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New stories: main engineerirng, library @ P'Jem, decon chamb

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 12:54 pm
by Linda
Got one half done about a T'Mir/Mestral reunion in 2005. There are photos I can use for that one too. Kinda working on ideas for a cogenitor story that jusTrip'n gave idea for. Would like to redo an Elizabeth story I had on Soval's Annex and add a sequel. Thinking about a Yule piece now that we strong armed Distracted into leaving a post that she might work on a sequel to her Christmas story over on Trip/T'Polers.

How about everyone else?

Anyone working on a new Soval story?

Re: New stories: main engineerirng, library @ P'Jem, decon chamb

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 1:09 pm
by Navigator
Great! I think T'Mir is a character that could be taken and run with. After all she lived with humans for several months. After the crash in PA, there could be clean up that has to be done. Who better to fix it than a member of the crew.

Re: New stories: main engineerirng, library @ P'Jem, decon chamb

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 1:14 pm
by Linda
Thanks! That gives me incentive to hurry up and finish the T'Mir story.

Re: New stories: main engineerirng, library @ P'Jem, decon chamb

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 2:11 am
by TSara
I have a story that I'm working on were Soval will be a player.

I'm introducing new characters as well.

Re: New stories: main engineerirng, library @ P'Jem, decon chamb

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 2:39 am
by Distracted
I just submitted the story I wrote with BnB to the Library at P'Jem. I hope everyone likes it.

Re: New stories: main engineerirng, library @ P'Jem, decon chamb

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 2:15 pm
by Linda
Eagerly waiting for the Bnb/Distracted story...and waiting...and waiting...and... :drool: :roll:

Guess I will just have to take my mind off waiting and get writing and not check the site every five minutes now that the vampire has been revealed! So T'Sara was the only one who guessed ahead of time? Ok, then, maybe I will try more mysteries. Been reading a good on called "The Moon Tunnel" set in England, near an archeological dig on top of which was a WWII POW camp - lots of fog, a land fill fire that won't go out...exciting. But I am OT as books are another thread, right? :lol:

Re: New stories: main engineerirng, library @ P'Jem, decon chamb

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 2:09 am
by blacknblue
If you absolutely can't wait Linda, Distracted posted it on at ... Chronicles

I figure it should go up here pretty soon though.

Re: New stories: main engineerirng, library @ P'Jem, decon chamb

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 9:36 pm
by Linda
Well this will give me something to read on the bus ride home tonight, because I am finishing up "The Moon Tunnel" novel in about 20 more pages. And I hate to be on a bus, or in a queue somewhere without something to read!