Kotik's Classics

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Re: Kotik's Classics

Postby Weeble » Tue May 01, 2012 11:48 am

Whew Whew, following orders is easy again this month!
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Re: Kotik's Classics

Postby Weeble » Sat Jul 28, 2012 7:10 pm


Enough vacation. What is the August list?
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Re: Kotik's Classics

Postby Distracted » Sat Jul 28, 2012 9:48 pm

But the NC17 content's the best part! :-p
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Re: Kotik's Classics

Postby Kotik » Mon Jul 30, 2012 8:34 am

Distracted wrote:But the NC17 content's the best part! :-p

You're not going to get any argument from me 8) , anywho...

Peace 'n Long Life, y'all :vulcan:

Since our dear weeble is going through what looks like a hideous bout of withdrawal symptoms, August's edition of Kotik's Classics is coming two days early. (Can't have the ol' fisherman squriming on the floor, can we 8) )

Most of us, at some point or other, have remembered there was that thing called *the_abomination* and sat down writing a story that fixes it. Others, after repeatedly punching the hate-button, sat down and spent hours on writing a story that fixes the god-awful morning-after-talk of Harbinger. The list could go on. For a true shipper, ENT had a few real gems, like Breaking The Ice, but ofttimes it was just a complete bag o' balls.
Somewhere around three years ago, a very brave (or crazy, I'll let you decide :lol: ) woman said: "Sod it! I'm going to fix the whole bloody thing" (probably not in these exact words 8) ) Did she succeed? You bet!

So get out the vuvuzelas and horns and make some noise for this month's author in the spotlight :


A word of warning: Alelou's Missing Scenes are epic, I mean that. Don't try to read it all in one go. By the time you finish the epically hillarious fix for *the_abomination*, your cat or dog will have starved to death, you'll have missed at least two wedding anniversaries, so your better half will have run off with the postman or the enormous cleaning lady, and your kids will all be married to someone, you don't approve of. ;-)

Lets cut to the chase...

Missing Scenes from Season One
Although season four trumps it for sheer epicness, Season One is a true marvel. Alelou introduces so many great scenes between our two favourite characters, you could base whole other epics on it. Many of my stories refer to events in these missing scenes (although in contrast to some other :censored: I managed to mention that little detail). I also once - to my shame - turned Ensign Rao into a woman in "Words". Not my most glorious moment :oops:

Missing Scenes from Season Two
Back in 2009, when Alelou wasn't yet sure, whether she would do a second season, I asked for and was granted permission to try my hand on my own version of a "Missing Scenes for Season Two". I made it to "The Seventh", at which point I canned the idea. It was just too hard to come up with reasonable ideas, especially for those episodes that force-fed us the cringeworthy AinT stuff. Well, for me it was too hard, but not for Alelou, much to the delight of my shipping heart :D

Missing Scenes from Season Three
You'd think with so many TnT scenes on screen it would be hard to come up with better ones. Think again, we're talking about Alelou here. Have a read and convince yourself that with a bit of imagination, even reset-button stinkers like "Twilight" can be turned into something entertaining.

Missing Scenes from Season Four
People, who've been around long enough, know that I occasionally tend to bore people to death about the useless highschool angst in Season Four. I'm not making this up, it took me weeks to come up with the nerve to actually read it. I mean, an angsty season peppered with additional scenes by an author, who has a reputation of writing "mildly angsty" stories (*cough* "Commander Tucker series *cough*). That was bound to steamroll my angst threshold. But lo and behold, though it did, it is an epic read. For several episodes there are so many added scenes, they had to be split into chapters. Get a box of Kleenex for "Home" and enough free space on the floor for to roll around on in laughter, when you read the *the_abomination* fix. It's a brilliant piece of writing.

Kotik :hatsoff:

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Re: Kotik's Classics

Postby Alelou » Mon Jul 30, 2012 12:09 pm

Ah, thank you, Kotik. That is really sweet.
OMG, ANOTHER new chapter! NORTH STAR Chapter 28
Read opening chapters free at Amazon (US): The Awful Mess: A Love Story
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Re: Kotik's Classics

Postby Weeble » Mon Jul 30, 2012 1:50 pm


These are difficult orders to follow :doubt:

Reliving some of the finest fanfics ever written from the Prime Minister of Angst. Good little soldier that I am I will obey my orders. May i also suggest that in order to spare Alelou the joys and pleasures of checking the stories for reviews, that a new thread be opened and all new reviews tossed in there???

I think it safe to say that some new reviews may be forthcoming.

Thanks to Kotik for this months suggestion and to Alelou for her brilliance, you may stand up and take a bow Lady.

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Re: Kotik's Classics

Postby Alelou » Mon Jul 30, 2012 3:29 pm

Can't bow. I'm not that good with crutches and might fall over. I've been going upstairs on my knees and downstairs on my butt... my husband laughs at me, and the cats look deeply puzzled.
OMG, ANOTHER new chapter! NORTH STAR Chapter 28
Read opening chapters free at Amazon (US): The Awful Mess: A Love Story
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Re: Kotik's Classics

Postby Weeble » Mon Jul 30, 2012 3:56 pm

Hold the phone,
I missed something or I can't remember, what did you do? Given that the hubby is giggling' you must be otherwise ok. Be glad you don't have a 65lb yellow lab who wold no doubt try to help or just lick you up oneside and down the other. I can rent her out for a fee.
I just finished season 4 re-read and left a few comments, but i can't remember which episodes. I hope you get a whole new batch of reviews; you are the best.

Get better soon Lady

><((((º> he's cute ><((((º> I'll play hard to get
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Re: Kotik's Classics

Postby Alelou » Mon Jul 30, 2012 6:35 pm

Just a bad sprained ankle, Weeble. (No, hubby wouldn't laugh if it was too awful.)

Will definitely pass on the lab. As it is the cats and their toys are traffic hazards.

Plus side -- I really ought to be working on my syllabi or my online teaching components anyway, if I could just make myself do it...
OMG, ANOTHER new chapter! NORTH STAR Chapter 28
Read opening chapters free at Amazon (US): The Awful Mess: A Love Story
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Re: Kotik's Classics

Postby Distracted » Mon Jul 30, 2012 8:21 pm

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Re: Kotik's Classics

Postby Alelou » Mon Jul 30, 2012 8:59 pm

Yep. And all the rest of it.
OMG, ANOTHER new chapter! NORTH STAR Chapter 28
Read opening chapters free at Amazon (US): The Awful Mess: A Love Story
Blog: Sheer Hubris Press / Twitter: @sheerhubris / Facebook: Sandra Hutchison


Re: Kotik's Classics

Postby Kotik » Sun Sep 02, 2012 2:16 am

Howdy :hatsoff:

Well, another month, another classic. This time we are going to meet one of the bestest Original Characters of all time - Jonathan Soma. :clap: Unfortunately, the author wrote several stories about him, but only ever finished one :cry: Even though it certainly could have benefited from the services of a beta reader, this story is too good to be forgotten, so I present to you:

GATEWAY - Book 1 in the Captain Soma/Enterprise Adventures

There are 4 Books overall, but except for this one, they are all unfinished :cry:


Re: Kotik's Classics

Postby Kotik » Mon Oct 01, 2012 12:28 pm

Peace 'n long life y'all :trip:

It's another month and calls for another classic. This time it is coming from our own archive and it defines a whole universe. This time we're looking at Bluetiger's work and his/her Love Languages universe. I'm not one to typecast people, but I think we can agree that some people have a certain talent or reputation. If it is angst you're after, Samatha Quinn or Alelou are the authors to read. If you hope for a daily new story Eireann is the best hope. For battle action you find none better than Transwarp and if you want a happy universe with stories that are full of goodness without being overly fluffy and sappy - Bluetiger is the author of choice.
Many of these stories are answers to various word prompts, which was the inspiration for me to write "Words", the first 11 chapters of which are also answers to word prompts. I've tried to sort the stories in the correct chronological order.
So let's have a look at the Love Languages universe :clap:

1. Wrecked: A Night in the Desert
Technically not part of the Love Languages, but it works brilliantly as a prequel and is refered to in later stories. T'Pol discovers first signs of a Bond, while Trip is on shore leave and does what he does best when away from the ship - getting injured.

2. Love Languages
3. The Logic Of Trees
Two stories, which introduce us to the colourful Tucker clan. It spans the time from settling in to their new house to the dramatic birth of their second child Charles Morgan Tucker IV. Those two have it all - from brilliant humour to very moving moments. An absolute must-read.

4. Whisper: Practicing with the Bond
5. You are Cordially Invited
6. The Talk
Another pair of sweet stories. It starts out with a look into the married life of the Tuckers and proceeds to give us a glimpse of their truly hilarious wedding. :D

7. Saying Goodbye
A sad, but moving short story.

8. Is it because he's human?
9. Anticipation
10. Panic
Another set of stories that tie well together. It starts out with T'Resa thinking about her father and turns into a very moving background story about Soval's relationship to the Tuckers. It ends with a look at the only moment of true panic for T'Pol.

11. Hostage
Just weeks away from the birth of their third child, Trip has to go on a search&rescue mission and we get to see another blossoming Vulcan/Human romance. It's probably the most violent story of the Love Languages Universe.

12. Siblings
13. Pass the Plomeek and no, I don't have a split personality
Another look into the Tucker family life after the birth of T'San. These two stories contain some hilarious lines :lol:

14. The Mission
One of the Tucker children does what comes naturally - she does something stupid. Thankfully there is a guardian angel

15. To Celebrate Life
Fast forward half a century. A 115 year old Trip has to come to grips with giving away his baby girl at the tender age of just fifty eight.

Ok, that's all for this month
enjoy :hatsoff:

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Re: Kotik's Classics

Postby Weeble » Tue Oct 02, 2012 1:03 am

i am soo far behind<º))))><
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Re: Kotik's Classics

Postby bluetiger » Wed Oct 03, 2012 12:46 am

Kotik, thank you for the shout-out about my Love Languages universe. It is greatly appreciated.
Reading gives us someplace to go when we have to stay where we are. (Mason Cooley)

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