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Re: September '08 word prompt!

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 3:20 am
by Eian Flannagan
Post Carbon Creek intoxication fun from YouTube seen HERE.

Re: September '08 word prompt!

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 2:35 am
by WarpGirl
OK so the point of this one was: no illicit substances, no smells, and no kissing... All too ordinary I must be different, it's my mandate! But I promised Aquarius I'd get these last two done before midnight so here we go. Trip's POV watching T'Pol walk toward Koss during their Kal'i'farr... A lot of angst and I will not apologize, so forget it OK...

"People think that my drinks are Bourbon and beer just like Jon. It isn't true. Don't get me wrong, I can appreciate both as long as they're good quality. And I certainly drink more of both than anything else, but they're Jon's drinks not mine. You maybe shocked to hear this but my drink is single malt Irish Whiskey. Not just any whiskey though, if I just wanted any old whiskey bourbon would do. No I need my Grandfather's whiskey, the whiskey his family has been making in Ireland for the past five hundred years. I need pure O'Neill whiskey nothing else will do. You may be wondering what a self-proclaimed 'good 'ol boy like me is doing rambling on about Irish whiskey. Let's just say when your mama's name is Fiona Shannon O'Neill-Tucker (two l's or die) and her family has owned the most prestigious whiskey distillery in Ireland for half a millennium you know things. I might not drink it often, but there are times only it will do. I've only ever gotten drunk on it by choice three times in my life, the first time was when Natalie wrote her "dear Charlie" letter. She called me Charlie, I hated that. I got drunk because not only did she dump me without letting me say goodbye, oh no that I could accept, but later I found out she had been seeing her boss before I left, and was pregnant. What did I do to deserve that? I pulled out one of the five bottles Grand-Da sent with me and polished it off. Amazingly no hangover the next day, but that is part of family legend. The second time was when I could finally cry over Lizzy, there's a tradition in our family when you turn 21 you're first drink is a glass of O'Neill whiskey with the person you love most. Lizzy's first drink was with me. She was so happy that night, it was just the two of us in my apartment in San Fransisco. She said that there was nobody else in the whole universe she would have had that drink with, not even mama. I was her most loved person. After sobbing in T'Pol's arms I went to my quarter's, finished Janie's letter, and drank a bottle meditating on that night with Lizzy. And for the first time in almost a year I woke up at peace. The third time was when I came back from that warped time trip to Nazi America, too much had happened to me and I was weary. Before T'Pol told me about the Trellium, then Jon died, we made peace with the people who killed Lizzy and Janie, it was all too much. I needed something of my home, something of my family, my flesh and blood. Otherwise I would have gone insane. I hate time travel probably more than T'Pol does."

Koss bangs on the gong and T'Pol enters... "But through all of those bad times, I have never needed that whiskey more than now. Only the very best to kill the pain I'm in now. T'Pol deserves the very best. You know they write books, plays, movies, and songs that describe the pain of loosing the person you most love. They're all wrong, and can't come close to describing what I feel. There she is, the love of my life, my other half, the woman who picked up the pieces of a broken boy and showed him the man he could be. She's splendid, more beautiful than Aphrodite, more wise than mighty Athena, and more pure than Artemis. She's everything I have longed for and so much more than I ever dared to dream of. She gave me more love than anyone in my entire life, and let me tell you I've been given a lot of love. Ironically she'll claim she cannot feel it. But love is the reason I've lost her. She loves her mother, I can see it in those beautiful eyes. She loves Vulcan like I love Florida, I saw it the minute we cam into orbit. And she loves her culture, oh she hates this marriage, of that I have no doubts. But she would die before willingly shaming her way of life. I don't blame her I came so close to loosing my humanity in the Expanse. If it hadn't been for her I would have. She's made me truly cherish it instead of that bull I used to spout years ago. The boy I was would have never stayed to watch this. He would have thrown a fit, made a scene, and refused to see her kneel down before this other man. But not the man I am, the man she's made me will stand here and keep my eyes on her. The man I am will stay by her side and support what she must do. The man I am is proud of her, and loves her more in this moment, than that boy even dreamed it was possible to love. And the man I am will go back to Enterprise, and drink a bottle of whiskey and cherish this moment of unconditional love.

O'Neill two L's for anyone that cares, is an homage to Jack J. O'Neill of SG-1!

Re: September '08 word prompt!

Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 12:13 pm
by justTripn
:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Ooo, I liked the ending! Congradulations. That's a different take on "Home." I am a connoisseur of "Home" stories. This doesn't feel like a whole story, but the part at the end . . . you got something there!

Re: September '08 word prompt!

Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 7:04 pm
by Escriba
You have a knack for snippets, WarpGirl. I can't do that for my life.

Re: September '08 word prompt!

Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 7:17 pm
by Asso

Re: September '08 word prompt!

Posted: Sat May 09, 2009 12:03 am
by Aquarius
I basically liked this, but you kind of lost me when Trip was comparing T'Pol to Athena et. al.; it sounded a little too poetic for him. That doesn't mean that he'd be all ignorant or anything. I'm jut trying to picture Trip saying this aloud as a narrative and it's just not happening in my head. Probably just a matter of personal interpretation. Otherwise, great job, and I like how Trip was setting himself apart from Jon here.

