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Re: Help With Travis

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 1:30 am
by dialee

I'm kinda late to this discussion. But if you find Travis this dull, why not just treat is as an asset then? While reading throught this whole discussion, something kept coming to mind. During this last presidential campaign, President Obama got the nick name No Drama Obama, meaning a well-disciplined staff who could control the news spin cycle fairly well but mostly a candidate who is calm, cool, collected.

Look at Travis' interaction with the aliens in the episode Vox Sola where everybody was wringing their hands trying to figure out what they did to offend the alien guests at the beginning. When he found them, Travis quickly got to the point and found out the answers to their questions/problems. This is a young officer who will one day make a fine captain.

Re: Help With Travis

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 1:48 am
by WarpGirl
You're on to something! Hmm maybe this I can work with. THANK YOU! :D There is hope.

Re: Help With Travis

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 4:03 am
by panyasan
dialee wrote:Hi,

I'm kinda late to this discussion. But if you find Travis this dull, why not just treat is as an asset then? While reading throught this whole discussion, something kept coming to mind. During this last presidential campaign, President Obama got the nick name No Drama Obama, meaning a well-disciplined staff who could control the news spin cycle fairly well but mostly a candidate who is calm, cool, collected.

Look at Travis' interaction with the aliens in the episode Vox Sola where everybody was wringing their hands trying to figure out what they did to offend the alien guests at the beginning. When he found them, Travis quickly got to the point and found out the answers to their questions/problems. This is a young officer who will one day make a fine captain.

This is a great way to look at Travis.

Re: Help With Travis

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 9:47 pm
by Lady Rainbow
I wrote a trilogy about Travis, and expanded on his Boomer background and his connections. I think he had a lot of potential at the beginning of the series, considering Enterprise was supposedly the first Warp 5 ship (new places, new people), but the writers pretty much forgot about him.

And yeah, there isn't a lot of concrete info on him. Which means you can write all sorts of details about him. The series writers made him bland and boring, which is a shame.

Re: Help With Travis

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 10:16 pm
by justTripn
Travis "facts": Well, for my E-squared story, I didn't use him much, but I did pick up on Escriba's point that he is the most experienced in surviving in space. He would be the only businessman on Enterprise, I think. His family were traders, so I had him in charge of trading and business aspects of Enterprise in the Expanse. Turning Enterprise into an enterprise. He is the capitalist.

I also made use of the fact that he enjoys telling ghost stories.

In the E-squared universe he married Fiona Somebody (look it up on Memory Alpha) but she is a beautiful long blond-haired white woman. Gannet was also, if not white, not really black. Why do I bother to mention this? Benjamin Sisko was actually very Afro-centric in that even the aliens he dated were black, lol . . . (which always annoyed me). He very aware and prickly about African-American history: His alter ego Benny was driven crazy over racism (or maybe Benny reacting sanely to his crazy circumstances.) Once Sisko got all prickly about participating in a holodeck program he thought was ahistorical, ignoring the past opression of blacks until his wife said in effect "Stop being a stinker and come out and have some fun!" LOL . . . Why do I remember that one so clearly? lol . . . :roll:

What's this have to do with Travis? Well, he wasn't hypersensitive about race I don't think.

Oh and Travis likes extreme sports!

There you go. I found 3 new facts about Travis.

ALSO: He is very young and fresh so you can do anything you want with him. Experience will change a person. Write almost anything you want. It will be plausible. This was especially useful for the E-squared universe where he has had a long time to mature.

Re: Help With Travis

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 10:24 pm
by justTripn
Travis is No Drama Obama! Ha, that's a great idea. :)

Re: Help With Travis

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 10:28 pm
by WarpGirl
Thank you. I'm thinking he might take up that offer he got in Demons about the promotion. It would help with Gannet and the cloak and dagger stuff.