the lengthy review I wrote almost immediately after having seen *the_abomination*.

Ha ha!

I've read this before but . . . yeah, it's good. It was fun to hear you fuming. I had forgotten this part:

Sim got a proper funeral and even Porthos (even if that was a dream).

Heh! I always get a kick when I re-read that old review I wrote. And I still stand by every word of it. I can't believe it's been five years now... :shock: