Review and grade episode 3-04 "Rajiin"

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Review and grade episode 3-04 "Rajiin"

Postby Kevin Thomas Riley » Sat May 05, 2007 11:00 pm

Due to TriS being down last weekend I post my next review now, a week (and a day) late. Featured episode to grade and review is Rajiin.

Don't forget to give your grade as well, with 10 being excellent, 5 average and 1 awful.

This review is also viewable (with all my other ones, including the reviews that accidentally got pruned from here last week) at my website.


3-04 Rajiin

Reviewed by Kevin Thomas Riley

A beautiful alien sex slave working for the Xindi tricks Archer & Co. That brief description makes the episode Rajiin sound rather dreadful, but surprisingly it isn't. It isn't very stellar either, overall it's pretty average, but Rajiin - that's the alien sex slave - turned out to be a somewhat interesting character. At least she managed to rise above the inherent clichés such a concept normally evokes.

Strictly speaking there was really no need for an alien sex slave. There could be tons of other alternatives for the Xindi to acquire the necessary information about human physiology, but I guess the temptation for the writers and producers to show off some scantily clad female in distress was too great to pass up. But, as I said, Rajiin managed to rise above it and we actually got a character that was sympathetic in many ways. It's clear that she wasn't to keen on her mission but that she had no real choice in the matter. By the end, when she protests before the Xindi council, it is too late. And we don't know what eventually happens to her. It would've been nice if we at some point got a follow-up about her fate. Alas, that and other things that happened during the mission in the Expanse (and the series as a whole) weren't addressed later on.

It has been said that the Xindi arc was Star Trek's take on 9-11. While not entirely correct, there are some elements on the show that can be said to have been inspired by it, particularly the Xindi probe attack that started it all. Rajiin (and the episode Carpenter Street) can be said to address the issue of biological warfare. Everyone remembers the mysterious anthrax mail sent during the autumn of 2001, and the claim that Saddam Hussein was developing bioweapons (among other things). It makes sense for the Xindi to try out alternative methods of destroying the human race besides just blowing up the Earth. That storyline could've been made much more interesting than it was, but that's not really the fault of this episode. That failure rests more with the snooze-fest that is Carpenter Street, but that's a topic for another review.

Another lost opportunity, which also isn't the fault of this episode, is the fact that of the people onboard the Enterprise that Rajiin managed to scan, were all those who had been the victims of the mutagenic Loque'eque virus from Extinction (Archer, Hoshi and T'Pol). It was even stated by Phlox in the beginning of the episode that they still hadn't fully recovered. That means that there is a strong possibility that the information Rajiin obtained was tainted by that virus, which could possibly make whatever bioweapon the Xindi makes useless. But that was never followed up on, and after Carpenter Street the issue became moot anyway.

Archer doesn't manage too well in this episode. For one thing his actions don't mesh with his stand in Cogenitor. There he dressed down Trip for coming to the aid of what was nothing more than a sex slave, in effect saying it was none of their business to interfere with another culture like that (leaving aside the fact that Archer had done so numerous times in the past). So if he was condoning slavery in alien societies (abhorrent though that view is), why did he suddenly feel the need to help Rajiin? Was it because she was a beautiful and female alien sex slave instead of a plain sex slave of a third gender? And Archer had no qualms about almost killing the Osaarian prisoner in Anomaly, but he tries nothing of the sort with Rajiin. Why not? Because was a beautiful and female alien sex slave? Gah, can you spell hypocrisy? But I realize that isn't new to the Archer character. Consistence isn't something normally associated with him.

To make matters worse he lets her roam free onboard his ship, thereby allowing her to scan both him and Hoshi, and perform quite a disturbing form of "rape" on T'Pol while trying to scan the Vulcan. That scene was probably put in to titillate some adolescent male viewers with its semi-lesbian undertones. Poor T'Pol, she can never seem to catch a break. I don't know how many times her character has been abused and violated by now.

