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Postby Aquarius » Sat Sep 04, 2010 2:15 am

Well...crap!! :shock:

So this is the month of the second anniversary of Word Prompt at Triaxian Silk...and I totally crunk it up by forgetting about it!! :duh: But if I recall, that very first one was late, too, so maybe it's only appropriate.

So for the benefit of those of you who haven't done this before, here's how it goes: I give you a word or a short phrase. Your job is to write a story about Trip and/or T'Pol based on whatever that word/phrase brings to mind. Any style/genre is cool, any length is cool. You may post your response here if it's short and suitable for all ages, but I actually encourage you to polish them up and submit them for archival.

Your word, should you choose to accept it, is...


Now go and open up a blank document and get busy!!
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Postby honeybee » Sat Sep 04, 2010 2:31 am

Huzzah! :)

This should be a good one - perfect for back to school.
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Postby Enerdhil » Sat Sep 04, 2010 10:03 pm

Aquarius wrote:Well...crap!! :shock:

So this is the month of the second anniversary of Word Prompt at Triaxian Silk...and I totally crunk it up by forgetting about it!! :duh: But if I recall, that very first one was late, too, so maybe it's only appropriate.

So for the benefit of those of you who haven't done this before, here's how it goes: I give you a word or a short phrase. Your job is to write a story about Trip and/or T'Pol based on whatever that word/phrase brings to mind. Any style/genre is cool, any length is cool. You may post your response here if it's short and suitable for all ages, but I actually encourage you to polish them up and submit them for archival.

Your word, should you choose to accept it, is...


Now go and open up a blank document and get busy!!

Must it be a new? I can submit my "Educating T'Pol ... :mrgreen:

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Postby Aquarius » Sat Sep 04, 2010 11:20 pm

Totally new! The point is to get this archive full of material! 8)
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Postby Enerdhil » Thu Sep 16, 2010 1:32 pm

Here goes my submission to the September 2010 Word Prompt! Anyone volunteers for beta-ing it?

The Education of T'Liz
by Enerdhil

Genre: romance, humor
Keywords: bond
Acknowledgements: I took inspiration from Misplaced's “Deal Breaker”, thanks!

“Vulcan,” - said T'Pol using her soft but firm voice.

“Earth,” replied Trip using a more emphatic tone - “she's my daughter and she will be more adapted to the Human environment.”

“Indeed,” - said T'Pol in cold voice - “for this argument she is your daughter, but when she destroyed her last given puppet she was my daughter, as you had said!” - she properly stressed the last sentence.

“Well, huh,” - he grimed to avoid open confrontation - “that was caused by her genetic inherited muscle's strength, which I believe came from your side, so it was natural to blame you for. And the problem is that Earth puppets are made to fit with human children strength; Jonathan should know that before handling an heritage one to T'Liz – what uncle would give an heritage toy to a two and half years old nephew?”

“Natural? I believe that natural is the fact that she is our daughter and, as her mother, I also have opinion on how to educate her. As you just said, she has strong Vulcan heritage and so she needs a Vulcan education.” - her voice was surprisingly icy, and Trip perceived the argument was contentious, he tried to compromise.

“She is too emotional to be accepted in the Vulcan emotion repressed society. She will be seen as an alien, other children will scorn her, she will not be happy. And she is fifty percent Human, she needs emotions.”

“Now you're the expert in the Vulcan society! Vulcans do have emotions, they only are able to control the associated feelings to not be overwhelmed by them. And – for your knowledge – Vulcan children are emotional. They rely on their parents emotion control – through the child-parents bond – until they are of age to control emotions themselves. But they will only learn that in a Vulcan oriented education. Have you perceived that I use my emotion control to keep T'Liz safe with her emotions, haven't you? Haven't you seen what happens when I am distracted and she loses her control? Like yesterday with the puppet, which you promptly blamed on my daughter?” – she accented the pronoun.

He was in a dead end. He would not win an argument against his logic minded wife trying to use logic. He had to think in a suitable bypass. He looked around only to perceive the young T'Liz happily de-assembling other of her large collection of toys by the brute force method – tear and ripe. “T'Pol should be distracted from her due to our argument, better say nothing about her daughter activities” - he immediately regretted of thinking 'her' instead or 'ours', but it was too late. She had perceived his thought through their bond and now she was really icy.

“See, even you recognize that she needs control of her emotions!” - her voice was sharp as a razor - “but you want let me to supervise her all the time. You don't have the mental abilities to repress her hard emotional feelings so you want to let all the hard work to me! That's a typical human response, put the stress on another person and let it go! Like one early-20th century father: let the hard work of educating children to the mother and let him go to enjoy work or a friend's evening at the 602 bar!”

She had given him a fatal hit. She had not forgotten the evening he came – without previous warning – late because he had invited the engineering staff for a round at the 602; only to be surprised by his wife in night gown dress with a now cold special dinner for two – the candles were already totally burned. “No way out! I need a diversion.”

“Honey,” - he tried to soft her - “couldn't she attend the school at the Vulcan compound in Sausalito? She would receive Vulcan education but she would still be in the Earth environment, maybe it could be a better solution.”

Apparently he had made a point, because she answered softening a bit her voice.

“I don't think so, I already visited the Vulcan school but they have very few children – consequence of the low birth rate of Vulcans. There is no other children at the same age as T'Liz. In fact, the school operates more as a tutorial place, instructors for each child because they cannot assemble a group of the same age.”

“That seems good, she will receive proper integral attention.” - he complemented to diverge the argument further from the previous line of reasoning.

“Vulcan children also need to socialize with other children of the same age. Entering a school class with ten or twelve other children is vital to their development. She needs a more traditional Vulcan education!”

His diversion didn't last enough. “Need more resources,”- he thought. But T'Pol followed her argument.

