Aikiweezie're at the chiropractor waiting for your therapist and when you check out the Reflexology chart on the wall it reminds you of a certain neuropressure session!
Just WHAT was T'Pol trying to do here?????
It's kind of hard to see, but that particular area on one foot as indicated by the green circle is Ovary/Testicle and on the other Uterus/Penis.
Oh that's too perfect! This months winner of the You Know When You're a Trek Fan contest is . . . . Aikeweezie!!!
And sure beats out the story I was coming on to tell, which isn't even Trek related. Last night I was happily dreaming I was running around in an old school, escaping some immenent threat, while fighting off large bugs, and the basement of the building was filled with Planet of the Apes chimps who were our allies. And I was so pleased thinking that when I woke up, I was going to turn it all into a GREAT fanfic. Alas, in the clear light of day, I realized I had no story. lol.