November '08 Word Prompt!

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November '08 Word Prompt!

Postby Aquarius » Wed Oct 29, 2008 4:03 pm

I'm very happy to see that people have been responding to these one-word prompts, and I'd love to see more people give it a try! :D

For those of you just joining us, it's really easy: I give you a word, and you write a story about Trip and/or T'Pol based on that word. You can either post it here or submit it to TPTB for archiving. There is no minimum or maximum word count, and you don't have to use the actual word in your story--just be inspired by it! Any genre goes--funny, scary, fluffy, angsty, whatever you can come up with.

Your word, should you choose to accept it:


Good luck! 8)
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Re: November '08 Word Prompt!

Postby JadziaKathryn » Fri Oct 31, 2008 3:18 am

As soon as Trip came through the door, he was informed by his gleeful son, "T'Les crashed the car."

"Nathan," said T'Pol in her reprimanding tone, "that is neither necessary nor helpful. Have you finished your homework?"

"Is she okay?" He would've felt T'Pol's fear through the bond otherwise, no doubt, but there was nothing like verbal reassurance. Or better yet, seeing his daughter with his own eyes. "Where is she?"

"I'm unhurt." T'Les barely got the words out before Trip pulled her into a hug. "Father, I am fine. However, the car will require significant repairs."

"I can fix the car, but I can't fix you." Satisfied that T'Les was, in fact, perfectly fine, he let her go. "What happened?"

"Mother let me drive home from debate practice. A fox ran into the road, and in my attempt to avoid killing it I drove into a large tree."

"Fortunately, at a low speed," added T'Pol. "We were not injured."

"Didn't they tell you not to swerve for animals in drivers' ed?" She'd only gotten her permit a week ago, and T'Les had a great memory.

"Yes. It was an instinctual reaction."

Trip was beginning to understand the look on his dad's face when he said T'Les got her permit, and he suspected there were some sleepless nights in his near future.

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Re: November '08 Word Prompt!

Postby Aquarius » Fri Oct 31, 2008 4:05 am

OMG!!! :D

Okay, first, I LOVE that there is such an early response! THANK YOU for diving in so enthusiastically, JadziaKathryn!

Second, I love fics like this, that take a milestone in a relationship--especially when it's an everyday, relatable one like this--and capture that moment. Not only did they get their Happily Ever After--they got teenagers who wreck cars!!! 8) Driver's training?? Oh, I remember my mom's face my first day... :lol:

For some reason I dug this line:

"Nathan," said T'Pol in her reprimanding tone, "that is neither necessary nor helpful. Have you finished your homework?"

There's something kinda Ward and June about it, but not really because they still retain their identities as Trip and T'Pol; it's not out of character.

Thank you for responding!! :D

Anyone gonna follow in JadziaKathryn's footsteps?
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Re: November '08 Word Prompt!

Postby panyasan » Fri Nov 07, 2008 11:02 pm

Well, I was really enjoying writing a story and I was busy with the last chapter, when my computer crashed. Nothing worked. I feared that all my documents, including the story were gone and I felt really bad. My first reaction was to whine on the whine thread :( , but then again, my computer didn't work. But it did inspire me to write a story, fitting for November '08 Prompt! It's not beta-ed and my English is not perfect. But I hope you still like this little sweet story.

BTW in my TnT universe Trip and T'pol are forced to seperate after Terra Prime, but come together again (T'Pol sharing her memories through the bond has something to do with it) and after the war they leave Star Fleet and move to a new planet.


Nooooooo... Frustrated and desperate Trip looked at the blue screen in front of him.
He pushed a number of buttons, but nothing happened. He tried to reboot the system. Nothing.
The computer screen was nothing but a blue void.
He looked at the cause of this problem. He had tied him up in his chair, but his 18-months old son was trying very hard to escape his confinement. A confinement he should have put his son in in the first place, before he went to the kitchen to get him a drink.

Kiran just had taking a nap and he was looking forward to spend an afternoon with his son. He liked to play with him. He just received some padds with games from Earth, so maybe Kiran and he could watch the game together. He was convinced that his son liked it, even T'Lessa did. T'pol had asked him once if Kiran was not too young to watch a Football game. Hey, nobody is ever to young to watch the Gators.
“Football is part of human culture. And we agreed to learn the kids about both our cultures, didn't we?”, he said to his wife.
“Cultural education is an agreeable goal” his wife had answered with a hint of amusement, only to be detected by the persons who know her pretty well.

With the game plan of the afternoon already in his mind, he went to the kitchen to get Kiran some juice. Big mistake. When he came back, Kiran had climbed on the chair before the desk and was ponding on the key-board of his computer. By the looks of it, his computer didn't survive the toddlers attack. It had crashed, taking all kind of valuable pictures and documents with him.

Instead of watching the game on his computer, he spend the entire afternoon trying to fix it. Not an easy task with an energetic son. “You wrecked my computer!”, he told his son. He was angry with him, but most of all with himself. Kiran started smiling at him, a great big Tucker smile.
Trip sighed. “You're not going charm your way out of this, buddy”, he said “I invented that smile. Didn't I tell you, do not put your hand in a bowl of peddles, don't go on vacation to Risa and don't touch Daddy's computer”.
But he couldn't stay mad at him, he was only a little boy with far to much energy and curiosity. He picked the little guy up and hugged him.

The computer was still a mess. When he thought about all the things on the computer, that were lost, he felt horrible. All his engineering journals from Enterprise, his personal logs.
And pictures. T'pol didn't like that her picture taken. His favorite picture was one when she was unaware of the camera. She was beautiful in her wedding dress, their fingers touched at the beginning of the ceremony and she looked at him. He loved that look. Her eyes revealed adoration, affection, a deep knowing that they were making the right choice and determination to make things works. Pictures and movies of the kids were also lost. Like the movie he spend hours to make about T'Lessa first steps, pictures of Kiran smiling at him. This was a bad day for him.

T'Pol and T'Lessa arrived later that afternoon, they both had gone to an exhibition together.
He was some times amazed how different his children were. By appearance, T'Lessa looked like T'pol, beautiful brown eyes with long brown hair. She was a little dreamer, soft and gentle. She could play for hours with her toys, reading books or doing some science tests with her Mum.
T'Lessa had been a surprise. He and T'pol didn't not expect a child, but she was more then welcome.
Kiran was very different story. It took at lot of efforts and time before he was born.
Kiran looked like him. Blond hair, bright blue eyes. Only the ears gave him a Vulcan look. He had inherited the curiosity of his parents, combined with Vulcan strength. A dangerous combination. He used to climb on every chair, table, drawer that he could find. More then once he jumped from the table, giving him almost a heart-attack. And then there was the matter of tearing things apart. His mother told him that as a child he liked to take apart anything technical that he could he hands on, before fixing it. Kiran did know how to do the first part. He was totally unaware about the fixing-part.

At diner the whole family came together. “I sensed that you were upset this afternoon”, T'pol started the conversation. “Stupid bond” he thought, without realizing that his wife could pick up his strongest thoughts and emotions. When he saw her raised eyebrow, he knew she had heard him.
In the corner of this eye he saw his daughter chewing her food the Vulcanly slowest way possible, while Kiran made it impossible to answer T'pols question because he was screaming for his food.
Good thing he didn't have to teach the kids the Vulcan ways of control. He wondered if Kiran would ever learn them.

In the evening he tried in vain to repair the computer. Moody he went to bed early.
T'pol entered the bedroom. She put her hands on his shoulder. “You are tense”, she concluded. “Are you upset because you can not repear the computer?”
He looked at her. After her pregnancies he thought she had become more beautiful then before and pride at his family filled him.
“It's not the computer, it's what on the computer. I fear a lot of pictures are lost”, he answered.
“Pictures?” she wanted to know.
“You know, from our wedding”.
“I have also pictures from our wedding”, T'pol said.
“Yeah, I know, but this is a picture from a special moment. And you know, that movie of T'Lessa first steps is also gone. And my personal logs”.
He wondered if she would understand. His practical wife would probably advise him to make back ups next time. T'pol and he came from very different backgrounds and upbringing. While they had more in common then people would say on first sight and tried to understand each other, sometimes he just noticed he or she just didn't get what the other was saying. It was part of the challenge, the mystery of their marriage, but also sometimes a thing he had to live with.
But to his surprise she said “So you are upset, because you think that a precious memory is gone”.
She does understand, he thought.
T'pol continued. “Remember when we spoke about the differences between a human memory and a Vulcan one?”
“You mean, the fact that your memory is like a full color 3-D movie where you can smell and feel everything and my memory is like black and white flashes”.
After the year they were forced to be separated and the bond was restored, he had experience through the bond what a deeply moving experience Vulcan memory was.
T'pol nodded. “If you like, we could join our minds and you could see my memory from certain events. It would be more then a picture”.
Frankly, he just wanted to left alone in his misery or get some sleep. Any Vulcan joining of the minds was pretty intense and he was not really in the mood. But he knew this was T'pols way of offering support and to be honest he did like to know more about her memory of their wedding day.
“Okay”, he said.

