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Re: How do I know Trip Had a Graduate Degree?

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 1:31 am
by aadarshinah
I had one professor in various classes over the course of 3 years (he taught like 1, 2, sometimes even 3 of my classes a semester during that time) and he'd taught my mom when she went through the comm. college right before me in the same general program. He always ended up calling me "Noelle." Bizzare. But the guy had like 5 degrees, in everything from computer science to cooking...

Re: How do I know Trip Had a Graduate Degree?

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 1:38 am
by Silverbullet
Alelou, my mother ran down all of her sons names figuring she would get the right one sometime. She could never remember our names. She could reciete chapter and verse what yu may have done wrong though.

This may make you feel better: It will get worse as you grow older.

I have reached a point where I have to write down a word I just cannot seem to remember. I have quite a list now.

But as long as yur mind is still creative you are all right. Age takes its toll and you have to live with it and make allowances.

You might make a chart with the position each student is sitting in with the proper name. You can have it on your desk to glance at when you might have a problem with a name. In time you will remember the names. New school year, new students. Once they get familiar you should be alll right.

Re: How do I know Trip Had a Graduate Degree?

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 1:59 am
by Alelou
Silverbullet wrote:This may make you feel better: It will get worse as you grow older.

LOL. Oh yeah, that's a real comfort!

Silverbullet wrote:You might make a chart with the position each student is sitting in with the proper name. You can have it on your desk to glance at when you might have a problem with a name. In time you will remember the names. New school year, new students. Once they get familiar you should be alll right.

I don't do seating charts. These are college students, which means grown-ups, and grown-ups can sit where they choose to. (Granted, usually in the same exact spots each class -- why is that?) It doesn't help me, though, that every class meets in two completely different classrooms each week. I remember them much better in the regular classrooms than in the computer labs. Weirdness.

Re: How do I know Trip Had a Graduate Degree?

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 2:05 am
by aadarshinah
[quote="Alelou"] (Granted, usually in the same exact spots each class -- why is that?)[quote]

It's habit. You get comfortable and it throws you having to sit somewhere different after you get used to it. Someone actually did a study and discovered that if you have your students take tests in seats that are not the ones they usually sit in in class, they actually do worse, all other things being the same.

Re: How do I know Trip Had a Graduate Degree?

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 2:15 am
by WarpGirl
Plus there's the fact that from kingdergarden all through elementry you're usually assigned a seat. It's yours, it makes you feel secure, because the space is one just for you.

You know I wonder if Trip is the study hard because he loved it type in school, or so smart he never cracked a book, and had fun in school? :vulcan:

Re: How do I know Trip Had a Graduate Degree?

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 2:24 am
by Alelou
That test info is interesting. The NYTimes published results of a study just recently that if you study material in more than one location -- even just getting up and switching rooms halfway through -- you're far more likely to retain it.

Which would mean I SHOULD remember the students better since they are in two different rooms, but perhaps they'd have to move from one to the other immediately for this to work. I dunno. I suppose I could be even worse at it.

I also know I almost never remember their names after the semester is over, though I always recognize their faces and how they did in class and what they wrote about. It's "Hi!" and then ..... dammit, I can't remember. I think a lot of them can't remember mine either, though.

Re: How do I know Trip Had a Graduate Degree?

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 2:29 am
by Silverbullet
I always found I returned to the first seat I chose the first day. Got a little put out if someone else sat in it. As someone said Habit. Of course habit is comfortable.

wonder why we can lose a good habit and it is so hard to break a bad one. Good one should be easier to keep but I guess not.

I smoked for 20 years and quit cold turkey from one day to the next. So did my two brothers but none of us has been able to get our wives to give them up.

Same with booze, quit from one day to the next I found out I was getting to dependent on it.
That and when I drank I got a little loud and that scared my Daughter and the last thing I wanted was for her to fear me.

Trip may have been Mr. Popular in school. Handsome, probably atheletic, Easy to know.

Re: How do I know Trip Had a Graduate Degree?

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 3:33 am
by WarpGirl
Well being popular doesn't preclue being a geek and studying hard. Not that I would know form experience. My popularity was only in kingdergarden. I could actually see Trip coasting until 10th grade (Mr. Velik's class) while he would get very good grades, I like to think that it was Vulcan discipline that made him get focused. ;-) My mom got straight A's senior year and showed up in class once a week. Her highschool let seniors do this.

Re: How do I know Trip Had a Graduate Degree?

