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Rigil's Reflections from a DS9 Newb...

Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 10:57 pm
by Rigil Kent
So, I acquired DS9 recently (thanks, Chrisis1033) and watched a couple of the season 1 eps (up to Captive Pursuit.)

Overall, I already like it much better than I ever liked TNG or VOY. The "uniforms" remain absolutely absurd-looking and I hate how everyone is running around in the silly unisex outfits without pockets while off-duty; I get they wearing trying to keep the design aesthetic, but I still think they look silly. One thing I do like is that the other Bajorans are wearing the same "uniform" that Kira is wearing (unlike the inane "uniform" that T'Pol wore ... and no other Vulcan wore.)

Some of the acting in the pilot was really wooden and bad, especially Jennifer Sisko. The effects still look pretty damned good, despite the time that has passed. I especially liked that effect in the teaser of the pilot when Sisko is sitting in the escape pod/lifeboat/whatever it was and they eject from the dying ship. So far, none of the episodes have been particularly memorable, but they also haven't been bad enough to make me stop caring (cough*A Night in Sickbay cough The Seventh cough).

I've also been impressed that there hasn't been (so far) an establishment of a "ship's babe" (as the retards promptly did with T'Pol as far back as Broken Bow.) Dunno if that changes, but I sure as hell hope not.

Some thoughts on the characters:
  • Sisko. In only five episodes (six, I guess, if you count the pilot as two), he already has more gravitas and command ability than I saw in the entire four years of Archer on Enterprise. Avery Brooks comes across as a little wooden sometimes, but he does a much, much much better job at Anger than Bakula ever did. I can actually buy someone being intimidated by him.
  • O'Brien. Woot. An NCO portrayed in a very positive light! I really like him so far. He's smart and clearly the only reason that station is even operating. For some reason, he reminds me of Trip. I guess it's the more "Everyman" vibe coming from him.
  • Bashir. The wide-eyed FNG of the show. He's very ... eager, but, for some reason, I find myself liking him. I also noticed that he isn't listed as Alexander Siddig in the credits, which is how I've always known him.
  • Dax. Aside from the fact that Terry Farrell is hot, even with the spots (or maybe 'cause of the spots), I rather like her interactions with both Sisko and Bashir.
  • Kira. For the most part, I like her even though she seems like a walking talking cliche right now ... I like elements of her character (the fact that she's an ex-freedom fighter and, thus, by default, an ex-terrorist) but she's a little over-the-top right now. Does she get better?
  • Odo. I'm sorry, but I'm already sick of him. Maybe he gets better as the series goes on, but right now, he seems like the standard "Vulcan" of the show. The whole conservation of mass thing seems to go right out the window in regards to him ... when he turns into a rat, he should still be as heavy as he was before. That mass can't just go away...
  • Quark. I hate him. So far, I've seen him serve no purpose whatsoever on the show, and, given how much how I loath the Ferengi in the first place, it's no surprise that I don't like Quark. Does he get better?
More as I watch the show.

Re: Reflections from a DS9 Newb...

Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 3:03 am
by JadziaKathryn
I've not seen a ton of DS9 because it's not on all that often and I lack money to buy DVDs. (Grad school is even more expensive. Rolling Eyes) However, I do think Quark gets better and really develops well as a character. He's not my favorite character but I think he works well. One thing I particularly like is that the Ferengi show that not all non-Federation (or, in the case of Bajor, Federation-wanna be) races are totally evil. I also really like Rom.

And I've never been a huge fan of Avery Brooks' acting. He does intimidating and angry well, yes. Otherwise I've never felt that he was particularly good.

What's an FNG? Or does it stand for something I don't want to know?

Re: Reflections from a DS9 Newb...

Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 3:08 am
by Rigil Kent
JadziaKathryn wrote:What's an FNG? Or does it stand for something I don't want to know?

Heh. KTR asked about that over at WWBJ. I forget that some of you aren't as proficient with the jargon ... "FNG" is an acronym and stands for F**king New Guy. It's a military expression for the ... well ... the "new guy" to a unit. I called Bashir the FNG 'cause all of the other principals (Sisko, Nerys, Odo, O'Brian, and Dax) have clearly seen action previously...