So they joined. And just like before, it looked like he stepped back in time and he saw several events through the eyes of T'pol. Funny, it made him realized once more how much T'pol loved him and their children. After a short while, T'pol stopped, always afraid to put to much pressure on his human brain.

They stepped into the bed and he putted his arm around her. He kissed her in the neck. “You're the sweetest thing, you know that”, he whispered in her ear. “You and the kids, alive and well, is the best thing. And Vulcan memory beats any picture and movie”.
“But you still going fix the computer”, his wife told him.
“Have to find those pictures”, he muttered.
“You are so very human”, T'pol said. He could feel her smile.
“Love you too, darling”.
And together they drifted into sleep.
Love is a verb.

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Re: November '08 Word Prompt!

Postby Dinah » Sat Nov 08, 2008 1:46 am

That's a lovely story, Panyasan. Like you, I'don't think Trip would allow a computer problem to overshadow the love he feels for T'Pol or their children.

I'm in awe of people who are multi-lingual. You did a marvelous job with this story! I'm sorry about your computer problems, but at least something very good came from it.

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Re: November '08 Word Prompt!

Postby Asso » Sat Nov 08, 2008 1:44 pm

Dinah wrote:That's a lovely story, Panyasan. Like you, I'don't think Trip would allow a computer problem to overshadow the love he feels for T'Pol or their children.

I'm in awe of people who are multi-lingual. You did a marvelous job with this story! I'm sorry about your computer problems, but at least something very good came from it.

I think words cannot be found, more appropriate than those that Dinah said, Panyasan.
Delicious! :D
Well yes. I continue to write. And on Fanfiction.Net, for those who want, it is possible to cast a glance at my latest efforts. We arrived to
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Re: November '08 Word Prompt!

Postby justTripn » Sat Nov 08, 2008 3:31 pm

Panyasan, I love it! Jadziakathyrn, I also enjoyed yours, although it is shorter. What I loved about both is the normal family dynamics. I like to write in a similar Trip and T'Pol universe, where Trip and T'Pol are comfortably married with children. Panyasan's universe also overlaps with mine in that the two are mind melding occasionally. I am always curious how other people see this all working. How do Trip and T'Pol get along day to day, happily, despite their differences and the little bumps in the road, like a computer crash or a car crash. :? Lovely.
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Re: November '08 Word Prompt!

Postby Alelou » Sat Nov 08, 2008 5:02 pm

Yes, both stories are sweet and true to character.

Panyasan, I really liked Trip's thought: “Stupid bond.” :lol: I also see some potential story ahead when he reflects "Good thing he didn't have to teach the kids the Vulcan ways of control. He wondered if Kiran would ever learn them."
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Re: November '08 Word Prompt!

Postby Escriba » Thu Nov 20, 2008 6:31 pm

*sigh* After the sweet and woderful stories of panyasan and JadziaKathryn, I feel a little guilty to show this depressing fic, but well... And I think I haven't used the word wrecked appropiately. But at least I've written something :D Although it's larger than I expected, still it's a not very long one-shot and is in canon (a real novelty in me :D ) In fact, it follows the canon so well that Asso will be dissaponited. Yes, my friends, it's set just after *the_abomination* (oh, the terror!) It isn't beta-read, so you can expect the worst :D Corporal Camilleri is somehow a homage to Asso (yes, I've used the name of the best-seller writer, I was going to use Lampedusa, but I thought it was too much :lol:)

Aheam, without further ado...