“I verified the Earth compound near the Embassy at Shi'khar. They have a kindergarten with seven children at T'Liz age. And they accept half-term enrollment. She might stay the mornings in there, and in the afternoon she would attend the Vulcan counterpart. We can share the mid-day meal all together and each or us can have a turn moving her from one school to the other.”

That's the best compromise his wife was offering him. Half-term education in each society. But, again, it would be necessary to leave Jupiter Station and move to Vulcan. He didn't know if he would like to take the move. But he couldn't find another alternative to present to her. And he was sure she probably had already questioned Starfleet about a two-person transfer to the liaison office in Vulcan, otherwise she wouldn't have presented the option. He would miss his fellow colleagues at Jupiter Station, but he will maintain the family united. “I lost this round. Better to give up.”

“OK darlin, I agree. We can start packing. I will notify the team.”

Surprisingly, she approached him and kissed him softly - “Thank you for agreeing to me. We could maybe celebrate tonight, after T'Liz sleeps.”

“Well” – he thought – “at least there are always side benefits of having a nice wife on my side.” He was sure she could perceive his thoughts through their bond; and that she would appreciate his appreciation of her. So, he was completely surprised when she complemented,

“There are other side benefits too, there aren't 602-like bars in Vulcan!”

(Curtain closes)

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Postby Misplaced » Thu Sep 16, 2010 3:28 pm

Enerdhil wrote:Acknowledgements: I took inspiration from Misplaced's “Deal Breaker”, thanks!

Aw shucks. Thanks! :)

And very cute story, btw! I'm kinda liking these baby ficlets that are snapshots in the daily life of TnT as a married couple with a family.
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Postby evcake » Sun Oct 24, 2010 6:43 pm

Lovely. I like little stories too:

Late For School

The early breeze rustles in the leaves of the garden and ripples the water of the fountain. The dawn is beautiful and full of peace; and excellent time for meditation, but of course it is not to be.

"Tela'at! Look out!"

For what, I wonder. Nothing seems amiss, save for a faint, unfamiliar sound. Gradually growing louder. I cannot ever remember hearing it's like, but obviously something is coming down the stairs from the upper garden, hastily pursued by my neighbor's child, robes flying, followed closely by her sehlat.

Robes? I have never seen the child in robes before this. Something more sturdy and resistant to dirt would be more appropriate.

The object making the unfamiliar noise comes rolling into view: a transparent sphere, rigid but obviously resilient.

"Oh sir, please catch it!"

I bent to retreive the sphere, and examine it's contents: a disheveled k'bet; thick brown fur standing on end, round black eyes bulging, little paws scrabbling for purchase on the interior of it's...cage?

Child and sehlat scramble to a stop before me. I return the sphere to it's owner.

"Ha'tha ti'lu, tela'at"

"And to you as well, behsu'kan. And a very early morning as well. What brings you here?"

"I wanted to show you my new k'bet. Daddy gave her to me last night. I named her Mos."

"Mos sems a fine example of her species, child, if somewhat overstressed at this time, but could not this introduction have waited, at least untill after the morning meal?"

The eyes are downcast. and the lower lip protrudes slightly. "I can't come after breakfast. I can't come all day!"

"Be calm, child, and tell me what me what troubles you."

"I have to to school, tela'at. I don't want to go to school!"

"Strive for less vehemence, and answer me this: you recall that I told you the education of the young is the duty of the old?"

"Yes, sir."

"What then is the duty of the young?"

"To learn?"

"Yes." And to obey, but one thing at a time.

"Be on your way then, child. Perhaps after you return from school, we may discuss the proper care of a k'bet."
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Postby evcake » Sun Oct 24, 2010 6:45 pm

Is there an October word prompt?
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Postby Alelou » Sun Oct 24, 2010 6:51 pm

That was lovely. You really should gather these all in a series.

I believe Aquarius has moved on to making prompts at her own site. Was there a word prompt this month? I have no idea what's gone before, but "spooky" would be appropriate. If we already did that, how about "ghost"?
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Postby Silverbullet » Wed Oct 27, 2010 8:11 pm

Alelou, How about Haunted? Travis told a good story in strange new World. Perhaps stories about haunted ships or Trip telling T'Pol that enterprise is haunted and he will help her find what is haunting the ship?

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Postby Alelou » Wed Oct 27, 2010 8:13 pm

Go for it. Let's just call it a whatever suits your fancy for October prompt.
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Postby Silverbullet » Wed Oct 27, 2010 11:48 pm

Alelou, are you going to take over the monthly word prompt since it is evident that Aquarius is no longer interested in doing it?
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Postby Kotik » Thu Oct 28, 2010 12:14 am

Silverbullet wrote:Alelou, are you going to take over the monthly word prompt since it is evident that Aquarius is no longer interested in doing it?

Well 'evident' is a bit firm. It's exactly one word prompt that Aquarius missed. We should wait what she has to say about it.

You so rule! I'm happy to see another neighbor story, they are so funny :lol:

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Postby Silverbullet » Thu Oct 28, 2010 1:31 am

Kotik, Aquarius is no longer a moderator and is conceerned with her new board "the Delphic Expanse" so I belive it is fairly safe to assume that she is no longer interested in word prompts on Trisilk but may be on her new board.

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Postby Kotik » Thu Oct 28, 2010 10:19 am

Alelou wrote:That was lovely. You really should gather these all in a series.

Second that! I've collected the list of the Neighbor Series episodes for those, who have not read them all already:

November 2008: My Sehlat Ate My Homework
January 2009: There Goes The Neighborhood
March 2009: Nature, Green in Tooth and Claw
April 2009: An Interrupted Soliloquy
June 2009: In the Garden, Again
August 2009: Fountain of Youth
October 2009: Once a Year
September 2010: Late For School

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