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Re: How Would You Write Characters Who Don't Get Along With

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 2:02 am
by WarpGirl
IDK Rigil I guess you just make everything so real from major battle damage to the repairs and all :dunno: .... I meant it as a compliment. I hope that was obvious... :oops:

Re: How Would You Write Characters Who Don't Get Along With

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 2:17 am
by Rigil Kent
Its a matter of terminology, I think. When I say "technobabble," I generally mean the made up words that they so regularly threw out to solve the latest problem in TNG & VOY that actually mean nothing ("quick, let's reverse the polarity of the quantum flux regulator, which will let us align the positronic matrix sublaterally!") I generally try to ground everything I write in some sort of actual science (no matter that Trek, by its very nature, doesn't play by the same natural laws I do.) I'm not sure if that's what you mean when you saw "technobabble."

I wasn't insulted. Just curious.

Re: How Would You Write Characters Who Don't Get Along With

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 2:23 am
by WarpGirl
Well they do that with medical shows too Rigil. :lol: Trust me I know. In any case since I wouldn't be able to tell a made up term from a proper one, the point is you are very good at making people believe it is in fact real. You could make up an entirely new "phaze convertor" and I wouldn't know it. That to me is a good thing when you write any form of science fiction. Even if you do prefer to play with natural laws, if you ever decided not too you'd pull it off.