Re: Reflections from a DS9 Newb...

Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 3:09 am
by TPoptarts
JadziaKathryn wrote:And I've never been a huge fan of Avery Brooks' acting. He does intimidating and angry well, yes. Otherwise I've never felt that he was particularly good.

Yeah I think he's like totally over-acting most of the time Confused

Re: Reflections from a DS9 Newb...

Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 3:11 am
by Rigil Kent
Well, simply based on what I've seen thus far, I already like him better than Archer. Confused

Re: Reflections from a DS9 Newb...

Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 3:13 am
by evcake
Sisko maintains his gravitas. I think he'd have my vote for best "captain" ovarall. The Ferengi get better - you'll sure hear a lot about the Rules of Aquisition. Wait til you meet Quark's mother. She's a hoot.

Re: Reflections from a DS9 Newb...

Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 3:29 am
by JadziaKathryn
What is it with military people and swearing?

Anyway, Bashir has to have some, albeit limited, experience. After all, he is a Lt. jg. Since graduates from Starfleet Academy are ensigns, it stands to reason that Bashir had some post-Academy experience. However, he was excited about "frontier" medicine, (way to endear himself to the Bajorans, right?) so he likely was posted on Jupiter Station or someplace routine and dull like that.

Re: Reflections from a DS9 Newb...

Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 3:34 am
by Rigil Kent
JadziaKathryn wrote:What is it with military people and swearing?

Heh. If you think that's bad, you should definitely avoid an actual Army base, particularly if its an infantry installation like Fort Benning, GA. I swear, every third word we used was f**king. I knew guys who used it instead of "uh" when pausing.

Anyway, Bashir has to have some, albeit limited, experience. After all, he is a Lt. jg. Since graduates from Starfleet Academy are ensigns, it stands to reason that Bashir had some post-Academy experience. However, he was excited about "frontier" medicine, (way to endear himself to the Bajorans, right?) so he likely was posted on Jupiter Station or someplace routine and dull like that.

Right. Which still tracks with my "limited experience" (hence FNG) status. I'd go so far as to say that, if Starfleet was anything like the actual military (which it obviously isn't), then all he had to do to get promoted past O-1 (Ensign) is to stay out of trouble and don't screw up for a year or two after graduation.

Re: Reflections from a DS9 Newb...

Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 6:30 am
by Elessar
Rigil Kent wrote:So, I acquired DS9 recently (thanks, Chrisis1033) and watched a couple of the season 1 eps (up to Captive Pursuit.)

Overall, I already like it much better than I ever liked TNG or VOY. The "uniforms" remain absolutely absurd-looking and I hate how everyone is running around in the silly unisex outfits without pockets while off-duty; I get they wearing trying to keep the design aesthetic, but I still think they look silly. One thing I do like is that the other Bajorans are wearing the same "uniform" that Kira is wearing (unlike the inane "uniform" that T'Pol wore ... and no other Vulcan wore.)

Some of the acting in the pilot was really wooden and bad, especially Jennifer Sisko. The effects still look pretty damned good, despite the time that has passed. I especially liked that effect in the teaser of the pilot when Sisko is sitting in the escape pod/lifeboat/whatever it was and they eject from the dying ship. So far, none of the episodes have been particularly memorable, but they also haven't been bad enough to make me stop caring (cough*A Night in Sickbay cough The Seventh cough).

I've also been impressed that there hasn't been (so far) an establishment of a "ship's babe" (as the retards promptly did with T'Pol as far back as Broken Bow.) Dunno if that changes, but I sure as hell hope not.

