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Re: Have you ever done something really stupid?

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 5:32 pm
by Silverbullet

Walk down Hall
Chew gum
Open door.

Not necessairily in that order.


Re: Have you ever done something really stupid?

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 6:55 pm
by Alelou
SB and Kotik, I've been walking into rooms and forgetting what the hell I'd gone in there for since I learned to walk (and get things). Then I got pregnant, and it got even worse.

And French movies in French ne sont pas une bonne idee while cooking. Hell, walking out of the kitchen even for a moment is not a good idea for me while cooking. (Reading fanfic is ESPECIALLY not a good idea for me while cooking.)

Re: Have you ever done something really stupid?

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 12:29 am
by Weeble
I use timers for everything. I even have them set-up on my IPad for things like Chicken cook time 1 and Chicken cook time 2. Best part is when timer goes off I know to go outside, flip chicken on grill and come back in. I always start the 2nd timer before leaving room. I also check my pockets for: keys, wallet, money, phone and glasses before leaving the house.

Best giggle I can remember was from the comedian who praised microwaves that beep on one minute intervals after their done. His explanation was that this was for marijuana smokers as sooner or later they would note the sound and go to the microwave.

Sorry about the hardboiled eggs accident Dis. The wife and I have an egg cooker that turns itself off, no doubt saving a similar fiasco.

Re: Have you ever done something really stupid?

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 12:49 pm
by Silverbullet
Wife says that a watched pot never boils and I reply that a watched pot never boils over.

I was a house husband for 13 years. I learned to cook meals. could do pot roasts, Casserols, stews, etc. I actually enjoyed cooking. wife does all of our cooking now since she is a wonderful cook and I could never equal her ability. I just eat and get heavier.


Re: Have you ever done something really stupid?

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 9:02 pm
by Kotik
I swear to senile, I'm becoming god. Image

Today at work:
I was sitting at my desk, when an Outlook popup reminded me that we have a meeting in conference room 1 in 15 minutes. Being the project manager, my attendance is sort of required, so I pack up the laptop and climb the stairs to the meeting room. I come in and most of the attendees are already sitting there. Funnily enough they were giving me funny looks. I tried to check - not too obviously - that the fly on me pants isn't open or anything. When I sit at the head of the table I notice that the beamer is already running - nice.
While hooking up the laptop, I get an SMS from one of the team members.

"Were are you? We're waiting."

I look around, but don't see him. I text back:

"Back @U, where are you?"

That's when the abacus in my head springs to life.
I hurriedly packed up the laptop, muttered an apology and left the room and entered the correct meeting at the opposite side of the corridor :oops:

Re: Have you ever done something really stupid?

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 1:42 am
by Linda
Are we still doing this thread? Stupid things. Well, I wasn't able to multi-task while jogging on the treadmill at the YMCA and trying to change the batteries in my CD player. I ended up flat on the floor between the treadmill I was on and the treadmill machine next to it. No physical damage except for a bruised ego. :?

Re: Have you ever done something really stupid?

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 3:29 am
by Distracted
Ouch. I'm glad you weren't hurt.

Re: Have you ever done something really stupid?

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 8:23 pm
by Asso
Vulcans never do anything stupid. :vulcan:
Oh yeah. :doubt: But I'm not a Vulcan. :shifty:

Re: Have you ever done something really stupid?

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 5:43 pm
by Kotik
Oh goddammit :banghead: Just wanted to boil potatoes. Set the pot with water on the oven and threw the 'tatoes into the sink :crazed:

Re: Have you ever done something really stupid?

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 8:31 pm
by lfvoy
Okay, I have got to quit with the chemical roulette.

A few weeks back I ended up mixing a large quantity of alcohol with painkillers, muscle relaxants and low blood sugar (I didn't eat for 12 hours). Fortunately, I was in the doctor's office and already on the table when I passed out. It was, I promise, quite accidental; the root cause was being somewhat crazed with pain. There was a reason I was in the doctor's office.

Last night, though, I should've known better. The doctor okayed me to use the muscle relaxants while I'm on the short course of steroids we're hoping will jump start the recovery -- as long as I don't try to drive for 12 hours. But he probably didn't okay me to use the anti-migraine medication that I know will put me to sleep....

....let's just say it worked. :oops:

Re: Have you ever done something really stupid?

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 8:39 pm
by Distracted
Kinda risky, that. I'm glad you woke up again. :patpat:

Re: Have you ever done something really stupid?

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 4:24 am
by justTripn
When I start going senile, no one is going to be able to tell the difference. I pour glasses of milk and walk away and leave them on the counter. Stuff like that. Opening the locks on the car door is hard. With my car, my kids will remind me (nicely), "Please open the trunk. Pull up!" Because otherwise I'm fighting with the lever while all kinds of other things are popping open. There are certain passcodes that my conscious mind does not know but my fingers do, so one in 200 times I will walk up to my office door and not be able to get in because suddenly I have no idea what the combination is. The only way I can get into the office is to walk back down the steps and walk back up the steps and approach the door all over again and then magically my fingers know the code again. etc . . . If you are all really worried about me at this point, all I can say, is I've survived to this point, so I suppose I will continue to survive.

Re: Have you ever done something really stupid?

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 4:50 pm
by Cogito
I must say it's reassuring to know it's not just me. :D

Re: Have you ever done something really stupid?

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2012 10:49 pm
by Kotik
Just had a rather weird experience :? Went to the petrol station to fetch a few beers, because my stash ran out a wee bit earlier than expected. It being past 10pm, only the night counter was opened. In front of me three teens - completely and utterly wasted out of their skulls. They could only stand by clinging to each other and they needed three attempts at 'speaking' until the lady behind the counter actually guessed what the heck they wanted. :explode:
Next is my turn. I order, she brings me my beer and a pack o' fags and goes "Oh, sir, it's a football game tonight. You're the first customer for at least two hours, who isn't hopelessly drunk."

Oh really :? Well, I had 12 pint in the system at the time. Shit, I think I really need to cut back on the good stuff if after 12 pint I don't even appear drunk :?

Re: Have you ever done something really stupid?

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2012 11:04 pm
by Linda
Wow, at South Milwaukee Yacht Club where we keep our boat, Jim and I usually have two mixed drinks then go home. Maybe its an age thing, us being seniors now. We enjoy a drink but it only takes two drinks for us to call it a night. If we did drink more, in the summer we could just crash on the boat, or even leave the car and walk the six blocks home from the club.