I really liked the Trip/T'Pol scenes. Their neuro-pressure sessions always runs the risk of just coming off as being gratuitous, an excuse to show two attractive actors rubbing skin in their jammies. Fortunately the writers have managed to make them behave as two adults, even talking about the obvious gossip that must surround those sessions. The discussion between Trip and T'Pol came off as mature and realistic. It also showed that they have reached a new comfort level with each other. I must also add that this wouldn't have been possible had it not been for the performances by Connor Trinneer and Jolene Blalock, and the great chemistry between them.

It was also nice to see that their neuro-pressure had an effect on the plot of the episode. Had it not been for a scheduled session with T'Pol, Trip wouldn't have interrupted when Rajiin was trying out her thing on T'Pol. I also like the scenes where Trip and T'Pol are working together. They do compliment each other so well, even if they managed to blow up a small research lab trying to synthesize some highly explosive liquid Trellium-D.

Getting a formula for effective use of Trellium-D, which is needed to insulate the hull against the anomalies, is what made them meet Rajiin in the first place. So they went down on an alien planet to meet B'Rat Ud, a chemist, when they also stumbled on Rajiin. I suppose stumble is the wrong word since she was obviously planted and the chemist must have been in on it. I loved the visuals of the alien "Venetian" city and the bustling market place. The outfits on the slave market were nice, reminding me of some Bill Theiss costumes on the original series. B'Rat Ud was rather funny and I liked the touch of Trip and Malcolm selling him Earth spices instead of the usual tech stuff. Spices have played a large role in trade on Earth and that was even mentioned in the episode. Heh, when they get back they may try and trade some triticale!

The Xindi are unfortunately turning out to be rather clichéd. I do like the concept of five (originally six) Xindi species, even if the science behind them is rather murky. But why do they have to be portrayed so that the more alien ones, the Reptilians and the Insectoids, are the sinister ones while the more human-looking, the Primates and the Arboreals, are the moderate ones, with the Aquatics somewhere in the middle? So naturally it was the Reptilians and the Insectoids that acted on their own when they commissioned Rajiin and then led a boarding party to retrieve her from the Enterprise. On Babylon 5 they turned viewer expectations on its head with the Narn and the Centauri. Oh well, can't have everything I guess…

So, taking account of the fact that this is an Expanse arc episode and that I did enjoy it, even though it had its faults, I'll give Rajiin a grade of 5+ on my 10-graded scale.

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Re: Review and grade episode 3-04 "Rajiin"

Postby Distracted » Sat May 05, 2007 11:05 pm

I actually liked Rajiin. I thought she was a unique and sympathetic character and would have liked to have seen more of her.
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Re: Review and grade episode 3-04 "Rajiin"

Postby CX » Sat May 05, 2007 11:33 pm

3x04 – “Rajiin”
blondes have more fun…

This episode was really only about mediocre at best, or at worst for that matter. I do have one major ranting point, but really that doesn’t change my overall feeling of “meh” for this episode all that much. Image

Again we’re treated to some more TnT Vulcan neuropressure, and this time we even have the gentlemanly Trip concerned about gossip. Seems people are noticing that he’s spending an hour a night in T’Pol’s quarters just before bed, and looking rather forward to it. Wink T’Pol isn’t concerned though, but we do get some hints that a relationship between them would be against some kind of Starfleet regulations in case Captain Clueless catches on. I find it a little odd seeing as T’Pol is apparently a civilian anyway (*sigh* Rolling Eyes ) and it seems to me that as a department head, Trip might have some leeway as opposed to say something going on between the captain and his first officer.

I guess we get a little continuation from the previous episode in Archer’s nightmares and itchy scaly skin; I’m just glad T’Pol and Hoshi don’t seem to have that particular problem. I have to say that I was rather entertained when Phlox slapped Archer for scratching himself. Very Happy

Other than that, this episode seems to primarily be about the Reptilian Xindi getting enough biological information on the Enterprise’s crew to make some kind of biological weapon, and to do that they use a blonde-haired blue-eyed woman named Rajiin, who may or may not be a woman of ill-repute. Either way, she plays the damsel in distress part which Archer is an easy mark for. Surprising considering that he didn’t seem to care all that much about a certain other sex slave not all that long ago…