Corporal Camilleri walked through the empty corridors of the Enterprise while he tried to achieve some of the courage that its walls gave off. That was ship of legend, epitome of Human adventurous nature.

And it was its last night before being stripped down permanently.

Corporal Camilleri could never serve onboard, so he considered a privilege to be one of the soldiers to guard it. A night without sleep wasn’t such a sacrifice if he could see it with his own eyes, travel across it, touch it with his hands. He went from room to room, like a curious child.

He got into the Mess Hall at one point of his expedition. He stopped and inhaled. Such an important room this one, nerve centre of the crew’s socialization. Not so long ago, it as full of people (hungry of food and human contact), and now… Well, Corporal Camilleri felt a little depressed seeing it so empty.

That is until he heard a clang coming from the Gallery.

Corporal Camilleri only believed in his rifle and the Juventus of Torino. Ghosts weren’t part of his belief system, so he prepared his weapon to shoot and glided to the Gallery. Before entering, he bent on the doorframe and peeked at the inside. The sight surprised him: it was a petite and slight woman manipulating what it seemed like the oven. After a few seconds of attentive observation, he noticed the woman wore a red color catsuit with Enterprise’s patch on it and she was, apparently, repairing something, since she had a toolbox near her. He noticed her green tinged skin and pointed ears too.

There was only one Vulcan female who had served on Enterprise: Commander T’Pol.

Corporal Camilleri’s knees trembled. He breathed in and out several times, trying to ease the throbbing lump inside his stomach. He thought about leaving her alone, but then he reconsidered: not only it was his only chance to talk with somebody like her (a legend only comparable to Captain Archer or the late Commander Tucker), but he also must find out what she was doing there (for security issues, of course, nothing personal).

So Corporal Camilleri gathered all his courage and went into the Gallery. Althoguh Vulcan hearing was better than Human (according to his exo-biology lessons), she didn’t seem to notice him. He cleared his throat, but got the same result. He coughed then, loudly.


“Eh… Uh… Ma’am? Commander T’Pol?”
“Yes?” she answered without turning around. She had all her concentration focused on the hand coupler.
“What…?” Corporal Camilleri fell silent and pondered his behavior. Acting like a child caught with his hands in the cookie jar was stupid. He was doing his job. She, on the other hand, was in a forbidden sector. “You can’t be here, ma’am. Please, I ask you to leave this place immediately.” She didn’t stop her task. “I don’t want to force you, ma’am.”
“I would deplore such a curse of actions too.”

But she didn’t take a halt nor turn away. Camilleri began to feel slightly irritated.

“Commander T’Pol, leave this place now.”

She kept quiet. Then, she exhaled slowly and put the tool on the worktop.

She turned. “The oven is wrecked, I’m repairing it,” she explained as if it was the most normal thing in the world.
“This ship is going to be cut into pieces tomorrow.”
“I’m very aware of it.”
“Then why—?”
“In the Xindi mission an attack damaged the Gallery, not to say a quarter of the ship.”
“The Xindi mission?” What was she talking about? Had she lost her mind?
“The mission entrusted to Enterprise to stop the Xindi weapon before it could destroy Earth as they destroyed… Florida.”
“Yes, I remember, but—”
“Commander Tucker repaired the Gallery.” She acquired a wistful expression. “Or that was what he thought. In reality, the oven couldn’t cook at low temperatures and to make it work at high temperatures a couple of hits on the left side, about 30 centimeters from the lowest point, were required. Nothing serious, since Chef could use the microwave. The oven was never used anyway, it was almost a decorative furniture.”
“Ma’am, with all due respect, I don’t understand what—”
“Give me a moment, Corporal.” She inhaled. “Commander Tucker always said he would repair it, but never could, because there were always other tasks to complete first. So it turned into… a running joke. The crew even invented a saying: ‘That will happen when Commander Tucker repairs the oven.’ He was amused by the situation, but I wasn’t, and I told him, in a very severe tone as I recall, to do his job.” T’Pol cocked her head and suddenly seemed nearly ashamed. “We weren’t getting along very well by that time, I had… some issues to resolve.” She exhaled very slowly, almost like a studied movement. “Anyway, he ended promising me that he would repair the oven. But days and weeks and months passed and he didn’t. I inquired him about it then. Amused, he promised me he would make the repair the last day of the Enterprise.” T’Pol looked at him. It was his imagination or her cheeks were greener? “We… had resolved our differences by then and, since the oven wasn’t a vital equipment of the ship, I agreed. Hoshi found out about our agreement one day, which means the entire crew ended up knowing it. The Captain suggested a party.” T’Pol inhaled again, a shaky sound. “We were going to have a party: Commander Tucker would repair the oven and the crew would celebrate it. It was scheduled for the last day of the ship. The Captain said: ‘we will throw a hell of a party to celebrate this old lady’s funeral.’ But today we have held a different funeral, and nobody remembers the promise. Except I.”

