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Re: TAS Canon?

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 6:04 pm
by Linda
I'll go along with CC's idea that Trip's death was not canon because it really was only a holodeck simulation cooked up by Riker. I LIKE that. Works for me.

Oh, Enterprikayak, I am not a school teacher, LOL. I work at a university (in IT), but maybe the school marm mindset has rubbed off on me because of the environment. I'm just too busy (or lazy?) to go to the other ST sites and study the arguments. Guess I need the 'executive summary'. Yeah, that sounds better than asking for a compare and contrast essay, LOL.

Re: TAS Canon?

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 6:21 pm
by CoffeeCat
Rigil Kent wrote:During one of the panning shots on Ten Forward. You can see Riker in the background before they focus on ... Riker.

I did not see that (I wonder if I could integrate that into my story somehow; frakking time warp or something...)

Re: TAS Canon?

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 6:27 pm
by enterprikayak
Linda: now you've gone from English 100 to Business 179.

Executive Summary! :brrrrrrrrr:

They ARE rubbing off on you!

Re: TAS Canon?

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 10:44 pm
by Kevin Thomas Riley
Canon Trek was just something that they established so that Trek writers had something to adhere to, a way to minimize contradicting what's previously been established on screen. Since no new Trek is being produced except for the new movie (that takes place before TAS anyway) it doesn't really matter if the studio now - and for purely marketing purposes - says that TAS is canon.

Personally I consider TAS as something of an inspiration. It has some ideas and species that could inspire other Treks. But i don't consider the events in those episodes to have actually "happened" in the live action continuity - unless it's been specifically referenced to (like the kahs-wan).

Re: TAS Canon?

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 10:48 pm
by JadziaKathryn
Rigil Kent wrote:it was live action Trek and has not been officially discarded (ala that Trek movie with Sybok) by TPTB
What? It was? I missed that one. It was a lousy movie, though, so I'm cool with discarding it.

I've never seen TAS and have no opinion there. I've hardly seen any TOS except the movies, anyway.

Re: TAS Canon?

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 4:43 am
by pookha
the whole canon issue is often complex and contradictory.
not only did gene want to decanonize the fith move but parts of tos itself.
some of it gets bizarre.
and important to remember is that just because something wasnt considered canon didnt mean writers couldnt use but rather they didnt have to use it.

a lot of stuff from tas has appeared over the years in the different shows.

with yesteryear having the most considering it is considered part of spocks back story.

and while some of tas is bad there are some decent fun episodes in them with worthwhile things to use.
the jhad , the survivor ect..

one of my favorite trek races the vadala come from a tas episode.

as for the thing.
it is full of problems..
to start with it dosnt fit with pegasus.
especially considering will was in charge of the team searching to find her. as rigil said he wouldnt have time for yes multi visits to the holo deck.

there are the two rikers, a ferengi on board during a top secret mission, the holodeck works more like the one on enterprise e,
and a boat load more stuff.

Re: TAS Canon?

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 2:04 pm
by Linda
Since 'canon' has been known to contradict itself, I don't much concern myself with it, really. I just read and write what inspires me, which is spotty in the Trek universe. There is so much in the Trek universe, though, that I will probably never run out of ideas for fics.

Re: TAS Canon?

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 2:15 pm
by enterprikayak
rigil said he wouldnt have time for yes multi visits to the holo deck

didn't they imply in voyager that they could look up how long Reg was spending with the holo-Voy crew? Imgine if Picard looked up what Will had been up to while they were frantically searching under Admirals' orders and it turns out his Number One is as addicted to phony holodeck ship's crews as his Lieutenant Barclay. :lol: Will would have some explaining to do...."well, I know, but I really felt like if I could chat with a holo-simulation of that engineer from three hundred years ago, it really might help this mission, and also, I was making a bisque for Deanna."

Re: TAS Canon?

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 5:07 pm
by CoffeeCat
Holodeck works like enterprise e, eh?

(more ideas are coming for my finale fix - Thnx, pookah!

Re: TAS Canon?

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 5:56 pm
by CX
Yeah, First Contact was the first time we ever saw that a holodeck could create the illusion of different clothing (though we never saw the transition). Before that, the crew would replicate the appropriate clothing and wear it down to the holodeck. A good example of this is in Generations when everyone comes to the bridge still dressed in the old British naval uniforms from Worf's promotion ceremony in the holodeck. We also never saw that again until These are the Voyages... because even in DS9 and VOY after that, they still had to wear real clothing into the holodeck.

Re: TAS Canon?

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 7:04 pm
by CoffeeCat
^Season seven of Voyager they could do the same on the holodeck- but I think it might've been because they had established communication with the Alpha Quadrant at that point.

Re: TAS Canon?

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 7:40 pm
by CX
Or maybe they just finally remembered they did it on First Contact.

Re: TAS Canon?

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 7:53 pm
by CoffeeCat
I keep on catching a lot of continuity errors in season 7.

Re: TAS Canon?

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 10:54 pm
by CX
That bit with the Borg baby takes all though. That was in the same episode. :lol:

Re: TAS Canon?

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 12:26 am
by CoffeeCat
CX wrote:That bit with the Borg baby takes all though. That was in the same episode. :lol:


Don't you just love it when you find them in the same episode.