Some thoughts on the characters:
  • Sisko. In only five episodes (six, I guess, if you count the pilot as two), he already has more gravitas and command ability than I saw in the entire four years of Archer on Enterprise. Avery Brooks comes across as a little wooden sometimes, but he does a much, much much better job at Anger than Bakula ever did. I can actually buy someone being intimidated by him.
  • O'Brien. Woot. An NCO portrayed in a very positive light! I really like him so far. He's smart and clearly the only reason that station is even operating. For some reason, he reminds me of Trip. I guess it's the more "Everyman" vibe coming from him.
  • Bashir. The wide-eyed FNG of the show. He's very ... eager, but, for some reason, I find myself liking him. I also noticed that he isn't listed as Alexander Siddig in the credits, which is how I've always known him.
  • Dax. Aside from the fact that Terry Farrell is hot, even with the spots (or maybe 'cause of the spots), I rather like her interactions with both Sisko and Bashir.
  • Kira. For the most part, I like her even though she seems like a walking talking cliche right now ... I like elements of her character (the fact that she's an ex-freedom fighter and, thus, by default, an ex-terrorist) but she's a little over-the-top right now. Does she get better?
  • Odo. I'm sorry, but I'm already sick of him. Maybe he gets better as the series goes on, but right now, he seems like the standard "Vulcan" of the show. The whole conservation of mass thing seems to go right out the window in regards to him ... when he turns into a rat, he should still be as heavy as he was before. That mass can't just go away...
  • Quark. I hate him. So far, I've seen him serve no purpose whatsoever on the show, and, given how much how I loath the Ferengi in the first place, it's no surprise that I don't like Quark. Does he get better?
More as I watch the show.

For awhile, Alexander Siddig was still known as Siddig Al Fadil, before he changed his name.

I agree with most of your evaluations so far. The only things I can tell you is that, I don't remember what Odo is like early on, but since he's not branded with actually BEING Vulcan, I guess that's why he seemed to get better. Writers felt like they weren't locked down by that. Either he gets less-Vulcany or I just never thought he was all that Vulcany to begin with, I'm not sure. But he's certainly far from emotionless, he just relies on logic and reasoning and all that because he's an investigator, not because he's being characterized like a Vulcan. I think it makes sense, personally, because he serves a purpose on the show, and his whole 'logical, rational' side makes sense as the personality of a strict investigator. I wouldn't get too bent out of shape about the conservation of mass thing... as will be discussed later, I think you just have to accept that his race is something nobody knows anything about, and that they aren't just a minor biological anomaly, but rather a fundamentally never-before-seen kind of creature. So, I would treat the conservation-of-mass issue as just something that is part of what makes his race so unusual and incredible. I mean, it's not like it's completely outside of the realm of imagination. Just suppose that he's capable of fusing and fissioning matter internally and that his body absorbs the radiation and his mean body temperature just goes up as he does that Very Happy . That would explain it Wink

Bashir, I love, and the great thing is, he gets even better through his interactions. He might be the most interesting core character of the whole show... there are one or two characters I think are more interesting but they're not core characters, so they aren't bound by the same necessity for mainstream appeal... and that's Garek and Gul Dukat. Bashir gets even better because, without giving anything away, one of his friendships, IMO, rivals the dynamic between Kirk/Spock/McCoy, and IF it's inferior, is only inferior because it's just him and one other person that I'm referring to, meaning it's 2 to 3 on comparing the friendship dynamics. He's definitely an FNG - I'm not sure if this is explicitly explained, but I'm pretty sure that the intention is that he went through Starfleet Academy, went to Starfleet Medical, and then graduated and his first assignment was DS9. The order may be debatable, maybe they attend medical school in tandem with the Academy, but that would be doubtful. It's probably the same relationship between college-med school for modern day doctors.

Sisko, eh. Not my favorite captain. I find his yelling and anger actually to be exactly what you said about the first episode, kind of wooden. He's very physically intimidating on screen and his presence, his movements, they're all very "Commander'ish". I think it's probably just a product of his being a better actor than SB because he knows how to pull of a commanding presence better, no pun intended. But his yelling and anger sometimes just feels fake to me. I'd have to go back and watch it again to really remember why.

Dax is an interesting character because she's a hottie, but the REAL character is this 300 year old worm inside her, so she's got all these sides to her and personality traits that wouldn't seem to fit the stereotypical trim little hottie. If you hate the staple-babe, there's a certain character later you're going to hate, but I really, honestly, think she's MEANT to be annoying.