Corporal Camilleri didn’t know what to say. If she were Human… But she was Vulcan.

Meanwhile, she took her tool again and fiddled about with it. “May I continue?” she asked, not looking at him.

She was in a forbidden area, but how could he deny her something so small?

He nodded. She resumed her work. Corporal Camilleri stood in an awkward situation: he didn’t know if he should stay or go away. In the end, his curiosity took the best of him and he decided to watch over Commander T’Pol.

“So…” he began, “you came here to repair the oven.”
“That’s correct.”
“Because it was scheduled for today.”
“Yes, but…” How could he say it delicately? “It was Commander Tucker the responsible to do it.”
“He is dead, so he can’t carry on such a task.”

He flinched. Her coldness was almost brutal. But now that she mentioned it… “I’ve watched… the funeral on TV. Captain Archer’s eulogy has been very beautiful.”
“The Captain has a talent for speeches, at least when a gazelle isn’t cited.” She raised her head and looked at him, as if she was expecting a laugh or something. When he didn’t react, she seemed disappointed and turned again.
“Aside from the oven, this ship is in an extraordinary condition.”
“Commander Tucker took good care of it.” T’Pol banged something metallic repeatedly. “She was his life.”
“He died like a hero,” he forced himself to say.
“He died. The way is irrelevant.”
“Yeah, it’s a shit when somebody near you dies. My brother died,” he confessed suddenly. He was trying to convey that he understood.

T’Pol’s movements slowed down. She glanced at him, wearily.

“He died in the Earth/Romulan War,” he said.

She nodded and worked a little more, then: “Does it hurt less?” she asked.
“Your brother’s death, does it hurt less as time goes by?”

He pondered his answer, she seemed genuinely curious. “Not really. I mean, it hurt less now, I can even talk about it normally, but I miss him more than ever.”

She nodded once more. “Yes, the Captain told me something similar.”
“A wise man, isn’t him?”
“Impulsive and too bold, but yes, wise for a Human.”

It was a weird compliment, he guessed.

“And Commander Tucker?” he dared to ask. “How was he?”

T’Pol lowered her hands and turned the tool in her hands, suddenly very interested in it. Corporal Camilleri swore inwards: Vulcan or not, naming a recently dead comrade was insensitive.

“He was irritating,” she said out loud. “He was full of prejudices, had no patience, he used to speak too loud, he never slept, he was too familiar with unknown people, especially women, he had a more than arguable sense of humor, his hobby seemed to exasperate me, he never respected my avoidance of physical proximity, he was an unrepentant carnivore and he had absolutely no taste in clothes.” Her eyes shone by a sudden humidity in them. “He was loyal, caring and brave. But most important of all, he was… my friend.”

Corporal Camilleri wouldn’t have been so touched even if she cried. There was something moving in her vehement rambling. He remembered that years ago rumors about an affair between her and Commander Tucker spread through the galaxy. He thought then that they were nothing more than nonsense, but now, seeing her like that…

“Everybody loved Commander Tucker,” he said. He could have said “respected” or “cared for”, but he wanted to give her a chance to confess something like that without actually confessing it.

She looked at him as if she understood his attempt. “Yes, everybody loved Commander Tucker,” she answered.

Her big eyes stared at him with a painful sadness dissolved into a million lights inside her irises. He lowered his head, self-conscious. She took up the repair again in acquiescence silence.

