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Re: A Mirror Cracked Discussion Thread

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 1:42 pm
by Silverbullet
Honeybee, just a bit of Trvia.

Trapp was a successful submarine Captain in WWI. so going into the military would not have bothered him. However, doing it for the Nazi may have been a different matter.

Re: A Mirror Cracked Discussion Thread

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 1:46 pm
by WarpGirl
I think she was saying that the Nazi's wanted him to work for them and be happy about it. I'm pretty sure she's seen the movie... Hasn't just about everybody seen it? Well not my ex, but he's... not going there. But it should have concerned me more.

Re: A Mirror Cracked Discussion Thread

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 2:37 pm
by honeybee
Yes, I have seen the film. And the entire last act involves Captain Von Trappe not wanting to serve the Nazis, specifically.

Trip's in engineer in my story - he likes the job. He just doesn't like the Empire anymore since he's had a taste of freedom.

Re: A Mirror Cracked Discussion Thread

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 3:29 pm
by honeybee
FYI - I got the next chapter written while on my transatlantic flights!

I'm going to send it off for betaing today - so - thanks for your patience. 8)

Re: A Mirror Cracked Discussion Thread

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 8:06 pm
by honeybee
Aquarius, I wanted to respond to your comment - thank you - here.

Yes, it was important to me that all the characters in the story have a desire to move toward being more like their RU counterparts. Even Malcolm, Hoshi and Travis, though those three are a bit (or were a bit as the case may be) unclear on the concept. Hoshi wanted to be Lizzie's friend, but she created a weird pastiche of a friendship.

Archer may have decided to be a better man, but his vision of better does not involve him being Lizzie's supporting player. This will require. . .some adjustment.

I got the idea of an Empress Elizabeth from two things (three if you count her name). One, Trip said she had a lot of potential. Two, I wanted keeping Lizzie prisoner to be Sato's biggest mistake, but not on Trip's account but on Lizzie's own account. So, I read a little about Catherine the Great and her palace coup - and there we are.

Re: A Mirror Cracked Discussion Thread

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 6:46 pm
by honeybee
Sent the next chapter off to the beta today - sorry I've been keeping everyone waiting - but wanted to make sure that Trip's reaction to his new brother in law was just right.

Re: A Mirror Cracked Discussion Thread

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 10:13 pm
by bluetiger
I'm sorry, is there some reason that Trip would not be thrilled to have 'sewer rat' for a brother-in-law?
Okay, it's out of my system now. I promise never to mention sewer r...MU Archer again, ever. I realize that I've crossed over into bitchy, so I have smacked my own hand, step back, deep breath. I can't wait for the next chapter :hug:

Re: A Mirror Cracked Discussion Thread

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 10:50 pm
by honeybee
Well, whatever Lizzie thinks - Trip would tend to agree with you BT, but she's the Empress! ;)

Re: A Mirror Cracked Discussion Thread

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 1:04 am
by honeybee
The next installment has been sent out for beta. . .sorry I have dragging my heels about finishing. Part of me doesn't want to leave the MU behind!

Re: A Mirror Cracked Discussion Thread

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 1:29 am
by honeybee
So. . .the conclusion is up - but I couldn't resist leaving some threads open for a sequel Reed and Hoshi are still on the loose, and it looks like Shran, Talas and Nata are going to become Tucker in-laws. :twisted: God, I love the MU!

Re: A Mirror Cracked Discussion Thread

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 11:54 am
by Alelou
I'm looking forward to kinky quad action!

Re: A Mirror Cracked Discussion Thread

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 2:06 pm
by Transwarp
I just finished reading the conclusion, and... well, I wasn't EXPECTING a conclusion. It just didn't seem like the right place to end it.

Which means you must start on the sequel NOW, so we can all get to the REAL ending!

As for the quad squad action <shudder> I'll be skipping that and reading the detox version on Bert's not a big favorite of mine anyway. (The less of him the better.)

But, since you mention it, how exactly does a human fit into one of these Andorian quads? Don't they somehow need all four to procreate, so by bringing in a human aren't they just turning it into some sort of weird exotic recreational Andorian hippie experience? And even if Shran swings that way (which I doubt), I have a hard time imagining the other two andies won't object.

Just thinking out loud here.

Re: A Mirror Cracked Discussion Thread

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 3:43 pm
by Alelou
Oh, you would have to go and be logical about it.

Here's the thing about straight women. According to research, they can get turned on by just about anything, even if they aren't consciously aware of it, and they often aren't (they check this by measuring blood flow in certain regions vs. what women are saying is happening). However, straight men and gay men only get turned on by what you would expect them to get turned on by. I think lesbians were like that, too, but I'd have to look it up.

By this reasoning, Andorians would have to be pretty genetically programmed to go in any direction for the quad thing to work, which I don't really understand in terms of reproduction, but whatever. But maybe the guys don't actually get involved with each other, they just believe in teamwork... and that's a fairly common scenario in straight male porn as far as I've noticed. I'm actually kind of amazed at the number of 'sharing' stories I see pop up on Especially the sharing-the-wife scenario. Seems to conflict with conventional wisdom about the male animal, but what do I know. It does happen in the wild, with dolphins and whales, for example, teaming up to share a female they won't allow to leave.

Re: A Mirror Cracked Discussion Thread

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 4:24 pm
by Silverbullet
Quad? Who exactly is involved in this Quad? How does it work? Certainly not Homosexual and Lesbian Sex and then female swapping?

Never have run into this before but I am an innocent.

Glad that Trip and T'Pol don't seem t be involved in it. They aren't are they?

Confused SB

Re: A Mirror Cracked Discussion Thread

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 4:42 pm
by crystalswolf
Transwarp wrote:But, since you mention it, how exactly does a human fit into one of these Andorian quads? Don't they somehow need all four to procreate, so by bringing in a human aren't they just turning it into some sort of weird exotic recreational Andorian hippie experience? And even if Shran swings that way (which I doubt), I have a hard time imagining the other two andies won't object.

Perhaps they form quads not just for procreation but for affection... like marriages today, here on Earth. I would think a human would fit in the the same as he/she would in a couple. So, if a couple that cannot have children (*cough* T'Pol/Trip *cough*) marry, is it some sort of weird, exotic recreational Vulcan hippie experience? Truth is, I've wondered about the mechanics of Andorian reproduction since they introduced the quad. I would think it might be close to the Alien Nation model but the two females leaves me ???

Edit: SB, Honeybee's story hints that Albert, Trip's brother, will join Shran's Andorian quad. Quads were intro'd in TGTMD book that Andorians actually need 4 to reproduce.