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Re: Non-TnT pairings

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 1:53 am
by enterprikayak
Dis *is* a young boy. He hit on me when I met him in Dallas. And I was PREGNANT! :shock:

[/kidding] :twisted:

(But two klingons *did* *fully* hit on me, and I think it was cause I *was* pregnant, and therefore "officially off the table" and therefore "safe to pretend to sexaully harass") Hold on, let me find the picture. :lol:

ere we go:

Image Image

I handled it with my standard "crazy-girl-minds-little" aplomb, as you can see.

Re: Non-TnT pairings

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 2:07 am
by WarpGirl
Wow you're like a chamelon with your hair. I don't recgonize you. Maybe that's why you needed 2 fandom ID's. ;-)

If I was a secondstring linebacker at UVA you'd better believe I'd make WarpGirl a fandom ID. If that makes me a troll so be it. VA football culture does not approve of hobbies like these. And yeah I can say that my Mom works at JMU. But I hate football.

Re: Non-TnT pairings

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 2:16 am
by Silverbullet
I have a different user bame for every board I am on. Some give away my geneder and some are animals. I can keep the site seperate in my mind that way.

I could care less which gender dominates Fanfic. Long as I enjoy the writing. There are obviously some Authors that I read more than others and a few that I won't read again. but it is that way with most I blieve.

I can honestly say that there is only one story I absolutely hate. In it t'Pol and the whole of the Enterprise female crew are brutaly Raped. That scene doesn't do anything for the story and could have easily been left out and not changed anything. That is the kind of Fic I believe is useless.

Re: Non-TnT pairings

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 2:20 am
by Linda
Wow, had to skim through this thread it has developed so fast. Um, back to an earlier page of it and the Soval/Amanda pairing that ShouldKnowBetter :bow: started and several people have written stories about. Myst123 and I both have done stories using this pairing. WarpGirl knows I have one almost ready to submit because she and JT beta'ed it. I know a lot of people think this pairing is weird because the two characters never met in the canon ST universe. But ShouldKnowBetter really got me into it! I guess it is just one of those acquired tastes that once you have it, you cannot let it go, LOL. :thumbsup:

Re: Non-TnT pairings

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 2:25 am
by Misplaced
Linda wrote:Wow, had to skim through this thread it has developed so fast. Um, back to an earlier page of it and the Soval/Amanda pairing that ShouldKnowBetter :bow: started and several people have written stories about. Myst123 and I both have done stories using this pairing. WarpGirl knows I have one almost ready to submit because she and JT beta'ed it. I know a lot of people think this pairing is weird because the two characters never met in the canon ST universe. But ShouldKnowBetter really got me into it! I guess it is just one of those acquired tastes that once you have it, you cannot let it go, LOL. :thumbsup:

Amen sister! And I'm writing my own too. Just hafta do it. :)

Re: Non-TnT pairings

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 2:29 am
by WarpGirl
You know I find it odd that there aren't many Cutler/Phlox pairings out there. Technically it is canon.

Re: Non-TnT pairings

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 2:33 am
by aadarshinah
WarpGirl wrote:You know I find it odd that there aren't many Cutler/Phlox pairings out there. Technically it is canon.

I always found that one hard to write, or think aobut writing. Call me narrow minded or whatnot, but I just don't think I can write a romance between a guy who's already married three times and one of his subordinates.

Re: Non-TnT pairings

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 2:34 am
by Linda
Yes, I liked it that it looked like it could develop into a canon relationship between Cutler and Phlox. But I remember her saying something like she did not want to become one of his wives, she was just interested in getting to know him better and maybe have a shipboard romance. I don't remember the name of the episode though. Perhaps if the actress had lived they might have written more Cutler/Phlox episodes. Her death was sad. She seemed so young.

Re: Non-TnT pairings

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 2:37 am
by WarpGirl
Well technically Cutler is T'Pol's subordinent. And it doesn't really bother me too much because Phlox is a polygimist. But I never understood why Cutler was interested. But some people don't need monogomy I guess. Maybe she was one of them. I kind of wish somebody would put more Phlox and his wives in fics.

Well she did say she didn't want to marry him. But she did send romantic signals. Yeah it was a shame she died so young.

Re: Non-TnT pairings

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 4:05 am
by Rigil Kent
Alelou wrote:Malcolm/Amanda - Rigil has this one going and I think it has a lot of potential for heat and excitement.

LOL. I only used that because Noa is unbelievably hot and I wanted to use Amanda in the story to highlight how different my MACOs are. There's this episode of the series "Leverage" (on TnT) where the team encounters their evil rivals and Noa plays the "hitter" of the other team (and actually speaks in her native Hebrew) that strongly influenced how I'm approaching Cole. Plus? Noa actually looks like she can throw a punch and it hurt. :P
WarpGirl wrote:Here's one I wish I'd see more of Shran/Talas! I'm not really into Shran/Jhamel for the same reason I don't care for Trip/Liana, she's just too child-like. But that said I've seen them done beautifully. Especially by Rigil.

