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Shadow and Echoes Series discussion thread

Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 4:52 pm
by Lady Rainbow
Okay, I've started a discussion thread for "Louder than an Echo" and "Darker than a Shadow". [Storyline/series discussion, please! Some things *have* already happened, now the story progresses] of Chapter 4 of DS:

1)Trip and T'Pol are bonded and expecting a child. It's unexpected and there's a good chance the pregnancy might not be viable. They're supposed to see Dr. Penda Nadhari and Dr. Andrew Beckett and a Vulcan Healer named V'Ren. Phlox is researching what his counterpart did on the E2 Enterprise for any info that could help.

2)TnT apparently have an unusually strong mental bond w/their child. But it's not what seems.

3) There's some sort of intrigue going on. Kelby (who may or may not have S31 connections) spots it first, alerts Malcolm, and has Hoshi double-check the security footage. A mysterious "guest" approaches Hoshi for "help". TnT and Hoshi discover strange goings-on in the Sol system, involving a backlog of ships being docked at several dockyards. They think Earth may be on the verge of a massive shipbuilding project, incorporating Trip's Warp 7 plans.

4)Trip and Malcolm confront Masaro (who's involved with the intrigue), and Malcolm's hurt during the confrontation.

So that's where we are so far. My favorite 'ships are TnT and R/S. (Thanks for the recommendation of my R/S stories on, WarpGirl! I'm a true-blue R/S shipper. But that doesn't mean I don't like putting them through the wringer. TnT too.)

Re: Shadow and Echoes Series discussion thread

Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 5:10 pm
by honeybee
Well, I haven't read the latest chapter - but the last one had me on the edge of my seat. Very interesting stuff with the child bond and all.

Re: Shadow and Echoes Series discussion thread

Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 5:47 pm
by WarpGirl
Woo Hoo! Jeeze last night had me tingling with excitment! I'm just curious about Hoshi sensing T'Pol's emotions... Was it because of her own latent abilities? Or is T'Pol projecting? There are times when Vulcans can do that, mainly if they're sick, but a case could be made for a hybrid pregnancy messing up her neurochemistry making that possible. Was I right about Kelby. Oh the suspence it's wonderful!

Re: Shadow and Echoes Series discussion thread

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 9:57 pm
by Lady Rainbow
Chapter 5 now up! Thanks to Aquarius and Dinah for the betas, and of course, JustTripn for the previous (and ongoing) betas! :happyjump: :hug:

Yeah, that was an allusion to Hoshi's latent telepathic ability. I figured she might pick up certain emotions/thoughts under unusual circumstances, but it don't think it'd be a regular thing. She's not a Betazoid.

And yeah, a lot of things have been happening since Enterprise was away. Travis will be an important character in the next few chapters because of the Boomer/trade ship angle. And the next one will be a doozy when Archer confronts Admiral Gardner with why he hadn't been informed of what's been going on. [And being in deep space with a few subspace comm buoys only goes so far as an excuse.]

We also see Trip's parents in the next chapter. And who's the "mystery person" who's so eager to talk to Hoshi?

BTW, anyone catch my not-so-subtle nod to Stargate Atlantis? Hint: He's a certain person's relative, though not a direct descendant.

Re: Shadow and Echoes Series discussion thread

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 10:04 pm
by honeybee
Well, I'll say that my only concern right now is for the welfare of baby Tucker. I think you may have been reading some of the ongoing discussions on how a hybrid pregnancy might proceed - and make very good use of them!

Re: Shadow and Echoes Series discussion thread

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 10:10 pm
by Lady Rainbow
honeybee wrote:Well, I'll say that my only concern right now is for the welfare of baby Tucker. I think you may have been reading some of the ongoing discussions on how a hybrid pregnancy might proceed - and make very good use of them!

*nods and winks*

And TnT will have some help with a possible artificial womb from an old friend on Denobula. :mrgreen:

Re: Shadow and Echoes Series discussion thread

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 10:20 pm
by Reanok
Lady Rainbow I really like this story update and when I have more time I'll post more comments for your story when I have time to catchup and re-read the earlier chapters again. :happyjump: :thumbsup:

Re: Shadow and Echoes Series discussion thread

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 1:30 am
by WarpGirl
OK I'm confused about one thing and one thing only... Did you mention V'Ren was T'Pol's cousin before and I missed it? Your SGA reference was "Beckett" as in Carson that Scottish dish of ice cream I would LOVE to eat with a spoon correct? :loveeyes: :loveeyes: :loveeyes: :loveeyes: :loveeyes: God you have good taste! Why do I get the feeling Feezel (lovely lady) is going to provide us with some much needed comic relief.

More Malcolm Hoshi stuff please please? I realize that this is the TnT place but they are too much fun!

Re: Shadow and Echoes Series discussion thread

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 1:43 am
by Lady Rainbow
Yeah, just how is V'Ren is related to T'Pol? Those Vulcan family trees are really complicated.

And don't worry, Hoshi (and by extension, Malcolm) is also in for some intrigue in the next few chapters. :mrgreen:

And I do agree with your opinion on Carson, WG! It seemed to be the appropriate last name for an exogeneticist! :-P

Edited because I had a brain freeze and put down the wrong initials. Sorry WG. *facepalm* :faint: :-p

Re: Shadow and Echoes Series discussion thread

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 1:47 am
by WarpGirl
SB?????????? I'm WG somehow I don't think SB would want to eat Carson Beckett with a spoon. :badgrin: I have to appologize in advance it seems you and I both have similar ideas about T'Pol's family and medicine, I also have a cousin who will be interested in a human/Vulcan hybrid child. As will be evidenced in the upcoming ch of my saga. But I didn't steal I promise. But we might have the same thing going. Fair warning.

EDIT: No problem! I need to laugh because of my jackass ex-boyfriend. :mrgreen:

Re: Shadow and Echoes Series discussion thread

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 4:24 pm
by Reanok
Excellent story Lady Rainbow I finally caught up reading your other chapters. Spies lies and intrigue!I wonder how the doctors will be able to save Baby Tucker will be very tricky.I look forward to reading the next chapter of your story and find out who Massaro was working for and who wanted the warp 7 technology. :happyjump:

Re: Shadow and Echoes Series discussion thread

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 4:40 pm
by WarpGirl
I wonder if baby Tucker will be Lorian? T'Pol did say I can't feel him. I noticed that male pronoun there.

Re: Shadow and Echoes Series discussion thread

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 7:58 pm
by Asso
What could I discuss about a story whose excellency can't be discussed? :D

Re: Shadow and Echoes Series discussion thread

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 8:38 pm
by WarpGirl
Well how about what makes it excellent??????????


Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 5:18 pm
by Aquarius
Posting comments here because my phone can't do it in the archive for some reason. I really enjoyed the last chapter. I can predict this story will have everything; I like the medical aspect of the story along with everything else. Hurry up and update!