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CX was right

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 1:54 am
by thecursor
It's official...there was an Orinion in Starfleet! Galia was also the NICEST Orinion we've seen so far which proves that not all of them are psycho sex monsters.

I'm rolling the dice and saying she got off the Farragut by the way.

Re: CX was right

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 3:23 pm
by evcake
And she had really cute underwear. :lol:

Re: CX was right

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 3:53 pm
by Distracted
Meh. Since Kirk knew very little about Orion slave girls in TOS, I'm assuming that the girl was human and the green skin color was a passing fad... like purple hair, piercings and tattoos. Young people will do almost anything seem sexier to others, and I'm sure the stories told by the crew of Archer's Enterprise about "sexy Orion women" were pretty wild. Or at least that's my take on it since trying to figure out how Nero's little time trip might have resulted in the alternative (not only in an Orion female being in Star Fleet, but in Star Fleet being OKAY with that after the fiasco with Archer's crew) is tying my brain up in macrame knots.

Re: CX was right

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 4:08 pm
by Alelou
Yeah, I could have done without that particular deviation myself.

Not to mention she had much lighter hair than most of our Orion chickies so far.

Re: CX was right

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 9:28 pm
by thecursor
Distracted wrote:Meh. and I'm sure the stories told by the crew of Archer's Enterprise about "sexy Orion women" were pretty wild. Or at least that's my take on it since trying to figure out how Nero's little time trip might have resulted in the alternative (not only in an Orion female being in Star Fleet, but in Star Fleet being OKAY with that after the fiasco with Archer's crew) is tying my brain up in macrame knots.

According to Memory Alpha, the writers have claimed that Galia was "sold to freedom" as a child or something and decided to join up with Starfleet.

This does not explain the pheromone problem (Although Kirk seemed rather smitten with her) or why she's decided to dye her hair that hideous color. As for Kirk's "lack of knowledge"...nothing from any series but Enterprise counts now, so that might have something to do with it.

If you're looking for how this could be caused by Nero, try this: Nero destroys the Kelvin. Prior to this change, the USS Kelvin winds up safe and sound and no extra precautions are taken. But now, Nero's attack causes a small panic. Is this the first attack in a war? Are we going to get invaded? Are the Romulans busting open a treaty? Starfleet answers the only way they know how and a galactic drag net occurs. Anything and anyone who might pose a threat to Federation authority is targeted. One of these groups obviously include the Orion Syndicate, who use slavery as their main source of income at this point in Galactic history (They have yet to branch out into organized crime like they did in DS9). Raids are made, wanted men are rounded up but what to do with all those slaves? Some are returned to their home space since many of them were just playing along like D'Nesh and her sisters but a few have decided to stay in Federation space because they want to try something other then belly dancing for tips. The pheromone thing is a tough one but obviously if you're a legitimate slave and not like the three Orions who boarded Enterprise, they probably remove that gland before processing. You're left with just a few physical charms and some sexy dance moves.

And thus the ripples cause a madding change to an already crazy universe.

Re: CX was right

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 9:40 pm
by Kevin Thomas Riley
Feh! The appearance of an Orion female as a Starfleet cadet in Abrams Trek is another sign that they screwed up with established continuity (this time from ENT). The "explanation" above by thecursor sounds much too contrived.

So I'll add this up with other problems not related to Nero's incursion (like that the crew is roughly the same age and went to the Academy together) that can make me say that this Abrams Trek has no relation to the real Trekverse, Old Spock and time travel notwithstanding.

But I'll admit that the green gal (played by Rachel Nichols) was nice to look at. :drool:

Re: CX was right

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 10:57 pm
by CX
I can't say I care for the make-up job; the Orions in ENT looked much better.

Re: CX was right

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 11:23 pm
by JadziaKathryn
I suppose if an Orion woman wanted to be in Starfleet, she might be able to take some pheromone suppressant or something. But frankly, I think that would fit much more in TNG era, especially with the ENT fiasco. So count me in as one who could've done without that. (And it's not as though it advanced the plot or anything.)

Re: CX was right

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 12:15 am
by Aquarius
Alelou wrote:Not to mention she had much lighter hair than most of our Orion chickies so far.

Well, considering I'm not exactly a natural redhead, that bit didn't bother me. :wink: