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No nuttin

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 7:01 pm
by Silverbullet
When did the weekend start on Friday morning and end on Monday evening? Seems like the board goes in to hibernation then. Surely with the intelligence, wit and talent on the board something can be discussed, shreded, gnawed on. Talked to death.

I know the great subject are verboten, more the pity, but there has to be SOMETHING.

I throw it open to our female leders to begin. Maybe a dfense of male bashing or leeering comments about the attributes of T'Pol by the males.


Re: No nuttin

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 7:29 pm
by Distracted
I'm pretty sure those subjects would be a bad idea as well, SB, judging from past fiascos.


I saw The Three Musketeers remake last weekend. It was the steampunk version of Dumas' classic book. The men were prettier than the women... and dressed more elaborately to boot. And Ms. Jovovich sure looked much better endowed than I've ever seen. Think she's had surgery, or was it just the corset?

Re: No nuttin

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 8:07 pm
by Silverbullet
Distracted, I have seen a number of versions. Some hammy and some not too bad.

One with Gene Kelly, Van Heflin, Lana Turner and June alyson was the hammy one.

One with Kiefer Sutherland, Charlie Sheen and others was prettt good.

Then there was one or two really old ones. I didn't know who the cast was. I guess for its day not too bad.

"Hell, I always liked the swashbuckling, sword play. Throw in a few lovelies and you are all set. Sepecially liked the one at sea. Errol Flynn was good in those.

"M'Lady, my sword is yours" sayeth the brash young hero. No snide snicklers from the peanut gallery


Re: No nuttin

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 9:35 pm
by Asso
I could not resist. :rotflmao:


Re: No nuttin

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 9:45 pm
by justTripn
And maybe we can still persuade Silverbullet to come join us on facebook where we can post about whatever the heck pops into one's head, even if it has nothing to do with Trip and T'Pol? :poke:

Re: No nuttin

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 9:47 pm
by Distracted
It always amazes me how a story can change over time thanks to Hollywood. Just in this century we've seen versions of the Three musketeers that included full blown Chinese opera fight choreography and now this new one with airships and Miss Jovovich doing her half-dressed Mission Impossible imitation. I wonder what future generations will think it was like in France in the 1400's after watching those movies. A lot more exciting than it actually was, I'll bet.

Re: No nuttin

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 9:59 pm
by dialee
in the 1400s???

I thought it was the early 1600s for the Three Musketeers. The stories centered mainly around the adverserial relationship between Cardinal Richelieu and the Corps for the court favor of Louis 15th. No quite sure about my history. My last version was of the movie was Charlton Heston as Richelieu. As you see, he made quite an impact on me since I don't remember anybody else in that particular version. Always liked Heston in a period piece.

Re: No nuttin

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 10:57 pm
by Kevin Thomas Riley
Distracted wrote:And Ms. Jovovich sure looked much better endowed than I've ever seen. Think she's had surgery, or was it just the corset?

Probably just the corset, although she has had a baby. Still a hottie either way... :drool:

Re: No nuttin

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 11:55 pm
by Silverbullet
Since we have trotted out Trip and T'Pol. How about Archer as the evil Cardinal, Trip as D'Artangan (sp), Malcoolm as Athos, Shran as Porthos and Phlox as Aramis. T'Pol could be Lady D'winter. I can see Trip dancing around fencing the Cardinals men along with Athos, Porthos and Aramis. While the dastardly Cardinal skulked, schemed and tried to overthrow the king. Lady d'Winter looking beautiful in period gowns.


Re: No nuttin

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 12:12 am
by Kevin Thomas Riley
Silverbullet wrote:...Shran as Porthos...

I thought Porthos would be, well... Porthos! :-p

Re: No nuttin

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 12:38 am
by Silverbullet
KTr, good one but think in this case we have to stick with humans.

In the version with Sutherland and sheen, Chris Odonnel played D'Artangan and Tim Curry the Cardial. Curry played it for laughs. He was great as the Cardinal.


Re: No nuttin

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 1:24 am
by Distracted
dialee wrote:
in the 1400s???

I thought it was the early 1600s for the Three Musketeers. The stories centered mainly around the adverserial relationship between Cardinal Richelieu and the Corps for the court favor of Louis 15th. No quite sure about my history. My last version was of the movie was Charlton Heston as Richelieu. As you see, he made quite an impact on me since I don't remember anybody else in that particular version. Always liked Heston in a period piece.

You're right. It was the 1600's. That's what I get for using my husband the OB/GYN as my source of historical information. I'm a dunce when it comes to history. I always ask him because he usually knows what he's talking about. Shoulda Googled it instead. 8)

And yes, I've been an admirer of Ms. Jovovich since she did "The Fifth Element". She was so cute in that. Like a woefully underdressed elf with nothing but those fabric bands wrapped around her. "BIG Ba-da-boom!"

Hubby likes her in all those zombie killing movies but that's not really my thing.

Re: No nuttin

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 1:58 am
by Kevin Thomas Riley
Distracted wrote:And yes, I've been an admirer of Ms. Jovovich since she did "The Fifth Element". She was so cute in that. Like a woefully underdressed elf with nothing but those fabric bands wrapped around her. "BIG Ba-da-boom!"

Yeah, me too! Multipass! But I actually remember first when she appeared in a memorable episode of Married with Children.

Hubby likes her in all those zombie killing movies but that's not really my thing.

Oh yes, the Resident Evil films! Love those!

Re: No nuttin

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 2:01 pm
by Distracted
Kevin Thomas Riley wrote:Yeah, me too! Multipass! But I actually remember first when she appeared in a memorable episode of Married with Children.
That explains why I thought "The Fifth Element" was her theatrical debut, then, since I wouldn't watch Married with Children on a bet. :roll:

Re: No nuttin

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 12:00 am
by Distracted
Double post, but I don't care. I'm just reckless that way. :evillol:

Hubby and I just went to see "In Time". It's a new movie that's a really great sci-fi social allegory. Sorta like Bonnie and Clyde (or maybe Patti Hearst and Clyde)/Robin Hood. It was a cool movie even for a dyed-in-the-wool Republican like me. You guys should see it. It's classic old-fashioned sci-fi...with virtually no blood. I liked that. I don't like guts and splatter.