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 4:04 am
by Distracted
Doesn't sound like her high school actually taught their seniors much of anything, then. I just love the US school system. Some of the freshmen at the university where I work can barely read and write based on the way they fill out their medical history forms.

Re: How do I know Trip Had a Graduate Degree?

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 5:16 am
by WarpGirl
Actually she took so many advanced classes during the three years before that they just told her to come in on test days. IDK how it worked exactly, I heard the story for 20 years and still can't get how it was legal. I do know that she is smarter than I am, and aced every IQ test they gave her. She was not someone who didn't learn. She was someone who did not have to study at all. She took her notes, did homework, and aced every test without once cramming for an exam. She barely cracked her textbooks outside of class, and her report cards are insane. I've seen them.

I guess that's how I see Trip before Mr. Velik got ahold of him.

Re: How do I know Trip Had a Graduate Degree?

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 2:16 pm
by Brandyjane
WarpGirl wrote:You know I wonder if Trip is the study hard because he loved it type in school, or so smart he never cracked a book, and had fun in school? :vulcan:

Silverbullet wrote:Trip may have been Mr. Popular in school. Handsome, probably atheletic, Easy to know.

WarpGirl wrote:Well being popular doesn't preclue being a geek and studying hard. Not that I would know form experience. My popularity was only in kingdergarden. I could actually see Trip coasting until 10th grade (Mr. Velik's class) while he would get very good grades, I like to think that it was Vulcan discipline that made him get focused. ;-) My mom got straight A's senior year and showed up in class once a week. Her highschool let seniors do this.

This is how I see it, too. I picture young, elementary-school-aged Trip as maybe having a little bit of ADHD, becoming a bit of a hero to the other boys by taking a few risks on the playground (i.e. jumping from the top of the play structures, etc.), but as he gets a little older, calming down and channeling some of his energy into organized sports. I also think Trip was probably smart enough to coast through school without having to work very hard at it. I imagine him making straight A's in his best subjects, and a few B's every now and then in the classes where things don't come quite as naturally to him. His family and teachers probably thought he was a pretty smart kid, but didn't realize exactly how smart he was until Mr. Velek came along and realized there was a lot more to Trip than anyone else had realized. (My story "Mr. Velek" explores that.)

I also think this explains why he says he's not good at learning other languages. If he could just coast through all of his other classes without a lot of work, he might have just decided foreign languages weren't his "thing" if he actually had to study and practice them like "normal" people have to do with most subjects.

So how does this seemingly lazy Trip square with the workaholic we see in Enterprise? Well, I think perhaps teenage Trip may have been very disciplined in other areas of his life, like sports, summer jobs, helping out his family, etc. When he finally discovered his love for engineering and realized he might have a future in Starfleet, he just focused all that dedication on learning his craft, improving the warp engine, and rising through the ranks of Starfleet.

Re: How do I know Trip Had a Graduate Degree?

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 3:27 pm
by WarpGirl
Brandyjane wrote:(My story "Mr. Velek" explores that.)

I also think this explains why he says he's not good at learning other languages. If he could just coast through all of his other classes without a lot of work, he might have just decided foreign languages weren't his "thing" if he actually had to study and practice them like "normal" people have to do with most subjects.

Love that story! I'm not sure about the languages though. I think he is interested, because he and Hoshi discuss it more than once. I got the sense he was frustrated that it didn't come naturally. But I've come up with a very "out there" reason for it. That is going to be explaind by my fic that is the blue link. I just haven't written it yet. But I rarely give spoilers. :twisted:

Re: How do I know Trip Had a Graduate Degree?

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 3:40 pm
by aadarshinah
For some reason, this thread has made me think of the whole labour movement/labour day thing - you know, "8 hours for work, 8 for rest, and 8 for leisure." Like something along that line is what someone like Trip, who loves his job and can get a little carried away with it, might have to force himself to do...

Re: How do I know Trip Had a Graduate Degree?

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 6:22 pm
by WarpGirl
Well we know he's an insomniac so I doubt he does the "rest" part. But he does like to have fun.

Re: How do I know Trip Had a Graduate Degree?

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 1:44 am
by tambo2063
just one thing on Trip's degree. first is Star Fleet military? I believe trip said something once about when he first joined Star Fleet, also i believe they recruited in other series. If so it is most likley it would be set up similar to what we have today (USA) Without a college degree you don't advance. I believe anything Lt. & up requires a college degree. I might be wrong but i have a nephew who serves and that is what he told me.

Edited by admin to delete ad hominem attack on the writers of *the_abomination*. Sorry, but we need to stay civil, guys.