He saw her precise and assured movements. “You are… coping well with his death,” he said.
“Meditation helps.”

Corporal Camilleri didn’t know how, but her tense voice told him she wasn’t being completely sincere. There she stood, so proud and confident, and yet, she was repairing a wrecked oven in the middle of the night, completing the task of a beloved dead person.

Obviously she was far from being all right.

“One day,” he said, breaking the thick silence, “you’ll wake up, take the breakfast, go to work or whatever… You will spend all day and, once in your bed, at night, you’ll notice that you haven’t thought of the deceased person in all that time.”

T’Pol continued fitting two pieces together, but he knew by her softened expression that his words were reaching her. “One day,” he went on, “that will happen. You won’t know why or when, but it will.”

She closed the lid of the wires she was working on and pushed a button above the oven’s door. It turned on. “Repaired,” she informed with an even voice, almost inaudible.
“Good work,” he complimented.

He saw her moving her jaw sideways in a thoughtful mood. “One day?” she asked.
“One day.”

She nodded slightly, like a determined child before jumping the vaulting horse. Then, she took all the tools, ordered them meticulously in their box and closed it.

“My work is over, so I’ll depart now, Corporal…” She turned and read his name tag. “Camilleri.”

He felt a silly pride inside his chest and smiled automatically. She observed him with a sly gaze.

“Good night, Corporal.”
“G-good night.”

She moved away quietly, like a cat. All the shadows in the Gallery seemed to cover her. He felt the sudden urge to say something, anything. “I’m sorry for your loss.”

She stopped. Corporal Camilleri went over every swear in the planet inside his head. He was such an idiot. She turned toward him. Her face was blank. He was such a loser, and he knew she was thinking the same. How did he dare to say those platitudes that a Vulcan surely would find ridiculous?

“Do you know something curious, Corporal?” she asked. He swallowed and shook his head no. “You are the first person to tell me that.” Her gaze softened suddenly. “Thank you.”

Corporal Camilleri was too stunned to answer back. She turned away again and disappeared in the dark corridor.

Corporal Camilleri found himself in an empty room. It occurred to him that in occasions even Vulcans needed some Human platitudes.
Last edited by Escriba on Thu Nov 20, 2008 10:40 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: November '08 Word Prompt!

Postby bluetiger » Thu Nov 20, 2008 7:09 pm

That was very moving.I must admit it brought a tear to my eye. Wonderful story.
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Re: November '08 Word Prompt!

Postby evcake » Thu Nov 20, 2008 7:36 pm

canon sucks, bur your story is beautiful
It's flavored with passionfruit
an appropriate ingredient, don't you think?

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Re: November '08 Word Prompt!

Postby Asso » Thu Nov 20, 2008 7:40 pm

And now what could I say?
Trip probably would have said: "Damn Basque woman! Damn sly and clever female!"
You flatter me and inflate my ego, and - in doing that - you sweetly stab me! :x
Disappointed? Me?
But the worst it is you wrote a delicious, moving, luminous piece!
:shock: :D :)
Mumble... mumble... mumble...
Damn Basque woman! Damn sly and clever and gifted female! :-x
Mumble... mumble... mumble...
I will take my revenge! :badgrin:
I swear!
With Aquarius' aid, I will take my revenge, my mild Basque friend! :wink:
Well yes. I continue to write. And on Fanfiction.Net, for those who want, it is possible to cast a glance at my latest efforts. We arrived to
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Re: November '08 Word Prompt!

Postby Alelou » Thu Nov 20, 2008 7:42 pm

So lovely. Boo hoo!!!!! And a great ending. (For your story, not Commander Tucker ... oh boo hoo again!!!) :( :( :(
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Re: November '08 Word Prompt!

Postby Escriba » Thu Nov 20, 2008 9:07 pm

Ahhhh... You know me too well, Asso :D Please, be kind with your revenge, I beg of you :bow: :lol:

Thanks for the feedback, guys.

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Re: November '08 Word Prompt!

Postby justTripn » Thu Nov 20, 2008 11:10 pm

:( Yes, a great ending. Again, I am tempted to grab this and post it on the front page. Hmmm . . . . Might take a few days. :? What do you say?
I'm donating my body to science fiction.

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