Re: September '08 word prompt!

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 6:25 pm
by WarpGirl
Aquarius I already told you I screwed up on this one. But he isn't supposed to be talking to anyone, He's just thinking. The whole thing is supposed to be introspective. Do I think he'd say any of this out loud? Nope. Not even to Malcolm or T'Pol. I guess I can't accept Trip as a comic book guy and nothing else. And this is coming from a comic book girl. There has to be more to him than, "Superman" and "There Was An Old Woman From Ipswich!" So he drew on his high-school Mythology. Besides good Irish boys wax poetic when they're drunk. :wink:

Re: September '08 word prompt!

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 7:40 pm
by panyasan
Great story, Warpgirl!

Re: September '08 word prompt!

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 12:26 am
by Aquarius
WarpGirl wrote:Aquarius I already told you I screwed up on this one. But he isn't supposed to be talking to anyone, He's just thinking. The whole thing is supposed to be introspective. Do I think he'd say any of this out loud? Nope. Not even to Malcolm or T'Pol. I guess I can't accept Trip as a comic book guy and nothing else. And this is coming from a comic book girl. There has to be more to him than, "Superman" and "There Was An Old Woman From Ipswich!" So he drew on his high-school Mythology. Besides good Irish boys wax poetic when they're drunk. :wink:

Hey, I didn't mean to put you on the defensive! And there are no "screw ups." I already conceded that it could be personal interpretation. I know he wasn't speaking aloud. I said I was trying to picture him saying it aloud because aside from a person's "internal censor" that's there to keep them out of trouble, I think most people generally express themselves similarly in their inner thoughts to the way they actually speak; Trip's still "telling" the story here, if you know what I mean, even though he isn't saying anything to anyone. I pretty much liked everything else about the story; I just made an honest observation about a bit that didin't quite work for me, but that's me--one reader, about one part of the story. If you like, we can talk more about this on the side, but honestly, you're cool, okay?

Re: September '08 word prompt!

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 5:42 am
by evcake
Nice work, WarpGirl!

Re: September '08 word prompt!

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 6:52 pm
by Kotik
Sorry for the grave digging, but I had a nice idea today for another ridiculous guy's evening from my silly universe - another episode for Seleya Hills 90210 (credits go to KTR for coming up with that title a year ago :) )

"Evening, chaps," Malcolm said and plopped down on one of the armchairs in Shran's basement. The blue-skinned host was quickto supply him with a glass of ale. "Where's Kov?"
"In the doghouse again," Trip explained with a chuckle.
"What sort of trouble did the poor sod get himself into, this time?"
"He botched up his latest attempt at humor."
"How so?" Malcolm asked and shot back his ale, before holding the glass out for a refill.
"They were sitting on the porch and Anna told him she wanted something big and clean," Archer recalled grinning.
"That's american slang for a big beer without the foam on top," Trip explained, when he saw Malcolms confused face expression.
"Anyways she said 'I want something big and clean' and Kov - helpfull husband that he is - suggested 'then go to the zoo and wash an elephant'."
Malcolm ejected his ale through the nose as all men enjoyed a healthy guffaw.
"He has a bit of a masochistic streak, hasn't he," Malcolm
"Speaking of destructive tendencies," Travis added. "It has been a while, since the last kitchen appliance exploded. So what are T'Mir and Henry up to?"
"It speaks!" the other guys shouted it mock-surprise and laughed.
"Well, I sorta steered their engineering interest into a less destructive direction," Trip explained. "To save us from self-combusting house-hold appliances I let them tamper with our old hover car."
"Yeah, and they haven't wrecked your place, yet," Archer added with a laugh.
"Well, almost. Henry reversed it into the shed yesterday. He didn't inherit much of your piloting skills, Jon."
"Nope," Jon admitted with a sigh. "He's got not only his mother's ears he also inherited T'Pau's driving skills."
"That bad?"
"Let's just say that her piloting license doubles as her weapons permit."
"Remind me never to ask her for a ride," Malcolm smirked and shot back another ale.
"You better go easy on that stuff," Trip warned. "I don't think Hoshi's gonna take it well if we bring you home in a wheelbarrow again."
"I don't think the ladies have the right to say anything," Malcolm prattled. "Not after their last Ladie's dinner."
"Don' remind me," Trip groaned with a hint of amusement. "You should have seen that picture - T'Pau standing on our porch with T'Pol hanging over her shoulder - completely out cold. And T'pau wasn't in the best of shapes herself."
"Yeah, somehow she was confused that you didn't buy her story, that she accidentally nerve-pinched T'Pol," Archer continued with a laugh.
"Well, I'll buy it when she explains to me, why a Vulcan starts reeking of ale after being nerve-zapped."
"Speaking of it," Archer continued with a stern look to Shran. "You don't happen to know, how the ladies could help themselves to a rather copious amount of Andorian ale, do you?"