Auditions for Star Trek: NX-01's Ragnarok, Part One!!

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Auditions for Star Trek: NX-01's Ragnarok, Part One!!

Postby ginamr » Thu Jan 03, 2008 9:19 am

Auditions for Ragnarok, Part One (TBR March 25, 2008)

Lieutenant Anna Hess (Recurring Role)
Female, late 20s to mid 30s
Soprano or Mezzo Soprano

She’s a highly-motivated woman hoping to reach the top of the career ladder someday. But at the same time, she appreciates the commonly underappreciated things in life like friends, family, having a good time, and always finding the good in every situation. She’s selfless and puts the well being of others before her own.
1. Sato: ::teases:: Back off, Anna, before I tell your boss what
you REALLY think of him.

Hess: ::embarrassed:: You dare and I’ll tell your darling
Malcolm about your glimpse of Trip.

2. Archer: Tell me exactly what happened.

Hess: I…I had run to get the extinguisher and I was
putting out a fire when I felt something heavily collide with
my shoulder. I fell to the deck and looked behind me at the
precise moment the conduit exploded. I covered my eyes
until the bright light was gone and when I opened them…I
saw him lying at my feet burned so severely that I scarcely
recognized him. He was still breathing, but barely.

3. Tucker: God, Anna. I’m so sorry.

Hess: ::sobs:: It…it was less than a half-hour ago that he
was proposing to me.

Tucker: How did he…?

Hess: He…he pushed me out of the way of an exploding
plasma conduit.

Mistress Layetta (These are her only lines so I’ll take the best audition.)
Female, early to mid 30s
Soprano or Mezzo Soprano

Because of her position as messenger to Queen Freyja, she is accustomed to dealing with all situations diplomatically and has immense patience.
*NOTE: The Briliarins are a cat-people.
1. Archer: This Captain Jonathan Archer of the Enterprise.

Layetta: …Repeat…this is Layetta of the Ca'vaen House…
you may address me as House Mistress Layetta or as House

Archer: ::angry:: Why in the hell did you attack my ship?

Layetta: We are not responsible for the attack on your
vessel. There have been a series of attacks near our world,
but it has been determined that pirates are responsible.

Archer: I would like to speak with whoever represents your

Layetta: Her Majesty, Queen Freyja has anticipated your
arrival and instructed that I arrange for you to speak with
her in person.

Archer: When?

Layetta: I am sending you the coordinates now.

Archer: If you don’t mind, I'd like to bring a few members of
my crew to the surface with me.

Layetta: ::cheerfully:: Not at all. Her Majesty has also
requested that you come dressed in civilian clothing. Along
with the coordinates, I've included some information
concerning our customs and our history. We will await you,

Ensign Jeff Rigby (These are his only lines so I’ll take the best audition.)
Male; Mid to Late 20s

A young, inexperienced lad who gets nervous when he’s forced to man his station.

1. RIGBY: (ALARMED) Sir, two crewman have just been
transported from the ship!

MAYWEATHER: The ships are veering off.

2. ARCHER:(IRRITATED) We've disabled two of the vessels.
The other two escaped.

RIGBY: Sir! One of the vessels just exploded!

3. RIGBY: (THREE BEATS) Both ships have been destroyed.

Talvic & Lvor (Please send separate auditions for each character.)
Males; Early to Mid 30s
Tenor or Baritone

They are the leaders of the Briliarin Male Resistance. Talvic has a very conniving mind. He can act convincingly one way, but truly feel another. Lvor, on the other hand, wears his emotions on his sleeve.
*NOTE: The Briliarins are a cat-people.

1. LVOR: (BEAT) I did warn you not to underestimate this
vessel. Its captain seemed far too cautious and persistent.

TALVIC: (HISSES ANGRILY) You dare to question me?

LVOR: (STUTTERS) N-no. I am simply saying that perhaps
we should have been more patient and waited until the
larger vessel was vulnerable.

TALVIC: (FIRMLY) Make no mistake. We WILL succeed.

Female; Mid to Late 30s
Soprano or Mezzo Soprano

She is the ruler of the Briliarins and despite her wisdom and openness to other cultures, she is also very judgmental. First impressions matter above all else and she will do anything to protect her people.
*NOTE: The Briliarins are a cat-people.

1. Freyja: Mistress Layetta tells me that your Second is
quite commanding. Does he fancy himself superior to his
Mistresses? (BEAT, BEAT) Also, I find it curious that it was
he whom Mistress Layetta spoke with. (BEAT)(PURRS) But
with such a virile First, I imagine that you were…otherwise
occupied. (BEAT) I welcome you. May I introduce the First
Royal Mistress, Mist…and the Second Royal Mistress,
Hlathguth…and the Third Royal Mistress, Hrist. (BEAT, BEAT)
Come. I have had a feast prepared in your honor.

Female; Mid to Late 20s

She is fairly aggressive and if she sees something that she wants she will go after it relentlessly until she gets it.

1. HLATHGUTH: (PURRS) A pleasure.

2. FREYJA: (BEAT) You may all call me Freyja. I find that
formality does nothing to encourage true friendship.


3. HLATHGUTH: (CURIOUS) What is your relationship to
Commander Trip?

T’POL: (DEADPAN) He is my mate and the father of my

Hrist & Mist (Please send in separate auditions for each character. Also, these are their only lines so I’ll take the best audition.)
Females; Mid to Late 20s

Two women who are obsessed with good-looking men.
*NOTE: The Briliarins are a cat-people.

1. HRIST: (PURRS) Your first is so very handsome, Mistress

MIST: (PURRS) Yes. Wherever did you find him?

REED: Ladies, please!

Rhys & Jaal (Please send in separate auditions for each character. Also, these are their only lines so I’ll take the best audition.)
Males; Late 20s to Early 30s
Tenor or Baritone

*NOTE: The Briliarins are a cat-people.


name have you done?

The Engineer (This is his only line so I’ll take the best audition.)
Male; Mid to Late 20s

1. T’POL: Excuse me. Where might I find Commander Tucker?

ENGINEER: He’s in the far right corner working on a


*44100 hz (CD quality)
*MP3 or WAV format
Coming Home: Five+Epilogue
6.06: Fall Out

Under Construction:
The Prank War 2
Secret Meetings, Story Two--Wet
6.07: Vestiges of Qualor
Coming This Christmas (December 2012): White Christmas
Hybrid: Prologue & Chapter One--Inspired by Aquarius's "Tag" challenge.

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