What follows is a throwaway comment by Phlox about the woman’s eyes, which apparently let her hypnotize crewmembers into doing whatever she wants, along with something in her touch that also allows her to perform bioscans of some kind. Not long after finding her way aboard, she finds her way into the Captain’s quarters, and soon after finds Hoshi wandering about, giving us more pointless titillation to suggest that some kind of lesbian action might be going on between the transporter and T’Pol’s quarters. There, we again get more pointless lesbian titillation as Rajiin attempts to hypnotize T’Pol just like she did to Hoshi and Archer, only T’Pol’s disciplined mind is able to resist, so once again poor T’Pol is subjected to a rape as Rajiin forces herself on her. Mad TPTB seem to have a thing for T’Pol getting raped I find repugnant, not so much for the rapes themselves, but because they seem to have no lasting effects and there are no follow-ups, so basically it’s just a spur of the moment thing that lasts for a small portion of that one episode and is forgotten. Mad About my only consolation there is that Trip happens to come to her rescue, but unfortunately TPTB weren’t thinking (at least with the head that has a brain) and didn’t make anything out of that.

I suppose Rajiin getting away after the Reptilians blast their way through the ship to the brig is supposed to be the bad guys winning, but I almost wonder what Rajiin was about to say before they dragged her away. I also wonder how many casualties Enterprise took, because I wouldn’t think the Reptilians would bother with stun settings, and it looked like they got a good portion of the ship’s normal security compliment along with some MACOs.

“Meh.” 5 “meh”’s out of 10, that’s what this episode gets. Not horrible, but not great either, just “meh”.

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Re: Review and grade episode 3-04 "Rajiin"

Postby Kevin Thomas Riley » Sun May 06, 2007 8:48 pm

Please re-enter your votes since for whatever reason that option suddenly vanished (but it's back now as you can see, thanks to our intrepid admin).
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Re: Review and grade episode 3-04 "Rajiin"

Postby Dinah » Mon May 07, 2007 2:21 am

I loved the dickering over the spices and the sections with Trip and T'Pol. The rest was kind of a snooze. The episode would have been so much better if Rajiin had showed up later in season 3, tying her scans to the chemical weapon for example. As it stands, the episode really amounted to nothing.

I agree with others who observed that Archer was WAY too trusting once again. Will that man never learn?

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Re: Review and grade episode 3-04 "Rajiin"

Postby Rigil Kent » Wed May 16, 2007 7:54 pm

Kevin Thomas Riley wrote:Archer doesn't manage too well in this episode. For one thing his actions don't mesh with his stand in Cogenitor. There he dressed down Trip for coming to the aid of what was nothing more than a sex slave, in effect saying it was none of their business to interfere with another culture like that (leaving aside the fact that Archer had done so numerous times in the past). So if he was condoning slavery in alien societies (abhorrent though that view is), why did he suddenly feel the need to help Rajiin? Was it because she was a beautiful and female alien sex slave instead of a plain sex slave of a third gender? And Archer had no qualms about almost killing the Osaarian prisoner in Anomaly, but he tries nothing of the sort with Rajiin. Why not? Because was a beautiful and female alien sex slave? Gah, can you spell hypocrisy? But I realize that isn't new to the Archer character. Consistence isn't something normally associated with him.

This, more than anything else, infuriates me in regards to the Archer character and makes it almost impossible to actually like him. If someone asked me to define him in one word, based on this episode and numerous other examples, that single word would be "hypocrite." I know that a lot of people on these boards like him (for reasons that continue to defy my comprehension), but the fact that he chewed Trip out when Tucker stood up for Charles, the cogenitor, and then a few months later pulls this crap? Ugh. Even worse is that he doesn't learn a damned thing as we see him do the exact same thing in Bound (i.e., let the "rescued" woman/women have a run of the ship.)

Add in the fact that T'Pol is effectively raped (again! Evil or Very Mad), Archer shrugs it off and then treated her like crap in the last sickbay scene, and I'm officially in the "Blow him out of the airlock" camp. I'm sorry, Archer fans, but episodes like this only serve to point out how blatantly incompetent this man is.

