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Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 4:48 am
by crystalswolf
Pegmumm, I think there are some superhero roles that can accept a wider age range but then there are some that cannot. Picture Peter Parker played (glad I don't have to say that!) by a 40-something. Perhaps if they're going for a completely different take on the story but if they are trying to stay close to the original storyline it doesn't work and the actor is faulted for a director's poor choice.

Why not proud of collecting comics?


Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 5:07 am
by Aquarius
Pegmumm wrote:Too late, already voted.
Age is irrelevant as far as Captain America goes. There is no age range for Superheroes.

I used to collect Comic books. Hey I am not proud of what I did...
Anything we can do to get Conner's name in front of the public is good for his career.
There is no such thing as bad press.
Miracles do happen.

Now THAT'S the kind of attitude I was counting on when I posted the link! Think he's too old? So what! Think he might not get the part? Big deal! The *point* is to have fun while making some noise for a favorite and talented celebrity. It's not like we're voting on a life-or-death issue here, or president, or something, so if you dig Connor, there's no point to *not* voting. There's also no point to raining on the parade of the people who are having fun with it. :happyjump: If it's not your thing, cool, but details like how wrong he is for the part are just kind of pointless, when the only point was to have fun giving him free publicity.


Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 5:14 am
by Pegmumm
crystalswolf wrote:Pegmumm,
Why not proud of collecting comics?

Because it's unseemly for a 56 year old woman to admit that she collected comic books. By the way, I collect old science fiction as well. I've read thousands of novels. I have over 3000 paperbacks of varying ages and 10 years (From the 70's) of fantasy and science fiction and Analog magazines. I was a trekkie when it wasn't fashionable.

When I divorced, my ex got the comic books, I got the house and the sci fi.
It wasn't a fair trade.
Should have stuck with the comic books and the sci fi.


Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 10:59 am
by crystalswolf
My comment about his age, and I can only speak for myself, was not meant to sway minds to not vote for him. Swaying minds is actually never my intention when I post. Just stating an opinion.

I understand an actor's gotta' eat but it hurts (and this is just my opinion) to see him in roles that do not showcase his strong acting skills (Star Runners comes to mind). He is SO much better than that.

3000+!! I think that collection is impressive! Was being a trekkie ever fashionable?


Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 2:49 pm
by Aquarius
CW--I know you weren't trying to convince anyone to not vote. That wasn't why I made the comment. I made it because some prior posts seemed more focused on what would happen if Connor actually got the part, like voting for him is going to have some huge impact on the world, versus just trying to get people to sit up and take notice and say "Hey, who's this Connor Trinneer guy everyone's going on about??" If the suits in Hollywood see the devotion of his fan base, it's bound to make directors and casting agents take notice. The point isn't whether or not he's right for the part, or whether or not he actually has a shot at it.

It's cool if people have their reasons for thinking he's not right for the part, or for having their own idea of who/what a super hero is "supposed" to be; I'm just a little perplexed that out of the three Trek communities I posted this at, everyone at the general Trek communities seemed to rally around the idea of creating swarm for Connor, and just kind of had fun with it and went with the flow. I expected the same at a TnT-specific community--if not for the idea to be even more enthusiastically embraced. :dunno:


Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 3:07 pm
by Silverbullet
Why restrict Connor. so he is a little long i the tooth to play Superheros. He can play other roles,

I was thinking last night he would be great as Ramond ChandlersP.I. Phillip Marlow. Marlow was tough but he ws also smart. Phil Carey tried the role in a TV series that bombed. Carey is a good Actor but he never looked the part plus he played some of it for laughs.

Connor could get away with a P.I, Role esily. It is about time the P.I. is brought back. Tired of all this Scientifc stuff. Would like to see a Tough, Live by own rules, P.I.

Marlow has been played by a number of Actors in the Movies, Bogart, Mitchum, and others. Mitchum was in his late 50's when he played Marlow. Connor could do it.

I wish connor could have got on the series NCIS, that would be a good vehicle for him.

Unfortunately, Connnor has been branded by his SciFi roles.


Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 4:17 pm
by Pegmumm
As far as voting or not voting...
Maybe some folks want to keep Connor to themselves. It's not due to any lack on his part, I'm sure.
Frankly it's us that lack the imagination.
Hollywood is a fickle place and the American public does what Hollywood dictates.

Why would you need walls if you already have them in your head?



Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 4:24 pm
by WarpGirl
I would rather see CT in a role that I think he is right for. I don't want to be distracted by thinking "he's too old" or any other obstical for him to be believable in any role. That would take away my joy in watching him to begin with. And as a fan I don't want that.


Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 5:25 pm
by Alelou
I would think CT will do just fine. He's had some interesting theater roles that he's done well in lately and that should have increased his exposure and helped people figure out that he has some range. Captain America would be just more living in the same old SF ghetto, really. And honestly, he is a very slender fellow for such a big, muscle-bound character. (But he'd be lovely as The Greatest American Hero.)

Not that I object to anyone voting for him, either.


Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 6:41 pm
by Silverbullet
Superheroes. There were a couple who were not Muscle bound: Green Arrov, Green Lantern.

There was also a Comic book Hero who did not have Super Powers. The Spirit. He wore a business suit, Snap Brim Hat and a Mask. He was mostly a P.I. type of hero. Conner could easily play the Spirit. Age wouldn't matter.


Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 7:33 pm
by Asso
It's time for Connor to be a little older.
And he could be a perfect older Commander (Captain, Admiral, Ambassador, etc, etc, etc... VERY MUCH TIED TO VULCANS :D ;-) ) Trip Tucker the Third.
It's difficult for me to see him in some other way.
And that isn't reductive, not at all. It means that he played this role excellently. As Jolene did with T'Pol, on the other hand.
If, one day, someone else will play her role, I would find that very disconcerting.


Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 8:00 pm
by Silverbullet
ASSO. who else could play that role now? she is burned in our minds as THE T-Pol. Same thing for Trip, only Conner could be Trip for me.

While I am sure that other Actors could be cast in those Roles for some future version of Enterprise they would nnot be, in my mind, the True Trip and T-Pol.


Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 8:12 pm
by Asso
Just so.


Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 3:39 pm
by panyasan
I voted for Connor and I noticed that some one commented that there were so many votes for him. I think he can make a wonderful performance with any role (I also have this unfounded hope that if people see how popular he was as Trip... you never know. I can dream, can I?)


Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 11:30 pm
by Aquarius
Another internet-style flash mob planned for Connor, this time for "The Forever War." Interested parties can vote here at ReelzChannel and direct email to Maresa Pullman ( at Scott Free Productions.

Like last time, this is a gesture meant in fun, sprinkled with a bit of "What can it hurt?" Fannish unity and all that. 8)