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Re: Natalie "facts"

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 12:09 pm
by Thot
I know, that this topic is already dead, but I can think of another solution.

Trip has grown up in Panama City and that's about 100, 200 Kilometers away from Pensacola. So perhaps she was one of his three former relationship, had broken up and then they met again, got closer, thought about catching up again, but it didn't worked out?

Something like the first girl you never get over completly? ;)

And to the appendix "from Pensacola": it always would be quite a distance to cross between Panama City and Pensacola, if you are in a relationship. So Trip would have to go "to Pensacola" or she has to come to him "from Pensacola".

It's worth a shot from my point. :)

Re: Natalie "facts"

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 1:43 pm
by Aquarius
Don't worry, Thot--no topic here is above a little necromancy! :lol: BTW I like your screen name--is it a reference to the Egyptian god of the moon and wisdom?

In reference to Natalie, my personal take is this: she's *from* Florida, but he didn't necessarily meet her *in* Florida. My BFF and I were having an Enterprise mini marathon the other week, and we started at the beginning and made it from "Broken Bow" through "Terra Nova." In one of those episodes, Trip made mention of how many years he'd been in Starfleet, so doing a little quick math while watching I remember thinking "Ah, he's been in since he was 17." So it seems likely he left for San Francisco not long after he graduated from high school--either went straight there, or had one last summer blast before going. He probably met her in Starfleet, either in San Francisco or while training somewhere else, and they hit it off upon finding out that both of them were from Florida--as we learned in psychology, human nature is to perceive the "familiar" as more attractive, even if the unfamiliar is more aesthetically pleasing, so meeting someone from your neck of the woods generally tends to make you want to get to know them more when you don't have that in common with other people around you. She may have been in Starfleet, or she may have been a civilian just living nearby, having moved from Florida for any of a number of reasons.

The other thing this reference did was settle in my mind the question of Trip's education--or lack of it--that *the_abomination* raised, which we discussed in another thread. Which...I'm gonna try to go find that instead of blowing this one all off topic... ;-)

Re: Natalie "facts"

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 12:10 am
by Thot
Natalie in Starfleet?

That's a nice idea... Well, what would happen, if she would get assigned to Enterprise and Trip/T'Pol wouldn't be in a relationship right at that moment or they are but in a consealed one and Natalie makes a pass on Trip... Oh this could be a nice fluff or drama or humor plot. :mrgreen:

Re: Natalie "facts"

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 12:13 am
by WarpGirl
:shock: Honestly I kind of thought of her as someone who worked in the "private sector" who tried to poach Trip and got a boyfriend instead.

Re: Natalie "facts"

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 4:53 am
by Aquarius
And that works, too.

My main point in bringing it up is because many seem to suffer from the fallacy that because Natalie was "from Pensacola," it must mean that the dating took place while one or both lived in Florida. Just because she's "from Florida," it doesn't mean the relationship took place there. It just means he dated a homegirl for a while.

Re: Natalie "facts"

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 5:03 am
by WarpGirl
Well he does like them! Although I don't think its impossible they didn't date in Florida either, simply because they never said either way. So I wouldn't call it a fallacy, either.

Re: Natalie "facts"

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 11:41 am
by Aquarius
Possible, but not very likely if he's been in Starfleet all his adult life, and he's getting this Dear John (or Dear Trip) letter at 30.

Re: Natalie "facts"

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 12:03 pm
by WarpGirl
Well Rigil came up with a cool idea to get him into college classes in his home state and still be in Starfleet. Starfleet training takes you all over, remember in Desert Crossing, Archer said he and Trip did survival training in the Austrailian desert. I don't think its out of the realm of probability given the fact that transportation is much more rapid than today's that Trip could have spent a good amount of time communting in his very very early days. So while I won't say it's "likely" I will say its possible because we were never told anything different.

You know what else we were never told... What Natalie looked like. Now to me it doesn't look like Trip has a set physical type, based on the evidence presented to us. Well except alien chicks... But he didn't start that until he got out into space full time. So what is your vision of Natalie. I kind of see her around 5' blond, short hair, light green eyes, curvy, beautiful smile with a gap tooth. Almost the identical image of a dear friend I haven't seen in years.

Re: Natalie "facts"

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 3:29 pm
by justTripn
Natalie is about 5 foot 8 inches, has the body of a dancer, very thin and atheletic, relatively flat-chested, about a B-cup, nice behind, dark, straight, long hair. All this is based on nothing but my wild imagination. We know VERY little about Natalie so anything goes. I think the more compelling question is why would this woman dump Trip? I've already given my answer in a story. What is your story? Why did Natalie dump Trip?

Re: Natalie "facts"

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 4:57 pm
by WarpGirl
OK this took forever to dig up... It's a little snippet from Aquarius' Challenges I did way back when... The challenge was Intoxication...
I've only ever gotten drunk on it by choice three times in my life, the first time was when Natalie wrote her "dear Charlie" letter. She called me Charlie, I hated that. I got drunk because not only did she dump me without letting me say goodbye, oh no that I could accept, but later I found out she had been seeing her boss before I left, and was pregnant.

BTW before anyone tells me Trip's gotten drunk more than 3 times, I know. What I meant here was he's only gotten drunk of this brand of whiskey by choice 3 times. The rest of them were... Accidents. Yeah we'll go with that. ;-)

I know I kind of turned Natalie into a bit of a witch-whore, but when I saw that episode for the first time, I still wasn't completely sold on TnT and I was thinking... Good God how does anyone let him GO! :dunno:

Re: Natalie "facts"

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 5:44 pm
by Kevin Thomas Riley
justTripn wrote:Natalie ... nice behind

Of course Trip would go for those with nice behinds! :-p

Re: Natalie "facts"

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 6:21 pm
by Rigil Kent
justTripn wrote:What is your story? Why did Natalie dump Trip?

She found his stash of Vulcan porn and it freaked her out, especially when she found out he was serving on Enterprise with a smoking hot Vulcan babe. 'Twas only logical... :twisted:

Re: Natalie "facts"

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 7:00 pm
by Alelou
:lol: Oh God. Vulcan porn. I'm trying to imagine... or not to imagine.

Re: Natalie "facts"

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 7:12 pm
by Kevin Thomas Riley

Re: Natalie "facts"

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 7:14 pm
by Alelou
Yep, I think Aquarius has posted that one a couple of times. 8)