I can't give it more than a 5, and even then, I feel like I'm being generous.
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Re: Review and grade episode 3-04 "Rajiin"

Postby Linda » Wed May 16, 2007 8:32 pm

I gave this episode a four mostly because the sex slave theme is not my thing and I found it all ho-hum except that the slave market set was sort of interesting. Was this the episode where they tell us there are five Xindi species and the avian species is extinct? Change my rating to a 3! Too late, my vote has been cast? Darn. Why do they always kill off the birds? Mumble, grumble, grumble. My pet Amazon parrot has a sixty year life span. Macaw parrots live longer than Humans - one-hundred twenty-five years. So kill off the insects already! I do it all the time. I hate insects. I swat, stamp on, and swallow insects, LOL.
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Re: Review and grade episode 3-04 "Rajiin"

Postby Rigil Kent » Wed May 16, 2007 8:35 pm

I'd have actually liked the Reptiles & Insects turn out to be the good guys instead of being stereotypically bad guys. It's something of a cliche, isn't it, that the lizards and bugs are always bad guys. Maybe that's why Babylon 5 is, IMO, so much better since they made the Narn (the lizard aliens) good guys.
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Re: Review and grade episode 3-04 "Rajiin"

Postby Linda » Wed May 16, 2007 8:57 pm

I thought the lizards were the bad guys among the Xindi? Weren't they the ones who in the end were the only Xindis to persist in taking the weapon to Earth? Didn't the bugs back out at the last minute? Geesh, I will have to rewatch the third season since I just got finished watching the first two seasons again. My bad memory I guess.

I wanted to rewatch TNG, but just can't drum up the interest. What's up with that? Guess I will just watch DS9 again instead.
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Re: Review and grade episode 3-04 "Rajiin"

Postby evcake » Wed May 16, 2007 9:03 pm

Linda wrote:I gave this episode a four mostly because the sex slave theme is not my thing and I found it all ho-hum except that the slave market set was sort of interesting. Was this the episode where they tell us there are five Xindi species and the avian species is extinct? Change my rating to a 3! Too late, my vote has been cast? Darn. Why do they always kill off the birds? Mumble, grumble, grumble. My pet Amazon parrot has a sixty year life span. Macaw parrots live longer than Humans - one-hundred twenty-five years. So kill off the insects already! I do it all the time. I hate insects. I swat, stamp on, and swallow insects, LOL.

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Re: Review and grade episode 3-04 "Rajiin"

Postby Kevin Thomas Riley » Wed May 16, 2007 9:03 pm

Linda wrote:I thought the lizards were the bad guys among the Xindi? Weren't they the ones who in the end were the only Xindis to persist in taking the weapon to Earth? Didn't the bugs back out at the last minute?
You remember correctly!
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Re: Review and grade episode 3-04 "Rajiin"

Postby Rigil Kent » Thu May 17, 2007 4:16 am

What do you base that on? I didn't see them back out ... they were betrayed by the cliched Reptiles (who eat mice. Rolling Eyes )

From Countdown
INSECTOID [on viewscreen]: The anomalies worked to our advantage.
DOLIM: We were fortunate.
INSECTOID [on viewscreen]: It was more than good fortune. The human claims the Guardians control the Spheres.
DOLIM: He also started a civil war between our species.
INSECTOID [on viewscreen]: The human didn't kill Degra. You did.
DOLIM: Degra was a traitor.
INSECTOID [on viewscreen]: I'm no longer certain of that.
DOLIM: Then it's a good thing we already have your launch codes. (ends communications) Lock weapons on their ship.
DOLIM: I won't risk any more interference. Fire.

There's no indication that the Insectoids were backing out, merely stating some comments. They weren't even given that option before they got blown up.
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Re: Review and grade episode 3-04 "Rajiin"

Postby Kevin Thomas Riley » Fri May 18, 2007 12:38 am

Rigil Kent wrote:There's no indication that the Insectoids were backing out, merely stating some comments. They weren't even given that option before they got blown up.

I thought it was pretty clearly implied that that was going to be their next step. Which of course Dolim realized and blew them out of the sky. *shrugs*
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