Quark was actually one of my favorite characters, but I don't remember what he's like in the beginning so maybe he changes a little. The thing is I hate almost every Ferengi episode that was made for DS9. I just can't watch it, their voices, their makeup, everything is fucking annoying to me. I think it's Quark's interactions with the regular crew that I liked, and how he runs his bar to be pretty amusing. The whole bar scene is a neat deal because it's not really like anything else you see on a regular basis in any other Trek. Another aspect of him I have to admire is that he changes in terms of like, the snivveling little rodent he is (as a Ferengi) but NOT too much. Like, in my opinion, they find that very very delicate line for him to get "a little" more of a better person by being around all these humans and their ideals rubbing off and him and stuff, but it's really very marginal, they never break the rule of changing his fundamental nature. I mean with Vulcans no matter how much they are around humans, there's kind of a fundamental rule that their very biology is the reason they are the way they are and therefore it's like an excommunicable offense to write a story where they change in that nature because of environmental influences. I think Ferengi are largely the same way, they're ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS greedy and profit-driven, at least, as long as that's the way they were raised. Rom is going to be an exception, but I think an acceptable exception. But what I like is that Quark changes some.... but not too much. You never really know if they can trust him, and a lot of times they can't, even years into the show when he seems to have become a little more trustworthy. And yes, the initial rationalization for Sisko to keep him on the station was kind of deus ex machina. Kind of like "Ok... apparently he's just meant to be on the show... because otherwise ASKING a Ferengi to stay to be the community leader is probably pretty stupid."

Kira is a little stereotypical but she's earnest and passionate, I guess those are her strengths. IMO, she is really at her best in seasons 6 and 7 when the character starts to grow out of her infantile hatred thing and, so therefore in a way, the cliche-ness of her starts to wear off and in a compelling way, where the character's trying to evolve.

O'Brien's great, and gets a lot better through his interactions with the other crew as well. I really like the whole idea of O'Brien-Keiko-Molly family being created, growing, and evolving over like 15 years of Star Trek. In perspective of the entire franchise it's a footnote, but it's the only representation of a run-at-the-mill family type of thing being part of these "fast-paced, balls-to-the-wall" adventures that go on on star trek on a daily basis. The involvement of his family is just a nice cold splash of dull reality to any episode that it comes up in. And there's a great O'Brien-Kira-Keiko storyline that comes up way later that I very much enjoyed.

Re: Reflections from a DS9 Newb...

Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 12:41 pm
by justTripn
Yes, Rigil. You pretty much have everyone nailed. Sisko always struck me as wooden with ONE exception. In his interactions with his son Jake. He totally melts around Jake, and the family interactions are realistic, not idealized. Jake's primarly social circle is freinds his own age, particularly Nog. He has a girlfriend at like 16 or 17 and his Dad is always looking at his son with an attitude like, "I can't believe time flew by so fast and you're this big." They really got all the Jake/Benjamin Sisko inteactions just right. Jake is no Wesley Crusher. And Benjamin Sisko is no Beverly.

Julian Bashir is the FNG, if that is the term. I LOVED that. All eager to be on the frontier and everyone else jaded and annoyed by that attidude. I remember a really awkard moment EXACTLY like the one introducing Bashir on DS9. I was in Thailand in a refuggee camp and a new head nurse arrived his first day, walking into the lounge, and made almost exactly the same announcement as Bashir "I've wanted to do something like this my whole life!" And everyone looked up and looked away and left him hanging. I always associate the fictional character with that guy.

I hate Ferengi episodes. They turn everything into a cartoon. And yet I DO like Quark.

The most remarkable thing about DS9 is there aren't any characters that I'd really want as my friend if I met them in real life, aside from maybe Bashir or Keiko, but I LOVE watching the ensemble. For instance, I don't particularly like Kira (too prickley and selfrightous), or Garak (too guarded), or Dukat (evil), or Dax (a know-it-all, who's amused by everyone) but I love their characters; how they interact makes for great stories.

