BSG Season 4

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BSG Season 4

Postby CX » Mon Jan 07, 2008 2:12 am

According to the previews I've seen, the first half of it is supposed to start in March, and from what I've read, the second half will be delayed until 2009, or it might never be made due to the writer's strike.

I find myself not caring that much. I hate to sound like a whiny bitch, but aside from a few stand-outs like Pegasus, Reserection Ship, and Exodus, BSG has sucked since the military coup Adama led against Roslin in Kobal's Last Gleaming. I would love for Season 4 to be a swan song worthy of the first season, but to quote someone, "Do not look to hope; it has forsaken these lands..."

That being said, I thought I'd share a few cool tidbits.

The first trailer I saw back when Razor aired was ... interesting. Click here to watch it. The aspect I find most interesting is Tigh pulling a sidearm on someone (looks like Adama). I also hope that they make Starbuck somewhat interesting instead of pathetic like they've been doing since she came back from Caprica, but what I see here isn't very promising in that regard.

The second trailer I saw that aired around finals week of last semester was pretty cool looking if nothing else. Click here to watch it.

last but not least is this scan from a magazine article about BSG S4, which is basically a BSG version of the Last Supper. As an aside and in response to the article, I think Athena and Helo are looking at Roslin and that she's looking at them, which is why her expression is so smug. After all, she's tried to kill Athena more than once, and there was that whole deal with their kid.

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Re: BSG Season 4

Postby Elessar » Mon Jan 07, 2008 5:39 am

I disagree, I've liked pretty much all of it... Particularly one of my favorite episodes, because I'm a shipper, was "Unfinished Business", the boxing episode. I thought that, despite the fact that it didn't end in any over-arching resolution between Kara/Lee, it was the culmination of all the build up that had been coming, showed us some very important background from New Caprica, and was a beautiful and touching expression of the mix of anger and yearning, mixed in without fluff. I didn't blame it as many did for the fact that it STILL didn't 'resolve' Kara/Lee in some way, because in RL things don't usually get resolved in 100% perfect fashion, especially in a situation where they're stuck on the same ship, both military officers, and can't just avoid each other forever.

That's just my schpiel about that particular episode, but I've never watched an episode and sat back and gone, "Wow, that was weak :? "

So, I'm still enjoying it, and I miss it, and I'm disappointed that it's not going to go beyond season 4, and I think this huge hiatus due to the strike may hurt its ratings. But one of my big concerns and pet peeves with shows lately (Enterprise, SG1) has been that when they are cut short unexpectedly or on short notice, the last season tends to fall short of expectations, or the last few episodes, as in the case of Enterprsie, which as we all know, probably wasn't predominantly a result of 'surprise' cancellation, HOWEVER, 3 years of expecting a finality in season 7 for the other series has without-a-doubt been a strong reason for a very well developed, well-articulated and well-scripted coup-de-gras. Same thing happened big time with SG1 which was VERY unexpectedly cancelled for an 11th season. I'm not saying Season 10 was anything stellar, but I think the end sucked not because Season 10 sucked, but because they had just a few weeks' notice to re-write the last quarter of the season to the tune of 'ending'. And the last SG1 episode didn't even suck, thank god, it was one of those "fanboy" episodes kind of that is just a writer's guilty pleasure, like Enterprise writers should have realized they should do on the eve of "Oh shit, we're not getting 7 seasons, what do we do now?"

It is my hope that perhaps this extended period of time off will help to avoid any similarly, hastily-thrown-together final chapters to BSG.
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Re: BSG Season 4

Postby CX » Mon Jan 07, 2008 7:12 am

I found the Kara/Lee stuff to be pretty pathetic actually. Not because I'm against that 'ship but because I've been for it since the miniseries. Kara and Anders was bad enough because it seemed like she was basically jumping into bed with any man who even remotely interested her, with that weird pyramid game being basically foreplay, but that crap they pulled later on with Dee and Lee suddenly becoming an item was stupid and contrived. Much like the TnT angst in S4 of ENT, this was very obviously artificially created in order to create some soap opera worthy drama.

For me, the main problem is that they're making everyone so frakked up and pathetic, that it's actually making me root for the cylons. Adama used to be the man. He used to be a prime example of what a leader should be. Now he's the embodiment of the worst kind of officer. Now he thinks just yelling at people should make the problem go away, that he can do no wrong, and threatens to line the mothers of small children up along the wall and shoot them because they've finally done something to point out that there are problems that need to be addressed. Roslin is the same way now. Starbuck has become extremely pathetic. She used to be a hot shot pilot and the loveable mavrick, but ever since she got back from Caprica she's basically turned emo. And as pathetic as Baltar is, the show being the way it is actually made me feel sorry for him. The only other characters I can even give a crap about are Sharon and Helo. What makes it even worse is Sci Fi's mistreatment of the show by having these long breaks between seasons even while they try to thump their chests about how critically acclaimed the show is.

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Re: BSG Season 4

Postby Kevin Thomas Riley » Tue Jan 08, 2008 12:03 am

Well, I wrote about my disillusionment with Battlestar Galactica way back in last March. :?
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