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Original Trek Lyrics!

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 10:58 pm
by enterprikayak
I got a Star Trek sheet music book recently and there are LYRICS to the original song! I never knew this. Here they are. As written by Gene Roddenberry himself. They are hilariously perfect.

Beyond the rim of the starlight,
My love is wand'ring in starflight.
I know he'll find in star-clustered reaches, love,
Strange love a star-woman teaches.

I know his journey ends never;
His star trek will go on forever.
But tell him while he wanders his starry sea,
Remember, remember me.

"...his star trek will go on forever..." (how little Gene knew it would)

But my favourite is "he'll find in starclustered reaches strange love a starwoman teaches..."

*That's* why Kirk was such a ladies''s in the song! There was no avoiding it!

Re: Original Trek Lyrics!

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 11:12 pm
by evcake
Strange love a starwoman teaches...there's a fic with that name. About Archer meeting Esilia. Now, where was it I saw that?

Re: Original Trek Lyrics!

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 11:40 pm
by HopefulRomantic
Here it is.

Strange Love a Star Woman Teaches by bluedana

I love bluedana's writing. Really first-rate.

Yeah, we old-time Trekkers know about those lyrics. :lol: Aren't they fab? The first behind-the-scenes book about TOS, The Making of Star Trek, had them.

Re: Original Trek Lyrics!

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 2:07 am
by Reanok
Nice story I really thought it was a good e-2 story.

Re: Original Trek Lyrics!

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 4:15 am
by JadziaKathryn
Oh, I remember that very good story. It made me cry.

Didn't know about the lyrics, but it does explain Kirk's philandering ways.

Re: Original Trek Lyrics!

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 2:15 pm
by Linda
I will have to read that story now! Wow, another good author to spend time with on a cold wind howling snowy evening!

Re: Original Trek Lyrics!

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 8:24 pm
by Asso
I never have heard this writer previously.
Now I absolutely must read the stories of this author.

Re: Original Trek Lyrics!

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 8:42 pm
by evcake
It's a nice long story, too. :)

Re: Original Trek Lyrics!

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 3:55 pm
by Alelou
I was just reccing Bluedana under 'fanfic recs'! And when she saw me say that the only thing I don't love about 'Strange Love a Starwoman Teaches' is the title, she told me it came from those lyrics, which she says Gene Roddenberry wrote solely so he could have half the royalties from the Alexander Courage theme.

I should have remembered that poem. I mean, I DID read "The Making of Star Trek" in the original paperback in high school. I still remember grinning helplessly as I walked through the mall because I'd found it in the discount bookstore. My favorite thing in there was the long list of possible Spock names they'd come up with.

Re: Original Trek Lyrics!

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 4:04 pm
by Asso
Alelou wrote: My favorite thing in there was the long list of possible Spock names they'd come up with.

For example?

Re: Original Trek Lyrics!

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 4:31 pm
by Alelou
We're talking over 30 years ago here, Asso! I've been through at least three separate Star Trek obsessive eras and I usually dump everything I've accumulated in between, so I don't have that book anymore. Just imagine every possible permutation of one-syllable names beginning in S and ending in K (and maybe a few other consonants like 'n' -- I can't remember but I bet someone else here does).

Re: Original Trek Lyrics!

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 5:10 pm
by Asso
I will try. :D

Re: Original Trek Lyrics!

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 7:28 pm
by Kevin Thomas Riley
It wasn't possible Spock names, but suggestions for Vulcan proper names (which TPTB obviously didn't adhere to as the show went on). Anyway, producer Bob Justman wrote Gene Roddenberry a memo on May 3, 1966, listing these suggestions:

Spook, Spenk, Spurk, Spakk
Spuck, Sponk, Spawk, Spekk
Spack, Spilk, Spauk, Spikk
Speek, Spalk, Speuk, Spokk
Spouk, Spelk, Spuik, Spukk
Spaak, Spolk, Spouk, Spark
Spilk, Spulk, Splak, Sperk
Spiak, Sprik, Splek, Spirk
Spunk, Spark, Splik, Spork
Spank, Spork, Splok, Spurk
Spink, Sperk, Splik, Spxyx

Yeah, I have the book "The Making of Stark Trek" by Stephen E. Whitfield and Gene Roddenberry handy.

Re: Original Trek Lyrics!

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 7:52 pm
by Asso
Oh my! :lol:

Re: Original Trek Lyrics!

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 9:07 pm
by Alelou
:lol: Yep, it's still funny. I always assumed Justman was joking. Imagine trying to watch a show with an unsmiling Vulcan named SPLIK in it.

I was supposed to be writing a rah-rah telephone script for Visa Friday and I put Christopher Moltisanti from the Sopranos in it. Which was just for my boss, because we had both had more than enough of Visa that week.

Sometimes even writers just have to blow off a little steam. Sigh. Now I have to really write that thing tomorrow.