Re: Reflections from a DS9 Newb...

Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 1:54 pm
by Linda
Good boy, Rigil, for taking to DS9! Please continue to give us updates on how you like the series as you move through it. It does a lot with the Ferengi. You may find that interesting, especially Qarak's brother Rom and Rom's son Nog. How do you like Garak, or have you not seen much of him yet? He is one of my favorite ST characters, along with Soval. Tell me what you think of the episode "In the Pale Moonlight" when you get to it. I think it is in the fifth season or sixth season though. It is my most favorite ST episode ever. In later seasons you will see a sinister Section 31. I think you will like that too.

Re: Reflections from a DS9 Newb...

Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 2:29 pm
by Jedikatie
It's been awhile since I've watched these on a regular basis (since Spike TV shows them, I think, in the early morning now and I'm usually at work), but DS9 and ENT are probably my two favorite series out of the whole group.

Odo does mellow out some over the series, he isn't always as anal retentive as he is at the beginning. I think part of his problem at the beginning is that he (and Kira) both view Starfleet's presence as being temporary and that at the first sign of trouble, they'll take off, but he and Kira will still be there to try and deal with it. So he doesn't have a lot of faith in Sisko and company to start out with.

Siddig El Fadil was Alexander Siddig's original name, I believe he changed it about a year or two into the series (it will be changed in the credits at some point when he does do that. I liked Bashir on the show, but I liked him more for his interactions with Garak than anything else. Though his friendship with O'Brien was refreshing too. He's got a bit more going on with him than you know about right now, which I won't spoil for you.

Garak is probably my favorite overall character on the show, and he wasn't even a regular. Smile He's got quite a journey ahead of him as well.

Re: Reflections from a DS9 Newb...

Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 3:03 pm
by boushh
DS9, IMHO is the best written series. It gets better as it goes. It isn't perfect by any means, but when it's strong, it's really strong.

Sisko is one of my two favorite characters. Brooks's acting can be overly enunciated at times, but just sort of became how Sisko was to me. And I can make fun of the delivery at times so it entertains me. Wink

Bashir is my favorite, I think. He did go from being enthusiastic and a bit wide eyed at being out on "the frontier", but he changes so much throughout the series. I love his relationships with the other members of the crew as well.

Jake is another favorite. I never found him annoying as I did with Wesley at times. I'm not a Wesley hater either though. There was something about Jake that I found believable though, and I loved his friendship with Nog, who was also a very good character in the long run.

The total Ferengi episodes got on my nerves though... especially as the series wore on. I think it's part of the reason why I never enjoyed the romp that "Acquisition" was when it first aired. I groaned when I saw the Ferengi.

Odo is a good character, but he changes too... I think he started off more gruff and sort of settled into an appropriate level of gruffness and sarcasm if that makes any sense.

There were a lot of romantic relationships on this show as well, but the two biggest ones I never really cared for.

I actually want to re-watch this series myself. Maybe when I get done with re-watching ENT I'll get a hold of all of DS9 and start that one. I already have a couple of the seasons, and my brother has netflix now...

Re: Reflections from a DS9 Newb...

Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 5:38 pm
by Reanok
Ds9 and Ent and Tos are my favorite Trek series. Deep space 9 has some of the best writting and acting it just keeps getting better . I like the characters and the stories. They were so diferent from TNG I liked the shades of grey and that all of them changed in ways you never expected them to.

Re: Reflections from a DS9 Newb...

Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 8:08 pm
by Elessar
One thing I DO like about Sisko, is that it is kind of inferred that his job before he got to the level where your "job" was irrelevant you're a Command officer, was an engineer. Because later they talk about how he helped design the Defiant, so he's actually an engineer, or was, before he became a command level officer and that 'job' thing became 'command'.

I wouldn't say that's the only thing I liked. I liked him a lot, most of his scenes were great. Far Beyond the Stars is about the best Trek out there in regards to pure sci fi and thinking "way out there". And yes, his interactions with Jake were believable on a very fatherly level.