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Something cool for those of you writing new Season 5 fic...

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 7:30 pm
by Zane Gray
Original NX-01 designer Doug Drexler reveals that if Season 5 had gone forward, we'd have seen a refit/upgrade of the ship. It was already being planned... and now Drexler has finally completed work on it for the forthcoming Ships of the Line calander. Best of all, he's just revealed the plans for the new design on his blog. Think of the story possibilities...

Re: Something cool for those of you writing new Season 5 fic...

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 7:32 pm
by WarpGirl
WICKED COOL!!!!!!!!!! 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) Thanks I might just use it myself. Although it wouldn't be a season 5 Fic. Thank you, you are so kind! :D

Re: Something cool for those of you writing new Season 5 fic...

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 7:40 pm
by Aikiweezie
Thanks, that's cool! I wish we knew more about plotlines that were planned for season 5.

Re: Something cool for those of you writing new Season 5 fic...

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 7:46 pm
by WarpGirl
Memory Alpha has an outline I can't say I was pleased with most of them. :(

Re: Something cool for those of you writing new Season 5 fic...

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 8:34 pm
by Alelou
I was curious so I went to look and here they are for anyone else who's interested...

The would-be Season 5
Possible design of a 22nd century Kzinti starship
The Enterprise was due to visit Stratos, showing the split-up of its society as it is depicted in TOS: "The Cloud Minders"
Revisiting the mirror universe and possibly featuring Hoshi Sato being empress of the Terran Empire was discussed for Season 5.A fifth season of Star Trek: Enterprise was never produced, since the show was officially cancelled on 2 February 2005. The producers, however, had already devised numerous plans for future seasons, which could have started airing by September 2005. Most information is based on comments by producer Manny Coto.

A Kzinti episode had been suggested as a prequel to TAS: "The Slaver Weapon", which progressed as far as a "rough rendering" of a Kzinti starship, commissioned by writer Jimmy Diggs. The story was titled "Kilkenny Cats." [1]
Manny Coto has stated that, had the series been given a fifth season, the recurring character of Shran may have joined the crew of Enterprise, as an "auxiliary or an advisor" [2] [3]
At the 2009 VegasCon, Coto suggested that two big themes of the season would have been to show "origins of the Federation" and "whispers of the Romulan war". Consequently, the Romulans would be the major villains of the season, although other species may have appeared in the mini-arcs. Brannon Braga noted that he and Rick Berman had considered making "Future Guy" a Romulan. [4]
Plans existed for an episode showing the construction of the first starbase, most likely in the Berengaria system. First hints to that episode were already given in "Bound". [5]
Enterprise was due to revisit (actually previsit) the cloud city Stratos on Ardana showing the formation of the two castes seen in TOS: "The Cloud Minders". [6]
Furthermore, revisiting the mirror universe, which had already been shown in "In a Mirror, Darkly", and possibly featuring Hoshi Sato being empress of the Terran Empire had also been discussed. At the 2009 VegasCon, Coto revealed that one idea was to spread four or five episodes through the season, as a kind of "mini-series inside a series". He stated it was his "big regret" at not getting a chance to do so. [7]
Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens pitched a story with Alice Krige as a Starfleet medical technician who makes contact with the Borg from Season 2 ("Regeneration") and becomes the Borg Queen. [8]
Writer/producer Mike Sussman hoped to have T'Pol finally meet her father, and reveal to the audience that he was in fact a Romulan agent who had posed as a Vulcan officer prior to faking his own death. The suggestion that T'Pol was half-Romulan would have shed light on her affinity for Humans as well as her interest in experimenting with emotions. (Information provided by Mike Sussman)
In a 2009 interview, Welsh writer/producer Russell T Davies, showrunner of the British series Doctor Who, said that he had considered doing a crossover between Doctor Who and Star Trek, but the latter was canceled before the idea could be pursued.[9]
A design for a 5th Season refit of the Enterprise is planned for inclusion in the 2011 Star Trek: Ships of the Line Calendar.

(From Memory Alpha)

These seem to have inspired an awful lot of fanfic I've seen (except for the Kzinti plotline). That YouTube Season 5 series that's running seems to have taken a lot of episodes off this list.

Re: Something cool for those of you writing new Season 5 fic...

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 8:47 pm
by WarpGirl
T'Pol's father being a Romulan :upchuck: not because I have anything against Half Romulans I love Robin Curtis' Saavik. But I loved that T'Pol was the first ever Vulcan female lead in any Trek. It never happened before. And her poor mother, all that sacrifice and for what? All of the sudden she was used A no good husband... Not to mention it was just another trick to mess with T'Pol. Enough already! Mess with someone else!

Re: Something cool for those of you writing new Season 5 fic...

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 9:14 pm
by Alelou
I'm not a huge fan of that one, either, but I've seen it done pretty well.

Re: Something cool for those of you writing new Season 5 fic...

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 9:24 pm
by WarpGirl
Now I don't feel lonely. :D

Re: Something cool for those of you writing new Season 5 fic...

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 9:41 pm
by Aikiweezie
Count me in. Don't like that idea either. :vulcan:

Re: Something cool for those of you writing new Season 5 fic...

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 9:42 pm
by WarpGirl
But Honeybee is still lovely and Brilliant and we love her! :loveeyes:

Re: Something cool for those of you writing new Season 5 fic...

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 10:30 pm
by Rigil Kent
Zane Gray wrote:Original NX-01 designer Doug Drexler reveals that if Season 5 had gone forward, we'd have seen a refit/upgrade of the ship. It was already being planned... and now Drexler has finally completed work on it for the forthcoming Ships of the Line calander. Best of all, he's just revealed the plans for the new design on his blog. Think of the story possibilities...

Looks pretty damned familiar to me ...

Oh, hey all. Not back - I was just pointed to this particular image and had to comment. 8)

Re: Something cool for those of you writing new Season 5 fic...

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 10:36 pm
by WarpGirl
:( I hoped he was.

Re: Something cool for those of you writing new Season 5 fic...

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 10:37 pm
by justTripn
I like this one:

Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens pitched a story with Alice Krige as a Starfleet medical technician who makes contact with the Borg from Season 2 ("Regeneration") and becomes the Borg Queen.

The cloudminders thing sounds good too.

I don't care for the MU universe and would have probably skipped those episodes. As for T'Pol being a Romulan, it seems a little bit of overkill, as far as giving her excuses to have emotions, but other than that I'm in! I would have liked to see what happened. It would be like Kira Nyrese, a resistance fighter during the Cardassian occupation of Bajor, discovering that her mother had been a "comfort girl" for Gul Dukat. That was a great plot twist. I also like the redesgn. I think they are trying to transition towards a Kirk-era ship, whether from the OS or the New Movie. Hmm . . . they wouldn't have known about the New Movie. Scratch that last part. Anyway, that section that holds up the nacelles drops down below the saucer. I like it.

Re: Something cool for those of you writing new Season 5 fic...

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 10:39 pm
by justTripn
Rigil, you are "Permanently offline"??? (The sig) :( That is hard to imagine. But, it's nice to see you, however brief the appearance.

Re: Something cool for those of you writing new Season 5 fic...

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 10:43 pm
by WarpGirl
Cloud city was Awesome idea. So was Skon.