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Current Fic Sites

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 6:01 pm
by KKGlinka
*waves hello again* Been doing research for the next fic. Got side-tracked by another fic, entirely. :? Curse those Romulans!

All right, I've been away from the greater trek community for long enough that I'm forced to ask, where do folks commonly post fic? Back when I was big in trek, the hotspots were usenet groups, now alt.startrek.creative. I see that TrekBBS has a fanfic forum, which seems primarily devoted toward series continuation style fic. (Or is that a modern trend in trek fic, in general?) I can also tell you that LJ is largely a tumbleweed-ridden wasteland, though I have found two small, largely inactive groups. There's the Pit of Voles, but I can't put smut there.

What am I missing? Has the trek community divided up into purely pairing-based "private" groups, such as this one? (I guess I should point out that I'm not interested in slash-based groups, since, target audiences and all that). Because I've got this cracktastic Tasha Yar on Romulus fic I need to post somewhere and I don't wanna hear crickets, y'know? So if any of you active in the greater fic community are willing to point me in the current trendy posting locale.... Oh man, it's not still rec.arts, is it? Because that would be hilarious, yet somehow fitting.

Re: Current Fic Sites

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 3:03 am
by justTripn
CX has a site for General Star Trek, but I'd like to know too. I have my crazy E-squared series, which I wrote specifically for Trip and T'Polers. It's got touches on mature topics (as moral dilemmas) without being all that smutty. I don't know where else I might post it. Anyone who skims it for the sex scenes will be disappointed! Where should I post PG-13 to R-rated drama?

Re: Current Fic Sites

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 1:48 pm
by Alelou
You could probably get away with it at, especially if you do it rated M. Unfortunately, because of the way displays stories, stuff that's rated M doesn't tend to get noticed by most people. I think most people who are hoping for readers and reviewers tone it down to get to a T rating, or just plain ignore the rules.

They were absolutely drowning in pages and pages of old A. Rhea King stuff for awhile there on the Enterprise section. I delved into that but the small sample I tried was maddening because they were missing key things like the last chapter of a story, and there was also just too much of it. So for awhile I just stopped going there to browse and there was no way I wanted to post in the middle of all that. They seem to be back to normal now.

There's also a cool feature now at that lets you see your story statistics, including number of hits and visitors and what countries your readers are from. It clarifies just how few people actually leave reviews, but at least you know your stuff is getting read.

It's nice to be up at Guardian of Forever too, but if you get any feedback there, or any clue that anybody is reading at all, I'm afraid I haven't noticed it. (Am I missing something, CX?)

Re: Current Fic Sites

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 3:38 pm
by CX
I'm afraid there isn't too much commenting on GoF's boards. :(

Re: Current Fic Sites

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 2:59 am
by KKGlinka
justTripn wrote:Where should I post PG-13 to R-rated drama?

I would second the Pit of Voles... excuse me, I mean, It's not the best moderated place in the world, but I post most my stuff there unless it contains sexually explicit content. If you're interested in Livejournal, there's Holodeck One and Trek Fanfiction.

Re: Current Fic Sites

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 12:33 pm
by Alelou
Pit of Voles?

Re: Current Fic Sites

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 11:47 pm
by KKGlinka
Alelou wrote:Pit of Voles?

*nods* That's what those of us in comics fandom have called practically since its inception.

Re: Current Fic Sites

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 2:34 am
by Alelou
Any particular reason?

I haven't actually been to their boards at all -- do they actually discuss things on them?

Re: Current Fic Sites

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 3:27 am
by KKGlinka
Alelou wrote:Any particular reason?

I haven't actually been to their boards at all -- do they actually discuss things on them?

I think has evolved to contain messageboards of some type, but it's primarily an auto-archiving fic site. It's basically unmoderated, but the way it is moderated allows for very easy abuse of an automated system, leading to routine clique warfare whereby accounts get suspended/deleted, etc. The end result is like stepping into a pit of seething rodents who indulge in petty revenge, can't spell and often can't write at all. It's interesting.

Re: Current Fic Sites

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 12:47 pm
by Alelou
Huh. I had no idea. Maybe the Trekkies mostly get along. Though somebody here got hit with a bunch of identical nasty 'reviews' at one point. That was the only time I saw something really nasty there. But I confess I don't pay much attention unless I have a story up.... :shock:

Having said that, I enjoyed Volley's Malcolm-centered "Loyalties" over there and would recommend it to TnTers even though it's set early in Season One and there's not any TnT per se -- just hints. And I have story alerts for "In the Quartermaster's Store" and Lieuten Keen's latest. And I try to keep with Lady Rainbow over there since it takes so long for her stuff to get here, but keeping up with Lady R is hard!

Re: Current Fic Sites

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 2:23 am
by KKGlinka
Alelou wrote:Maybe the Trekkies mostly get along.

Uh, no. The Pit allows fic from pretty much any fandom. Every fandom has its voles. Having said that, though, it's highly trafficked and a great way to get your fic read.

Re: Current Fic Sites

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 12:09 am
by Alelou
I guess I just haven't noticed any warfare or sniping among the Enterprise readers and writers. You do get a sense of alliances in places, but that's normal when people have their own little shippy universes of Malcolm/Trip or Archer/T'Pol or whatever.

Re: Current Fic Sites

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 12:27 am
by Kevin Thomas Riley
^ You obviously haven't visited TrekBBS. The shipper wars between TnTers and AinTers are brutal. Or at least they were back when I used to go there.

As far as Fic sites go, the different shipper groups have their own sites. We have this and HoT and I'm sure the AinTers have their own too. And is just a general fanfic site where people tend to avoid reading the abhorrent pairings and stick with their own.

Oh, lest I forget, there is an ENT fic site called The Warp 5 Complex. It's got a lot of slash, mind you.

Re: Current Fic Sites

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 1:31 am
by Alelou
Kevin Thomas Riley wrote:^ You obviously haven't visited TrekBBS. The shipper wars between TnTers and AinTers are brutal. Or at least they were back when I used to go there.

No, I haven't ever been there. I already spend too much time here. I'm afraid to get hooked on another board. I'm trying to keep this one my drug of choice.

Is there anyone posting new TnT stuff at Warp 5 complex that doesn't post it at or here? It just wasn't very thick on the ground over there that I could see.

I had more luck reading just plain Tucker stuff I'd never seen at the Trip! part of House of Tucker, but of course like the rest of HOT it's all older now. Still, if anyone newer here hasn't gone through House of Tucker and gone through the Trip T'Polers archive or the Trip! archive, there's probably enough to keep you happy for months in there.

Re: Current Fic Sites

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 3:15 am
by Kevin Thomas Riley
Alelou wrote:Is there anyone posting new TnT stuff at Warp 5 complex that doesn't post it at or here? It just wasn't very thick on the ground over there that I could see.

I wouldn't think so. I suppose one might find some general ENT drama stories or so, but I haven't been looking there for quite a while.