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Re: The Secret of the Amethyst

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 2:07 am
by CoffeeCat
Oh - damn. And here I was thinking I should be a smart ass and write in Wesley.


I have a back story all plotted out for my dear Kalegra :-D (my little Xindi friend, mahahahaha)

Re: The Secret of the Amethyst

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 3:34 pm
by JadziaKathryn
Well, it almost sounds as if Kalegra isn't a villain. At least she didn't want Miral to be kidnapped. 'Tis a tangled thread you weave, CoffeeCat. Are you trying to deceive? ;)

Re: The Secret of the Amethyst

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 3:54 pm
by CoffeeCat
naa. After I wrote the first 3 scenes with her, I realized she was too screwy to be a convincing bad guy. So, I dropped a hint when she fumbled to switch her phaser to stun when she was going to shoot Paris.

The real bad guy is Flemming. He's a liar. And his sidekick is Porter.

Re: The Secret of the Amethyst

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 3:56 pm
by Rigil Kent
One of them is the evil Daniels, right? :lol:

Oh God ... I've made a 1000 posts here? :shock: No, wait. I'd have more if it wasn't for the server crash ... Good Lord...

Re: The Secret of the Amethyst

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 4:18 pm
by CoffeeCat
Don't worry. I fully intend to make a jackass out of Daniels :-D

Next scene coming up shortly... I'm aiming for an hour or two, actually...

I have some plans on some other characters I'm writing in next (it will all make sense, I promise)

Wesley Crusher, Worf, & Captain Picard (who will probably only have one or two scenes.)

Re: The Secret of the Amethyst

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 6:24 pm
by CoffeeCat

Re: The Secret of the Amethyst

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 12:31 am
by CoffeeCat
Recap of all the other stuff - Once I've finished part IV, I'll combine it all into one link on

Parts 1-3 (

Part IV, scene 1

Part IV, scene 2

Here's the next scene.

Part IV, Scene 3

Re: The Secret of the Amethyst

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 12:34 am
by JadziaKathryn
Oh boy. This is gonna get uglier before it gets better. Very good, though! I like that the ship style is retro, because it's a nice touch.

Re: The Secret of the Amethyst

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 12:46 am
by CoffeeCat
Oh just you wait :-D - The relationship between Paris and Riker might get even worse, it all depends on what the characters want to do - but in the first few parts I did show how Riker's mistrust of Paris began to grow and it's probably going to escalate. It just seemed so much in character writing them this way.

I thought Deanna loving all the colors was very much in character for her because I remember one of the old TNG episodes where Tasha Yar was rummaging through Deanna's closet because her wardrobe was so much more colorful than hers (and Deanna also used to wear the mini-skirt before the cat suit)

It's really tempting to tell everyone whats going to happen next cause I have the next five or six scenes outlined - but I better just write it

(Worf is going to get a great part in this :-D)

Re: The Secret of the Amethyst

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 5:49 pm
by CoffeeCat
Excerpt from next scene:

OK, my bad. This is *almost* as warped as the "Archer Eat's Crow" bit...

“Captain on the bridge.”

Will had to chuckle at Wesley’s formality as he quickly vacated his chair. “Mr. Crusher, Mr. Hale already knows I’m here.”

Malory Hale smiled at him from the tactical station, but her expression faded slightly when she saw the two visitors who had no appreciation for their surroundings.

Wesley approached them, squinting as he sized up Tom.

“Nick? Nick Locarno?”

Tom blinked. “Sorry, wrong guy.”

Wesley shifted uncomfortably. “Well. The resemblance is striking.”

Tom looked at him. “Nick’s my clone.”

Wesley’s jaw dropped and B’Elanna gave Tom the oddest look he had ever seen on her.

“I’ll explain later.”

Re: The Secret of the Amethyst

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 12:57 am
by Rigil Kent
Um ... I don't get it. Is it because I'm not up on VOY lore? Or something else that totally eludes me?

Re: The Secret of the Amethyst

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 1:01 am
by CoffeeCat
Actually it's more like TNG lore...

Nick Locarno; Tom Paris = same actor, same back-story, practically the same frelling character. Nick was the twit who almost got Wesley expelled from the academy.

TNG episode "First Duty"

So whenever there's a Voy/TNG crossover there's an unwritten rule that you gotta throw in a Nick Locarno joke. I was going to be more subtle and just say they were cousins but then I thought, well - if I can get away with that "crow" bit, then Nick's going to be a Frakking CLONE.

Re: The Secret of the Amethyst

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 1:14 am
by Rigil Kent
Why didn't they just use the same name?

And given my less than enthusiastic reaction to TNG, I guess I can be forgiven for not getting it, eh?

Re: The Secret of the Amethyst

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 1:18 am
by CoffeeCat
I've wondered that a lot myself. There have been a few excuses I've heard about it.

The two most popular reasons are, 1) Roddenberry considered the character of Nick Locarno to be "irredeemable" - which I think is a load of BS. and 2) they didn't want to pay royalties to the writer of "First Duty" every time the name "Nick Locarno" was used.

Re: The Secret of the Amethyst

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 1:23 am
by Rigil Kent
I think the royalties issue is more likely. Seems to me that Roddenberry would've had a cow over the DS9 and the entire Maquis plot...