Oh, yeah. I did do some Shran/Jhamel in Endeavour, didn't I? To be honest, I was really kind of going for an Andorian Sheridan/Delenn feel with those two there...

Generally, I'm a "canon pairing only" type of person, which is why the whole Cole/Reed thing or the Hoshi/Travis thing is kind of virgin territory for me. I just don't really get the appeal of pairing characters off who either never met (e.g. Amanda Cole/Soval) or weren't romantically involved (e.g. any slash pairing, or the other random crack!ships that exist.) Guess I'm just wired weird...

Re: Non-TnT pairings

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 4:14 am
by WarpGirl
Rigil Kent wrote:Oh, yeah. I did do some Shran/Jhamel in Endeavour, didn't I? To be honest, I was really kind of going for an Andorian Sheridan/Delenn feel with those two there...

Generally, I'm a "canon pairing only" type of person, which is why the whole Cole/Reed thing or the Hoshi/Travis thing is kind of virgin territory for me. I just don't really get the appeal of pairing characters off who either never met (e.g. Amanda Cole/Soval) or weren't romantically involved (e.g. any slash pairing, or the other random crack!ships that exist.) Guess I'm just wired weird...

:guffaw: Yeah you really did! But anyone inspired by a Bruce Boxleitner character for a ship has my admiration. I don't think your weird. Depending on the fandom I can be just as picky about pairings. For example Burn Notice, I don't like any other pairing but Mike/Fi. Now when it comes to ENT I admit I'm usually flexible. But I console myself with Shran saying their both canon.

Re: Non-TnT pairings

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 4:25 am
by Misplaced
Rigil Kent wrote:
Alelou wrote:Malcolm/Amanda - Rigil has this one going and I think it has a lot of potential for heat and excitement.

LOL. I only used that because Noa is unbelievably hot and I wanted to use Amanda in the story to highlight how different my MACOs are. There's this episode of the series "Leverage" (on TnT) where the team encounters their evil rivals and Noa plays the "hitter" of the other team (and actually speaks in her native Hebrew) that strongly influenced how I'm approaching Cole. Plus? Noa actually looks like she can throw a punch and it hurt. :P

Yep, exactly what I like about her. Loved that episode.

And Burn Notice: w00t! Mike/Fi all the way! :) But I really don't technically 'ship for them. I'm not a member of any fandoms, I don't read any fanfic. I only watch the episodes out of pure entertainment and do not, in the least dissect them.

I don't really 'ship for anyone but TnT. Okay, I do Soval/Amanda... but more because it's an interesting idea to me. However, my take (when I finally finish my epic fic) is very, very different than what's been done before.

Re: Non-TnT pairings

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 4:30 am
by WarpGirl
:thumbsup: I guess another Burn Notice pairing I could see is Mike/ME! :guffaw: Sorry.

IDK, I really didn't ship for other people in ENT until I started the actual writing. I read fic a lot longer than I watched the show. So I really have just been open to stuff done really well, aside from Slash (never saw the point).

Re: Non-TnT pairings

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 4:44 am
by Aquarius
For the most part, the non-TnT 'ships don't interest me much. I mean, if a friend who's taste I trusted said "read this Travis/Hoshi fic, it's brilliant," yeah, I'd read it...but it's not the kind of thing I'd go *looking* for, if you know what I man.

But I'm open to reading just about anything if it's well-written...even slash...and even (GASP!!!! :shock: ) TnA. Whether or not I "buy it" is a whole 'nother thing...but I'm not one of these readers who feels like pairings other than my 'ship are gonna give me the cooties or something. If it doesn't interest me, I just pass it up.

Some I'm just mystified by, like Soval/Amanda...while I realize there doesn't necessarily have to be a basis for it in the show, I just don't see it personally. But if people are having fun with it, who am I to question?

We actually have it pretty lucky. In Star Wars, some of those Chewbacca/Yoda fics can get pretty dicey. :vulcan:

Re: Non-TnT pairings

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 4:48 am
by WarpGirl
Oh you don't wanna know what people can get up too in KOTOR. Trust me, Yoda/Chewie is tame in comparison. Not kidding. I think the only het pairing in ENT I can't read at all is AinT. But only because the one or two I found by accident totally skinned Trip alive. I'm like "OK I can see you not liking TnT, but why does that mean you hate Trip? He really is a nice guy." Since then I don't want to bother sifting through, the not-hate-Trip stuff, since I don't like that ship anyway.